Chapter Fourteen. The Boys

-time skip-

Seeing as we were officially together now, Nick and I decided that the best idea would be to tell the boys as soon as possible so they wouldn’t freak out if we flirted over calls. Nick hopped on his PC and clicked on discord. I stayed sitting on his bed watching him. He calls Dream and George. It rings for seconds before both boys pick up. Nick says, “I have something to tell you.” Dream laughed before he said jokingly, “What are you and y/n dating or something.” Nick puts his hands behind his neck and replies. “Well, actually.” 

George interrupts with a scream, “NO WAY.” 

Dream screams into his mic as well, “YOU SCORED SAPNAP.”

“Guys, she’s right here. She can hear you,” He said blushing.

I walk over towards the camera and wrap my arms around Nick standing behind him. I lean into the frame of the camera and both boys go red from embarrassment as I heard what they just said. 

“Well, I guess you guys will be seeing a lot more of me.” I say laughing. 

“But guys, we’re not going official to the internet yet because they barely know y/n,” Nick states. 

They both nod into the cameras giggling because they’ve shipped us since they day we met. The Dream Team decide to stream, but since Nick and I aren’t out yet we decided I would play next to Nick instead of on top. Nick helps me set up my laptop while Dream and George set up their streams. I bring a chair from the dining table over to the desk and sit down. Nick and I prop our cameras up so that we can’t be seen from each other’s cameras. I stand back up now that I have my position and set up the greenscreen. Nick sets his stream up and I sit back down.

“Ready boys?” I asked. 

I received several ‘yeses.’ We all clicked on start stream. Nick and I had our mics muted while our starting soon screens played. He looked over at me a smirked, leaning over and giving a quick kiss on my cheek. We tweeted out that we were live as we waited for twitch notifications to go out. Once they views started rolling in, we started. 

“Chat, what’s up?” Nick asked as he loaded into his Minecraft world. Dream, George, and I all joined it. When I begin talking to the boys, Sapnap’s chat goes off. The said things like “WHOS THE GIRL?” or “Y/N’S BACK?” and “SAPNAP HAS A CRUSHHH.” We both try hard to not blush and give anything away on camera. 

But we both decide to hint at a relationship in game. I had been building the house while Dream explored, George mined and Nick was collecting supplies. Nick arrived back first just as I was finishing the house. He jumped over the hill, his character running towards me. 

Once he reached me, he crouched. I look at chat and they’re simping over crouching sapnap. I guess I am too. Nick came closer to my character and switched in his hot bar to a poppy. He dropped the flower giving it to me. I crouched back and said, “Awe, thanks Sapnap!” Chat went wild on all four accounts. 

We both walked into our recently finished house and begun decorating while we waited for the other boys to come back from their trips. Dream arrived next, showering us with random things to put around the house like smokers and blast furnaces from villages. He also had an array of various different woods from his adventures. George came back last but he had the best gifts. He filled up a chest full of iron armour, iron tools, red stone, lapis, gold ingots and diamonds. He had one emerald which he hung up on the wall. 

Our house was two stories with four bedrooms. The staircase came up the middle and a hallway in between the separate halves of the house. Dream and George made their rooms on the right side and Nick and I decided we would have the left side. I went into my room and begun decorating it. I put my bed against the back wall and put f/c carpet on the floor. On one side of the room, I made a shelf area, with barrels and spruce trapdoors. I placed a flowerpot onto of one shelf and put the flower from Nick in it with a sign above it that said, ‘from nick.’

I turn my character around and see the dividing wall being destroyed. Nick breaks the entire wall while I just watch him. He crouches at me then walks over to my bed. He places his next to it making a double bed. “Now we can sleep next to each other.” He turns around and crouches back at me again before decorating, I guess, our extended room. 

I look down to see chat shipping us, better yet making ship names like y/n nap. It was actually quite cool and couldn’t keep myself from blushing. I would receive the occasional hate comments but I just ignored those. 

After streaming all day, we decided to hop off. We said goodbye to our streams, took down the greenscreen and pushed our chairs closer together. I just laid my head all the way back over my chair’s backrest. Nick bopped my nose causing me to rise my head back up. 

“Now we can sleep next to each other, in real life.” 

“I am actually tired.”

He grabs my hand and we walk over to his bed. I take off my clothes not caring if Nick see’s anymore because we’ve seen each other completely naked anyway. He takes his hoodie off and throws it at me and I slip it on straight away. That leaves Nick shirtless with sweats on. I slide under the sheets and Nick joins me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer pressing my back against his chest, spooning me. 

-1008 words
