Chapter 3

Scotts POV

It has been two weeks since we found out that we were dropped. The group met up last week and we decided that we wanted to try and make this work,  record deal or not. We agreed that we would all get part time jobs for now and spend the rest of our time arranging covers and posting them on YouTube then see how we go from there. I was glad we were trying again. The last thing I wanted right now was to have to go back to Arlington.

That would mean I wouldn't be able to live with Mitch. Mitch, why does everything come back to Mitch?! Because I can't get him off my mind thats why. I feel like a lovesick teenager only I've been stuck in the friend zone for 12 years. And I can't seem to move on.

One thing I am glad about is that he is starting to get back to normal now. He is no longer spending all day shut away in his room or going for a drive just to be alone. And he is smiling more too. That smile that sends me weak in the knees. The smile that I just can't get enough of. I love to see Mitch happy. I would do anything in this world to make him happy. I just wish there was more I could do to make ME happy. Each time I look at him I feel so many different emotions all at once, i didn't even know it was possible. Mostly love. But then a little bit of sadness because i know he will never feel the same way, fear incase he finds out and for some reason regret. I guess I just wish i didn't feel this way and i regret falling in love with him in the first place, but I couldn't help it. Its called 'falling' in love for a reason. You don't jump into it, you don't choose it, but before you know where you are you can't help but mope around wishing you could be the one for him. 

Mitch strangely enough doesn't really seem to be the boyfriend type, at least not anymore. Not in the way that he likes girls, THAT would never happen, but he just seems to like being alone. He busies himself with his studies and music and never mentions that he wants a boyfriend or feels lonely. I think its because of Travis. Travis ruined him and hurt him in a way you could never imagine, both physically and emotionally. I will never forget the night he came home in tears, limping with a black eye. I have never been so angry in my life and I wanted to kill Travis right in that moment, but Mitch needed me to help him and comfort him. So that's exactly what I did. Then he went to bed and we never spoke of Travis or that night again. He has never spoken about boys since then either. If ever i went on a date, ironically to try and get over him, he would ask me who he was, where i was going, did i have fun, but he never really cared for details like he used to. Details often meaning 'does he have a cute brother/friend?'.

As I'm stuck in my thoughts Mitch comes home from a day of shopping with a few bags in one hand and a Starbucks cup in the other. Yep, he's back to normal. 

'Hey' he says and smiles as he walks through the door. 'whatcha doin?' He comes and sits next to me.

'Just thinking. Did you have fun shopping?' 

'Don't do too much of that Squirt, you'll hurt yourself. And yeah it was great. I love a bit of much-needed retail therapy.' 

He set his bag down on the floor and flicked on the TV, he surfed through the channels until he found Spongebob and made himself comfortable on the other end of the couch. His dimples were showing as he smiled and giggled at his favourite TV show. I didn't realise I was staring until he turned around.

'You alright there starfish? You kinda zoned out there'

'What? Oh, yeah I'm fine, haha' I could feel that i was blushing furiously. I need an excuse to leave before I make it worse.

'Im going to take a shower Madeline' I said as I got up from the sofa.

'Okidoki Captain, see you later' 

As I got into the bathroom I could feel that my blush had subsided a little. Living with Mitch is turning out to be more challenging than I thought. But I wouldn't change it for the world.


Yay so something ACTUALLY happened in this one! This is my 3rd update today because i wanted to get the story properly started quite quickly and i have had nothing to do all day so I thought why not :) Comment/Inbox me your thoughts, what you liked, what I can make better and what you would like to happen next! All suggestions are welcome! Thank you so much for reading!

Have a lovely day!x
