Chapter 7

Helloooo! I just hit 140 reads, I know that is insignificant for a lot of writers but thank you guys for reading! I hope you're  enjoying it, feel free to let me know what you think and if you have any suggestions I would love to hear them! (or read them) 

This chapter is basically going to start as a recap of the end of the last chapter, but from Scott's point of view, but don't worry, it will move on quite quickly!

Now let's go!


Scott's POV

I can't open my eyes. Well that's weird. I'm trying but I just can't do it. I'm starting to hear faint sounds. It's like my hearing is coming back. When did it go? Maybe it's just one of those dreams that feels like reality. I'm probably just waking up but my body is trying to stay asleep. I hear faint white noise. Then that starts to merge into just general hustle and bustle. Like a busy corridor or something. Where the hell am I? Everything is slowly starting to get a little louder and clearer. I start to hear heavy breathing. Fast and heavy, like someone can't get a breath. I feel a drop of water on my hand. That's weird. Wait, someone is crying. Who is crying. Why are they upset. What's happening. I hear a faint, muffled sob, like they're trying to stay quiet and pull themselves together. Hold on, I know this person. I've heard that attempt to keep their sobs contained before. Mitch. Mitch is crying and panicking. I try to wake up. All I want to do is comfort him and help him. Why won't my eyes open. Why can't I move. Where am I and why is Mitch panicking. All of this doesn't ring right. Something has happened but I can't remember for the life of me what it could be. I hear a door burst open and footsteps running in, then they suddenly stop. Another sob is let out, this time a different voice. I know that voice. Kirstie. Something is seriously wrong here. Why are my friends so upset and why can't I help them. Kirstie runs in and the door slams behind her. I feel Mitch stand up and walk away. I can hear them both crying but trying to be quiet. At least they're with each other. Why can't I be with them. What's happening?

I must have asked myself the same question about a hundred times. The same thoughts whirring round my head on repeat. Like a scratched CD. I really hope this is some messed up nightmare. 


Mitch's POV

Once Kirstie and I calm down, we decide to go to the café and talk for a while. I use this opportunity to explain to her what the doctor had told me earlier. She has a similar blank look on her face to the one I was wearing just a few hours before. I don't think she actually registered it to be honest.

 'Brain damage?' she asks, her voice soft. 

'I'm afraid so Kit Kat, but listen, none of this is certain. All we can do is look on the bright side and hope for the best. You know that's what Scott would do if it was one of us in there.'

I managed to adopt a much more positive and optimistic outlook on the whole situation after my 'episode'. I'm not happy or back to normal. Not by any means. But worrying is going to do absolutely no good. If anything, it's just going to panic and upset Kirstie and at a time like this, that's the last thing she needs. Kirstie rests her head on my shoulder and I hug her tight. A little tighter than usual. We both needed it. 

'We should call Avi and Kevin,' Kirstie says, reluctantly pulling away. This whole time I hadn't even thought about Avi and Kevin. I felt awful. They deserved to know, they were just as much Scott's friends as we were. But given the circumstances I knew they'd understand. 

Less than an hour later, both Kevin and Avi arrived. I'm glad they're here. We need them. They're upset and worried, of course, but they are solid as a rock. That's exactly what I need. They truly believe that everything will be okay. That's when I remember Mia. The girl I met at the door. I really want to go and see her, but I never got her room number or last name. Just then she walks into the café. Well what are the chances. I call her over and she smiles her famous smile and starts walking towards the table.


How do we feel about Scott's POV for a change? Haven't had that in a while! Let me know whether you like it or not :)

Hopefully I'll have another update up later today! Happy reading! Bye :) 
