Chapter 4

Scotts POV

The sunlight streaming through the curtains woke me up this morning. I turned to check the clock to find that it was 7:30am. Usually I wouldn't get up at this time but I had a few errands to run today and I felt wide awake so why not. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom to have a shower, trying not to wake Mitch who is a very light sleeper. Once I'd had my shower and got dressed I made myself some breakfast. Well, tried to. I would normally go for cereal seeing as I can't cook to save my life but we had none. I decided pancakes would be a fairly easy option and not too much damage can be done. Except for the fact that i dropped the pan. And it was very loud. Ooops.

Mitch came in with his hair all ruffled in his pyjama t-shirt and shorts that were like 2 sizes too big for him. He looked absolutely adorable. Although i did feel bad for waking him up.

'Its only quarter to 8 and you're trashing the place', Mitch said with a chuckle.

'Yeah, sorry I woke you up. I will be quiet now though I promise, you can go back to bed'. I smiled still feeling a little guilty but also because i couldn't stop looking at how cute he was first thing in the morning. He would never accept that though, he wouldn't let anyone else see him like this, he always has to look perfect, even though he does anyway.

'Nah, I'm up now, might as well join you for breakfast. Although it's probably safer if i get dressed and make it' He laughed

I gave him a fake offended look and he giggled as he turned to leave to get ready. 

----------- Later in the Day -------------

After we had had breakfast and gone to Starbucks this morning, I had to leave to get some errands done. I was quite glad of the space to be honest, I could never think clearly when Mitch was around. It was his birthday in a week and i was planning a surprise. And before you say anything, no, I'm not cooking him a meal. Thank heavens. I am actually going to take him out for the day. He loves a day out of the house and we've been working so hard with the group lately trying to get our music careers back on track that I think we could both do with a break.

Trying to think of where to take him is difficult. Not because he's fussy, but just because I want it to be absolutely perfect. Let me think. He likes all kinds of animals. We could go to the zoo. But if its raining we need a plan B. Wait! I know! I will take him to the art museum. I mean it sounds like torture for most but Mitch would love it! And we can take a picnic and go to the nearby national park to see the sheep and the farm animals. Its going to be perfect! Now I just need to get him a gift. A really good one. 

Mitch's POV

Scott went out this morning so I decided to just have lazy day with Wyatt on the sofa. My brain was completely frazzled with Pentatonix stuff and if I tried to arrange another song now it would all go to pot. I was watching Spongebob on the TV when I noticed the time. 2:30pm Scott has been gone a really long time. Almost 5 hours. Im sure he'll be fine, he wouldn't tell me where he was going though which did make me a little more worried. I knew why though. It was my birthday next week and Scott would always get really secretive around my birthday. I hope he doesn't do anything too big this year. He usually arranges a big party but at the moment not only am I constantly exhausted, but I don't really have any friends out here yet other than Scott, Kirstie, Avi and Kevin. All my friends are home in Texas and i don't really feel like being reminded of that with a party that they won't be at. I know i will make friends here, it'll just take time.

My mind turns back to Scott. I'm actually quite worried about him now. Just as I go to pick up my phone to call him, Scotts name appears on the screen.

'Scott! Thank God for that I was ju--' I was cut off by the man on the other end of the line.

'Mitch Grassi? Emergency contact for Mr Scott Hoying?' The man said in a deep voice, almost as deep as Avi.

'Yes? Who is this? What happened? Where's Scott?' Everything starts to run through my mind at this moment in time. I can't really take in what the man is saying. I just need to find out where he is and get to Scott. Now.


Well that took a turn I wasn't expecting... Anyway, Hellooo! Thank you for being so lovely and reading! I really hope you're enjoying it! This is my first fan fiction so I'm still finding my feet and any help would be appreciated! 

Please comment/inbox me your thoughts and suggestions for what you would like to see next!

Have a lovely day!x
