Reviewed by: ineedutoomuch

Cover: 10/10
The cover is really pretty and I love how it represents the minds of your main characters. I personally interpret it as the loneliness of the minds being blown away. :)

Title: 4/10
While the title makes sense with the plot, it lacks creativity and is cliché.

Blurb: 10/10
The title is interesting and really draws me in.

Creativity: 9/10
While your story doesn't seem so creative at first, it's a touching story once read. The creative way you weave words together really illustrates that.

Plot and Flow: 7/20
The plot of your story isn't too interesting to me. The flow is okay, but it moves slowly, making it really boring. There isn't anything going on, and it feels full of conversations that don't advance the plot–which is understandable since your story seems to be more character-based. What I do like about your story, however, is that you show a new perspective of being in the army and how it traumatizes people and humanizes soldiers. I loved that!

Character Development: 10/10
I LOVED EVERYTHING ABOUT YOUR CHARACTERS!! They were extremely well-developed and dynamic, and the way you depict mental health... chef's kiss! The characters are so interesting and the way you write them makes them feel very real.

Writing style, Grammar, spellings, etc.: 9/10
I really liked your writing. It made everything feel super wholesome but deep at the same time. You're clearly an amazing writer, with only a few grammatical mistakes.

Overall: 59/80
Your story is really well-written and touching. The way you depict mental health is so well done. You don't make the mental illness a character's entire personality, and you give them flaws and strengths and everything in between! I would 10000/10 read this just for the characters! Also, I love the aesthetics!

Tips – These are just friendly suggestions from one writer to another ~
Keep writing and don't let anything discourage you from doing what you love! Also, reading a psychology book (if you haven't done that already) might help you out with the more research-y part of the story.
