Chapter 43

Shout out to the single father's that have also taken the role of the mother. They don't get appreciated enough for what they do.


"Yes." She bounced in excitement, "We're going to the park daddy."
I beamed at her and instructed her to buckle her seat. I was relieved she wasn't asking to drive. The thought of her driving in my car made me cackle and laugh.

But it won't be funny when it happens.

When I parked at the parking lot of the kid's park, I waited a few seconds knowing what was going to occur. I heard tiny feet hitting the ground, a smile appeared on my face as she open the door for me.

"Thank you, mi niña."

In less than a minute, Royalty is not beside me anymore, she's swinging and sliding with other kids. She's having fun with the activities while I was the opposite, I'm bored so I collected my phone from my pockets to ease my boredom.

''Roman." I don't want to look away from the pictures displayed on my phone. It was Royalty's, the one Elias had taken when she was still a toddler. No words can ever describe her. She is so beautiful, cute and elegant. And she really, really looks so much like me when I was her age, I know she looks alot like me but this photo just... She's a carbon copy of me, and sometimes she acts like Liz, like how she asks unnecessary questions which sometimes pisses me off especially when we're watching a movie.

That's the worst, she won't even let you understand what you're watching, she'll keep asking you what the movie is all about even if she knows it herself, she just likes to trouble me but she's just a kid. And I love her, so very much...

When she was a baby, the only thing I noticed was that she was a crybaby that didn't let me sleep at night.
I don't know where she got that from but I'm pretty sure it isn't from me. It was too much.

"Roman." I still refuse to look away but I'm getting annoyed by the constant calling of my name. But before my name could slip out her mouth again, I snapped my head in disgust and annoyance.

"What do you want?" Even when I growl at her, she still has the audacity to scoot closer to me but I shift away, "Don't come near me."

"Was that Royalty? I mean the- the day I saw you."

"Get. Lost." I grit my teeth and rose from the bench in anger. How did she know her name is Royalty? For God's sake is she a stalker?

"I'm sorry Roman, but I want to see her, hear her voi-"

What's with people saying sorry? After leaving you hurt in the beginning, they still have the guts to open their filthy mouth and say 'sorry'. I ball my fist when she continued with her superstory, "I know she's my daughter and I want-"

"You left the role or title of being her mother when you left her in the rain... That one is so clear, she could've died." My voice cracked a bit when those bitter words escaped my mouth but my voice changed back to anger mixed with irritation.

"You wanted nothing to do with her seven years ago, so why now? Because you've seen she'd grown now? What made you change your mind?" She parted her red-lipsticked lips but then I beat her to it, "No, no you don't have to answer but you may take your leave. I've spent enough of my time with you and I don't want to see your face again." My nostrils flared in anger.

Royalty's laughter reflects through my ears from behind, I caution Liz to back off but she grew deaf ears, her eyes were glued to Royalty. Once her gaze landed on Liz, she stepped back a bit and I couldn't hear her cheery laughter anymore. I picked her in my arms, rubbing her hair and letting her know nothing is going to happen as long as I'm there.

"Let's go " she cries with her fist pulling my shirt. I shushed her and told her to stop crying. Since I am done with Liz, I don't have any more words to say other than that, I turn away from her. When I look back at her, she's looking like a deer caught in the headlights.

Hasn't anyone told her how she looks when she falls into a trance?

She looks exactly like a clown in movies especially with the make up caked up in her face making her look no different to Chucky.
Honestly, I don't want to judge her but with her fashionable clothes and make-up face, I don't even think she'll have time for Royalty. I get what she's doing, she's using Royalty to get back at me.

Well, she should tell the person that sent her she didn't see me.
She should dream on.

I squeezed Royalty's palms and kissed her forehead after placing her in the passenger seat and ensuring her seatbelt was buckled.

"It's okay, she's no longer here." I tried calming her, she just hugged me tight while muttering some words I was unable to catch.

*. *. *. *
To say I was furious was an understatement to what I'm feeling right now, how would a normal, sane human being knock on someone's door for more than ten minutes early in the morning.

Oh God!

Why are some people like this? Why do they have to ruin my handsome sleep?

I shuffled lazily to the door, when I pulled it open, I was met face to face with the last person I expected. All of a sudden, disgust and regret cloud my face as I gape at her. Fantastic. She even has the audacity to step foot at my doorstep.

Who dared her? How dare she? Doesn't she know who she's messing with?

"Liz, would you stop staring at me and tell me your purpose here?"

"I want to see Royalty."

Look at her mouth, her mouth like want.

To be continued...
