Chapter 13

Sadness flies away on the wings of time-
                                    Jean De La Fotaine

Roman's POV (Royalty's dad)

Ana popped the wine open as Brian, Jordan and Grace clapped while the bottle made a pop sound. The house was now filled with loud noise that you can barely hear a glass shattering to the ground. They were busy enjoying themselves without any stress.

While my eyes kept punishing me, drifting to someone else instead of focusing on the small party. I was feeling uneasy; something I wasn't quite sure of, unfamiliar with.

As soon as my gaze landed on her, I could not describe what I was feeling but I knew that my heart was aching and my body was itching to hug her, seeing her left out. She had her arms folded up to her chest and her eyes? Darn I almost pitied her.

Snap out of it Rome. She ruined it all.

I shook my head to get that thought away.

"Rome?" Ana gaped at me, one of her eyebrows arched, her eyes full of concern. She was holding a tumbler filled with wine, elongating it to me. I smiled at her, point of correction. Forcefully smiled at her and I hope she doesn't really notice. I gladly took the wine from her, I really need this in my system.

Instead, I felt my eyes betraying me again when it trails back to where Royalty was but she wasn't there any more.

My forehead wrinkles as I scanned the living room maybe she was somewhere else here but was nowhere to be found, there was no small figure bowing their head.

How come she just disappeared in two seconds?

"Rome, are you alright?" My brother's worried voice took over my thoughts while I replied with a nod, a sigh.

What had gotten into me?

Royalty has been giving me the feeling she shouldn't be these days. Sometimes, I felt... No I don't want to admit it but I feel bad for her.
What she had done to me... Ever since she was dumped at my doorstep, thereby ruining my happy, no stress life and all the gratitude goes to Liz, I had warned her and even threatened her to abort IT but no, she just had to burden my life with so many responsibilities that I couldn't handle. Infact I tried a DNA test to be certain.

Speaking of Royalty, she always wants my attention but isn't going to get it, not from me because she doesn't deserve any one. I mean ever since she came into my life, everything just changed within a blink of an eye.

I gave her one, just one point for being a good and attentive girl.

"You definitely aren't alright."

I cleared my throat. The nerves of this guy, he just got back how many minutes ago? And now annoying the hell out of me with questions.

I hadn't even noticed we were the only two in the room other than Ana.

Wow, for how long have I been out of it?

"Nah, I won't fall for that. Not anymore." He adds, sipping on his wine.

Damn is there any other way to convince this guy?

Before I could reply or say anything else, I heard a loud slam from upstairs. I don't know why I was feeling somehow, I was drawn and anxious to know what happened. My system almost shuts down when I recognize who got that voice. I slowly tear my eyes away from the unsipped wine on my hand to Brian who mirrored my expression.

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