Hatemare part 1? (hate x nightmare)

Hate (female(sorry I had too it's how I ship it)): whatever this is (edit: I know what it is now just stop telling me please. I'm keeping it the way it is as a joke. Please stop)
*No ones POV:*

Hate... what can I say about her. She finally became a member of the dark sans' along with Horror, dust, killer and the one Hate secretly fell for nightmare. Error left the bad sans' when he decided to live with Ink. Hate hated the fact she actually fell for someone as ignorant as nightmare but... she loved him anyways.

*Hates POV:*
I walk through the mansion where I live with all the other bad guys. And when I say guys I actually mean it, I'm the only girl here! I sat down on the couch with dust and horror who were watching survivor. It's a great show so I watched it for a while then nightmare walked in front of the couch. (Horror and dust are both normal writing)
"Wtf nightmare we were watching that!" Horror yelled at nightmare... yelled at the boss of all of us... but nightmare doesn't seem to care this time.
"Hate go to the meeting spot in ten minutes I want to talk to you"
"Sure whatever" most of the time when he wants to talk to me he mostly criticizes me or my job. My job is mostly to spy on the star sanses and I've been doing a pretty shitty job at that lately so I bet that's why he wants to talk. When Nightmare left the boys continued watching their show and I sat there holding a panther plushie nightmare gave me a long time ago. It was on my birthday and he knew I liked panthers. Nobody around here cares for birthdays but nightmare gets everyone gifts anyways. Speaking of witch nightmares birthday is in a few days so I wanted to get him something it will be hard cause NOBODY KNOWS WHAT HE LIKES! Maybe I could get information from him criticizing me. I looked at the time. I'm already late... oh well walking there will be better anyways.

*Nightmares POV:*

I'm waiting for Hate. It's weird the prince of negative emotions has a crush on someone like her! She hates everything how would she like me. I'm planning on confessing. I have a plan
I criticize her and in the middle of it I say I love you hopefully she won't notice and I'll be safe. Hate walked in and I snapped out of my thoughts
"What do you want Nightmare?"
"You've been doing a terrible job at keeping the star sanses away from us! Your attacks are all misses, you never use your special attack, I love you, you nev-" hate cut me off
"you what?" Damn she noticed
"DONT CUT ME OFF! Anyways you never attack without them attacking... damn I'm out of things to criticize you with"
"If I didn't know better nighty I'd say you said you loved me.."
"What?!? No..." oh no she can tell I'm lying wtf do I........

*Hates POV:*

I kisses Nightmare lightly.
"I love you too Nightmare. I wanted to tell you but you never like anything witch made me upset cause I couldn't tell if you liked me or if you liked anything so I mostly only came here to get clues of what you wanted for your birthday.... I guess I still won't find that" the room stayed quiet till nightmare broke the silence.
"Hate.. you don't have to get me anything for my birthday I only get you guys stuff cause I want you too feel cared for since we were all rejected by good sanses... and besides all I want for my birthday is for you to be my girlfriend" I froze. He wants me to be his girlfriend..? He continued "so will you be my girlfriend"
"Of course nightmare.. I love you" i hugged him and he hugged me back
"Love you too Hate..."

Authors POV: HEYA GUYS I hope you enjoyed this hatemare thing I honestly think it's rlly cute. 666 words too. That's awesome! Anyways let me know if you want a part two. I'll take requests! Error x Ink next. Also don't judge how Hate likes something/someone anyways... bye guys!
