Chapter Thirty Four. Terminals II

-time skip-

It’s the day, the day we leave Texas, the day we move to England. Nick and I grab our suitcases full to the brim of clothes and necessities, our carry ons each and ourselves. We hurry down the hallway, down the stairs and stop by the admin block to hand in our key before calling a taxi to the airport. Nick and I are extremely excited about the new, fun times to come with Dream and George. We listen to our air pods on the way and jam to our favourite songs. Once we arrive, I tip the taxi driver while Nick hauls all our things out of the car. The driver leaves the drop off zone and we take our things into the airport. We check in our big luggage and our passports. After wards we head to the security area and get patted down to make sure we have no bombs. Luckily, we both don’t carry bombs with us on a Monday. 

We head to the food court while we wait for our plane and get some breakfast slash lunch together. While we ate, we talked about our big plans for our room in the Dream Team House. We settled on a king-sized bed, led strips on the ceiling, two pc set ups side by side, separate sides of the walk-in robes, a party shower head in the bathroom, and just general decorations around such as fake plants and posters. Once we finished our meals, we grabbed our bags and walked to the bin placing our rubbish inside. I told Nick I needed to pee before our plane came so he took my bags while I went to the bathroom. It was pretty fancy for an airport I’m going to be honest. I cam out and took my bag back from Nick, he held my hand and we walked to the convenience store. Like last time we picked our lollies and stashed them in our bags. 

We found seats at the waiting bay near our gate. We shared my air pods and watched tik toks together, seeing ourselves pop up from fan accounts occasionally which made us giggle to ourselves. “Flight P370 for Florida, boarding now.” That was us so we packed our things away and headed over to the gate. We waited in line as Nick pulled out our passports and tickets to get checked. Once they were checked we boarded the plane, was greeted by the flight attendant, and found our seats. We sat middle class, towards the middle so we were not seated near toilets. They smelt like shit, obviously. I sat by the window and watched as we took off. My ears were popping and I squeezed Nick’s hand really, really tight. He gripped it back to reassure me that it would be over soon. Once the plane was in the sky I laid my head on Nick’s shoulder and we watched the shows that the aeroplane company provided together. The trip was pretty short so we didn’t get meals provided, however we did get snacks and beverages. 

The plane begun descent and I put some chewy lollies in my mouth to help with the ear popping issues. As soon as the plane landed, I wanted to get up, get my things and find Dream. I texted him and told him that we had just landed and we would meet him at the entrance to the airport. He let me know where abouts he was sitting waiting for us. Nick and I were finally allowed to get off, we grabbed our things and sped walked to the baggage claim. We waited for our bags impatiently, but once we found them, we sped towards the escalators to find Dream. There he was, where he indicated, waiting for us in open arms. We ran into his arms and were greeted with a nice tall, warm hug from him. Our next flight didn’t come for 3 more hours so we had previously decided on getting lunch slash dinner to fill in time. Dream had already checked his bags on for our flight so we decided to do the same so that we were not carrying them around. 

We hopped in the car and headed to McDonalds. Dream ordered for all of us and we sat at a table and waited for our number to be called. “180,” We got up and collected our items. There was 3 burgers, 3 chips and 3 milkshakes. We sat down and ate those and talked until it was time for us to go back to the airport. We checked in and waited around for our flight together. Our flight was called and the lady checked our tickets, which Dream had held onto. He got all giggly and as we boarded the plane the flight attendant told us to follow her to our seats. This was weird, they never show us to our seats they aren’t that hard to find. She took us behind a heavy door, to first class! “SURPRISE!” Dream says excitedly. He had gotten us tickets to first class. The flight attendant told us about the drinks, the meals, the movies, the reclining chairs, and the services that they offered to us free of cost. This was so exciting; I have never been in first class.

“I just thought, it’s a long flight, we’re all together, why not go first class and enjoy ourselves.” Dream told Nick and me.


“Hush, I wanted to.”

“Thank you…so much.” 

“Any time.”

Our flight took off and we reclined back into our seats, which were more like beds at this point. We turned on a movie and synced our earphones so we could all watch it at the same time. Around 1 and a half hours into the flight an attendant came over and offered us any drinks from the menu, or any meals. We took her upon the offer and ordered ginger beers for underage Nick and I, and chips, chocolate, and a bread roll for Nick. He said he felt like it because it looked so warm and squishy. For the rest of the trip, we snacked, watched movies, and slept.

-1038 words
