Chapter Two. Coffee

Morning came as my alarm set off at 6.15. I got up keen for the date. Can I call it a date? I got dressed in my outfit and did my makeup. I straightened my hair and put on my silver jewellery. Just as I was leaving my dorm to walk to the café. Nick was also leaving his room.
“Good morning sunshine.” He said with a smirk on his face.

He knew what he was doing, and it worked a charm. I felt my face get hot as I replied to him. We walk at a fairly slow pace to breakfast as we talk and talk about ourselves and ask questions. Learning more and more about each other slowly. We arrive at the college café. It is themed with a lavender and sage theme. It’s very cottage core and am surprised Nick chose here. The waitress finds us a table and we sit across from each other. He just sat there smiling at me, looking into my eyes. His eyes were so beautiful as they stared into mine. I felt some sort of connection but that was quickly broken with the voice of the waitress asking for our orders. 

Nick asked me what I wanted but I had gotten so distracted in his eyes I forgot to look at the menu. Since we talked yesterday, he ordered for me. Luckily, he pays attention to small details. He ordered us both choc chip waffles and ice cream. He got me an ice chocolate and himself a latte. We sat there eating our food. Once we finished our meals, he asked me if I was still hungry, which I wasn’t. The waitress came back over with our bill. We both went to grab it and our hands touched. Neither of us pulled away. 

Nicks Pov

Our hands touched. We both didn’t move them. I have a chance to make a move. I rubbed my thumb along her hand then slowly removed it off of the bill. She turned bright red. Mission accomplished I thought to myself. While she was flustered, I slipped in enough money for the both of us. When the waitress returned for the bill y/n quickly said, “wait I didn’t pay.”

“Don’t worry, I paid for you y/n.”

“Oh, you didn’t have to.”

“I know, but I wanted to.” I winked at her and she turned even more red.

Y/N Pov

He’s so adorable. We both stand up and tuck our chairs underneath. He stacks our plates and cups inside of each other making it easier for the waitress. As were about to leave, Nick grabs my wrist. I spin around and he’s standing very close to me. In a soft voice he says “Y/n, can I please have your number?” I wrote down my number into his phone. I blushed and giggled which caused Nick to giggle too. Even his giggle was cute. 

Nick walks me to my class. He doesn’t have any classes today, so he just told me to meet him back at the coffee shop afterwards. I agree and go sit in my class. It was really boring without Nick there. I wasn’t going to lie to myself, but Nick made me feel safe.

-time skip-

Nicks Pov

I sat at the coffee shop by myself for around an hour and a half by myself waiting for y/n. Every time I heard the bell of the door ring, I would look up hoping it was her. However, every time it wasn’t. I gave up checking for her, so I sat there scrolling through twitter. Our newest manhunt video was blowing up. I wonder if y/n knows who I am. I wasn’t going to tell her yet just in case she only wanted me for the fame. Wait, who says she even wants me? But if she did, I would want her to want me for me. I sit and wait as time passes. I hear someone say my name and I look up. Its y/n looking as beautiful as ever. Instead of sitting across from me like she did this morning she sat right next to me.

Y/N Pov

I decided to sit next to Nick this time because I wanted to feel his touch. He felt so warm when he grabbed my wrist earlier and wanted to feel the heat through my whole body. Our legs and arms touched when I sat next to him. He didn’t move them which was a good thing. We both ordered our coffees and drank them. We talked the whole afternoon until Nick checked his phone. He said it was 4 already! When I glanced at his phone, he had a tone of notifications. I didn’t question it though and let him to his own privacy.  

We both hopped up and walked back to our dorm block. We arrive at my door and I grab my keys out. As I stumble with them, I felt Nick turn around to his door. I turned around and grabbed his hand that trailed behind him. Started he snapped around. I smiled and he returned it. 

“Um, would you want to come inside for a bit?” I asked him softly.

“I would love that actually.” He returned.

We walk inside. I realised that we were still holding hands. We both glanced down at them and back at each other. His hand was so warm, and the feeling swept through my whole body. That night we made spaghetti and watched Netflix till 11. I was drifting off to sleep so he said his goodbyes and went back to his room. Not even a minute later I get a text from him.

Goodnight cutie 

-960 words
