Chapter Fourty Five. It's Okay

-time skip-

Nick and I were at the clinic for one of my check in scans. I laid in the bed as the doctor was scanning me. She came back and told me the baby was around 2 weeks behind development and to come back in 2 weeks for another scan to see if the baby had caught up. She informed me to continue drinking fluids and eating proper foods. She warned me the baby might not be completely healthy and when born might be premature. Not assuming the worst I went home and Nick and I thought nothing else of it.

A week or so later I started feeling cramps. I woke up and went to the bathroom. I was bleeding lightly and my worst period cramps had come back. This was my first pregnancy so I just thought it was normal pregnancy symptoms. I put on a panty liner and went back into bed. I woke up a couple hours later and got up to go to the toilet. I felt a sudden whoosh go through my body. I reached the toilet and everything that was sitting in me while I laid down released into the toilet. Clots of blood went into the toilet. Nick came to the door and knocked.

“Anything you need hon?” He asked.

“I need pain relief and a hot water bottle please.”

I heard him leave and come back. I put on a pad just in case and walked out. He handed me a glass of water and the pain relief. I took it and laid in bed with him and the hot water bottle. We woke up when the morning sun came through the curtains and I didn’t feel any better. I went to the bathroom and threw up. I came out and Nick had brought me some food to eat so I could take more pain relief. Just as I was about to lay back down, I felt the sensation that something large was passing through me. Although, it did not feel like a poo. I started breathing very heavily and made it to the toilet. I sat down and oddly enough it didn’t feel painful. A large section of flesh came out of my vagina, covered in blood and clots. There was a small cord linked to it that also came out. I headed back to bed after that and told Nick what had just happened. He begun to google it for me and did not have a good look on his face. My cramps were so strong and hurt so bad. I woke up again and passed more blood clots and another large bit of mushy tissue and flesh.

“She’s gone Nick.” I burst into tears and Nick ran over to me. He held me tight as I cried into his arms. He cried into my head as well. He already knew what was happening. He didn’t want to tell me just in case it worried me and it wasn’t true. But we both had to accept it now, I had just given birth to our unborn baby. A miscarriage.

Nick and I both fell to the floor, I sat in his lap and his hand played with my hair. His hoodie was wet from my tears. Dream came upstairs and opened the door to see us both on the floor. He looked into the bathroom and saw the pads and some blood that splashed up. Not a good sight for a male or anyone for that matter. He instantly figured it out and crouched down. I looked him in the eyes and he burst out crying as well. George came up shortly after and saw the same as Dream. He fell to his knees and cried with us.

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