Chapter 17

Some days are just bad days, that's all. You have to experience sadness to know happiness, and I remind myself that not every day is going to be a good day, that's just the way it is!

                   -Dita Von Teese

I gaped at her, absolutely dumbstruck. How come? How come she finished all the food on the plate without leaving just a single thing? Just a thing. Wow. I'm in awe of her. I've heard people can't bear with hospital foods, even me! And here's my daughter, eating it like her life depends on it.

Her life depends on it though

She shifts uncomfortably on the bed, wanting to hide herself from my gaze. I knew what she was doing, she thinks she's a smartass.

"So... did you enjoy it?" I finally broke the silence not wanting it to look awkward than it already was.

While sending me a warm smile, she bops her head in excitement. I felt down for a reason, I barely saw her eat in my presence... I never treated her like a child.

"Little one..."

Here comes it.

She quickly covered her body with the sheets as her body trembled. I was receiving looks from the nurse but I didn't glance at her, nah, not even once because I was bothered about Royalty that was now sobbing silently. I sighed, scooting close to her and slipped the blanket away from her body. She draped her arm over my neck when I pulled her closer to me as I squeezed my eyes shut. I don't know if I should hug her back or not.

              The nurse came closer to us, and I can as well feel the fast rate of Royalty's heartbeat, the nurse aimed at her upper left arm. I quickly used the advantage that she was hugging me and held her firm.

"Stay still." the nurse whispers referring to Royalty.

I was still holding her tight. She's such a strong girl.

"No." she sobs while I nodded at the nurse. "Please daddy, I don't want it."

My heart shattered right at this moment, her eyes; the emotions in them, the fear.

Oh God, this is just too much.

"Royalty, stay still, okay? it will make you feel strong."

She said nothing else, I guessed she listened to me because she looked frightened, I smiled at her.

For the first time in my entire life, I smiled at her. It wasn't forced, fake but real, true.

Once the needle entered her arm, I didn't hear any sobs nor weird sounds, she just buried her face in my neck. I think she'd stopped crying.

"Here you go, good girl." The nurse praised her while walking away with her blood sample. I pulled Royalty a few inches away from me, to get a good view of her face; her very sore, red eyes like that of blood.

"You made it Royalty... you see, you're a strong girl."

She gawked at me, as if she was absolutely shocked. Some seconds later, after gaining back her composure, she nodded at me slowly.

"I'm sorry." she whispers.

I stared into the brown eyes she got from me, into her soul. She feels sorry all the time. Why on earth does she like saying 'sorry'? Sorry here, sorry there. The only word I hate in my entire life. Sorry.

She wiped her wet face with the back of her palm.

"Why are you sorry? you didn't do anything wrong." I reassured her.

"Okay." she whispers again and rests her head on the white pillow. The bed sheet was now ruffled due to her squirms while trying to hide away from injection. Even if she had created distance between us, I can feel her body shaking under the sheets.


She gasped when I dragged her to my chest, her eyes doubled in size, both in shock and horror.

She pulled me out of my trance with a reply of, "Yes dad?"

"Fear not."

How is she supposed to do that? when she'd been scared of me throughout the six years of her life. Me, being the scary maniac, didn't think before blurting it out like a brainless idiot. Now the question is that... How is she not going to be scared of me after everything I've done to her?

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