Naj(nerd and jock) fresh x pj

Pj :bold
Fresh: underlined

*Pj POV:*
I walked to the bar honestly not caring that I'm 2 years under the age to drink or that I'm still a lonely bi person. My parents are gonna be soooooo pissed when I come home so drunk

*glorious time skip still pjs POV:*

I got to the bar ordered 4 shots of tequila. I chugged all 4 at once not giving a s***. Then I noticed someone else ordered some tequila too. Only one shot but I assume they have a low tolerance. I immediately noticed this person to be fresh. A cute, hot, adorable nerd from school... oh god these drinks are clearly getting to me. He went outside and I followed him.

*fresh POV:*
I walked outside slightly drunk and I noticed pj the hottest jock in the school follow me.
"Heyyyyy there pretty person~"
"Pj your so drunk man, your gay but not that gay to be with someone as gay as me"
"Welp! I'm drunkkk but so is you bro"
" dude we are both drunk deal with it broski! We is gay drunk and we look on FLeEEEEEeeeeEeEEeeek"
"Ya we do mr sexy boi!"
Well that got awkward real quick me and pj went back into the bar getting drunker and drunker by the minute I'm pretty sure we made and agreement somewhere in this conversation that we were now dating. I love how sweet he is...
"Pj we should get home dude we are too drunk"
"I can't go home dude! My mom will kill me"
As pj said that ink bursts in the bar and grabbed pj by the scarf and pulled him out of the bar.
"Dammit dad you told mom? I thought you was cooooooool but ur just not coooooool" error rolled his eyes and their family left. I stayed at the bar till I could actually stand up. 3 shots is way too much for me. I got home and stayed in bed for about a half hour before I fell asleep. damn I'll have a headache in the morning. Well at least during our drunk time I made out with pj a few times. God he is sooooooo hot.

*AUTHOR* my sister told me too do a gay one soooooo here it is drunks gays dust x Horror x killer to come soon. Bye my dudes
