30k special fic (please read all)

So before I tell this story I wanted to say thank you all I never thought I'd make it this far but I appreciate it thank you guys so much :)

Anyways back to my story. Also it's Error ink cause I haven't done much of them.
Also NAJ so they're teachers. (Yes it's like the proposal comic but not exactly don't judge me)

Error pov:
I was sitting in my office looking at pictures of my son when he was younger.
So cute.
Suddenly there's a knock on my door. I open it up.
"Hi ruru you missed me?"
"Of course I did!"
"Ruru.. I came here to ask you something Important"
"What's wrong Kiki? And why are you sweating and you look like a skittle."
Suddenly I'm pulled into a passionate kiss. And of course I kiss back

Inks pov:
"Ruru.... we've been together for a while now... and I was wondering.."
I got down on one knee and pulled a box out of my pocket.
"Will you..."
Oh no he started crying... I look away and open the box.
"Marry me?.."
Suddenly I'm pulled into the tightest embrace ever.
"Yes yes yes yes yes inky!"
Then pj and palette burst in.
"Yay we're gonna be brothers!"

"....yay.... now I'm late for basketball practice..... but yay...." (pj is do dead inside XD.

Pj pov:

...And that's the story of papa Inks proposal to mama Error. Dad to me but mom to you"

"Wow! And then they had me?!" Said my little brother gradient.
"They sure did buddy." Said a pregnant palette. (Damn Goth XD)
"And now palette is gonna have a baby?"
"Ya your three and already an uncle. Cause of mr Goth"
"At least mr Goth is nice" said palette defending his fiancé they fucking got engaged earlier too.
"Is miss fresh gonna have a baby for you?"
"First off fresh is a boy like all of us and second. Fuck I wish."

"Oh shit"

Then I started running for a life from dad and Ink. The end.
