Chapter 2

Scotts POV

I can't even explain what we've been through these past few weeks. Everything was so amazing and now its all ruined. I don't know what is next for us. But I do know that I'm worried about Mitch. I know he always does this where he shuts himself off when he's upset and he's always fine, but i can't help but think about him. I mean, if I'm honest, I'm always thinking about Mitch anyway. His sassy remarks and his cute little walk and his beautiful smile that makes me melt every time. I guess its safe to say that I might have a bit of a crush on him. Okay maybe a little more than that. I think I'm in love with him.

I have been for years. I constantly drop subtle hints and flirt with him but he NEVER gets the picture. Although I am kind of relieved at the same time. If he found out this could completely end our friendship. I know he doesn't feel the same way. Surely he would have reciprocated by now considering that out of the 12 years I've known him I've been head over heels for him for the past 7. We met when we were 10, you see. Mitch was the reason I managed to accept myself for being gay. He came out so casually like it didn't even make a difference, which, to be honest, it didn't. Not to me nor him. Everyone was so supportive but at the time I was so convinced everyone would hate me for it. I would never think that now. I am so grateful for all the love and support I have had.

Anyway, back to Mitch. I can't help my feelings for him but they tear me apart everyday. I have tried being with other guys, Kirstie even set me up on a few dates to help me get over him and nothing worked. This boy has complete control over my life and he doesn't even know it. I need to get out of this apartment for a while.


Hellooo! okay, so sorry for another short, fairly dull chapter. Now that we have all the background info I  can move on to the actual story and I PROMISE it will get more interesting very soon! I might try and update again tonight but if not definitely tomorrow! Thank you for reading, comment/inbox me and let me know your thoughts! 

Have a lovely day!x
