Chapter Twenty Seven. Doing Nothing

-time skip-

At last I wake up. I am still laying on top of Nick so I squeeze him a little tighter. He doesn’t wake up which is good, I want to let him sleep. I turn my head to look at the clock, 12.38pm! “What the fuck,” I say a little too loud as Nick grumbles himself awake. “Good morning sunshine.” 

“Nick its afternoon now,” I reply laughing at him.

“What,” he says in a sleepy voice. “We slept in till afternoon time?”

“Yes, we did Nicky.”

“Okay, roll back over,” Nick says tipping me off of him so he can spoon me. I let him do so and he wraps his arms around me pressing his body into mine. We lay there for a while longer absorbing the rest of our sleepiness in. Eventually Nick spins me over so I face him. 

“Uber Eats?” He asks me.

I nod in approval and he pulls his phone out. He picks out a few items and puts his phone back on the bedside table. We wait for a food in bed. Then we hear a knock on the door. Nick gets up and walks over. He tells the guy thank you and brings in a massive bag. 

“What did you order?” I say in shock.

“Just about everything on the menu.”

I must have looked at him funny because he just innocently followed with, “What, I’m hungry.”

Nick places down the massive bag of food on the coffee table and seats himself down on the lounge. 

“You coming?” He asks me. I hop out of bed and walk over to the lounge grabbing the remote a split second before he does. I open up Netflix and scroll. “Your foods gonna get cold if you carry on with that.” I end up picking the next random show that popped up. We watched that while we scuffed our food down. Nick had gotten me a milkshake. A large one. I sipped on that after our food and leaned into Nick’s shoulder. His arm was around the top of my body, he moved it up and down in comfort. 

All day long we watched Netflix and cuddled. That it that was how the day went. We both knew our last semester (half a year in this case) was starting tomorrow. Although neither of us were prepared we continued to do nothing. This was until around 9pm. “FUCK,” Nick suddenly says. 


“School, us, tomorrow.”

“Yeah and?”

“We’ve got to get ready y/n.”

I groan but Nick pulls me up walks over to the cupboard pulls out his bag throws it on the bed. He then grabs my keys off the table, runs to my room, gets my bag, and books and carries them in. We pack our bags together with our notebooks, laptops, and some snacks. Afterwards Nick picks me up and swings me over his shoulder. He walks me over to the bed and body slams me on. He takes off my hoodie leaving my in my bra and track suits. H takes off his shirt. “It’s hot,” He says, before ironically squishing his head in between my boobs and laying on top of me. I scratch his head and play with his hair. 

“Goodnight y/n/n.”

“Goodnight Nicky.”

a/n: yes it's a short chapter but that's because we've got to get some things iver and done with lol

-572 words
