Chapter 8

Heyy I'm back! Sorry its taken so long, life has been nothing but rehearsals and shows for the past few weeks but we have finished for Christmas now so its all good!!

I hope you're having a lovely December, whether you celebrate Christmas to not! :)


Scotts POV

Bright lights. So bright. White walls. At least I can finally see. After, well, I don't even know how long, I at eventually open my eyes to find that I am alone. In a hospital bed. 


As I go to press the button by my bed to call for a nurse, the door opens slowly. Mitch. He's here. He looks like he hasn't slept in days, weeks even. Kirstie, Avi and Kevin follow. Mitch notices that I'm awake and practically leaps on me. 

'SCOTT! YOU'RE  AWAKE!' he yelled with excitement 'SOMEONE TELL A NURSE!' he shouts. Kirstie comes over, a little calmer than Mitch, looking more relieved that anything. 'Scott I can't believe you're okay! I've missed you like CRAZY' she sighs and hugs me. She kisses my forehead and walks back to give Avi and Kevin some space to come through, and in true Meat and Potatoes fashion, I recieve a handshake and a bro hug from each of them. 

'But wait...why am I even here?'

'You don't remember?' Avi asks, concerned. 

'Not a clue' I chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

'You were in a car accident' Mitch began, sitting on the edge of my bed and looking at his feet. 'You were badly injured and in a coma. We thought you had brain damage.' Tears fill his eyes as he looks at me.

'H-how long have I b-been in a c-c-coma for?' I manage to stutter, shaking, still shocked at the news.

'Four weeks.' Kevin says quietly. 

Just as I'm taking it all in, a nurse arrives. 'Ah, Scott! You're  awake!' she says cheerily.

Mitchs POV

How are you supposed to do that. How are you supposed to explain to your best friend that he has been seriously injured in a car crash, he may or may not have brain damage, and he has just lost 4 weeks of his life in a coma. 

He took it well, I have to say. I can't imagine what I would have done in his situation. 

I've missed him. I've missed him like crazy. While he was 'gone', for want of better words, I did some thinking. Well, I did a lot of thinking. I thought about his charming smile. I thought about his deep blue eyes, and his perfect blonde hair. I thought about the time we spent together. How I would ever live without him. I came to the conclusion that I couldn't. It wouldn't be possible. And yeah, everyone says they can't live without their best friend, but this isn't like that. I think...I think I'm in love with Scott.

Holy crap. I'm in love with Scott. 



I'm really lacking in ideas and motivation so if you guys could either leave comments suggesting what you'd like to see, or even just letting me know you're still interested would be a GREAT boost!

Thank you my lovelies! <3
