Title: Currently Untitled

Author: ineedutoomuch

Cover 9/10: The cover is abstract. It challenges the mind and rhymes with the suspense that your description gives the readers. The wings on the cover also depict the entities in the story. It can be said to be appealing.

Title 1/10: Presently, since the book is currently untitled, nobody is motivated to read it. There are three things that can make readers choose a book: the title, the cover, and the description. The lack of title here can discourage a lot of people from reading your work.

Blurb 8/10: The description is good and creates suspense. However, for someone who isn't into the genre, it needs a little bit more to reel the person in.

Creativity 10/10: There are many myths about heaven and hell, and I specifically liked how you made your characters blend into this particular mythology without altering your work.

Plot and Flow 14/20: Your chapters are short, and it took a lot of concentration and reading around eight to ten chapters to grasp the plot. However, after getting the storyline, I realized how engaging it is. The flow of events is steady. Not too slow, not too fast.

Character development 6/10: I liked how your characters gradually came to be as each event helped steady the flow of the book. However, in the beginning, it was hard to understand who was who and what their roles were in the plot.

Writing style, grammar, spelling, etc. 9/10: Apart from a few grammatical errors at the beginning of the book, the spelling and grammar are okay. The third-person point of view also gives the reader a better perspective on both sides of the story.

Genre relevance 10/10: It is clearly a mythological and paranormal book.

Overall 67/90: Though you don't have a title, your chapters are really short, and there was a bit of a problem in understanding your storyline at the beginning, I can't deny that this book is really good. You're a very good writer. It's usually hard to write this kind of book without the characters becoming detached from their supposed roles, but you managed to pull that off. Congratulations.

Friendly tips from one writer to another: Keep on writing what you love. As a writer, in genres like this, there WILL be a conflict of interests and people won't agree with your work, but shut them out and continue. There are still some people who will APPRECIATE your work of art. 
