You've Got To Hide Your Love Away

        Two days after sitting in the cold, AJ's cough had gone away and she had her voice back completely. John said she wasn't better yet, because of her stuffy nose that was normally red along with her cheeks, but AJ insisted she was fine and it was just the weather.

        "Let's play a game." AJ said, after John, Yoko, and her finished dinner.

        "I was going to go out and take pictures," Yoko started to say.

        "Good it's a two player game anyway." AJ cut her off rudely. Yoko stood up, displeased, and walked out of the room.

        "You don't have to be mean, you know." John informed her.

        "Mmm yeah I do." She decided.

        "No you don't, hasn't anyone ever told you that saying things like that is rude? You're an adult you know."

        "Who are you and what did you do with the fun John?" AJ asked. "Yeah, I've been told before, John. I also know my own age, thank you. I have two things to say to that. You don't have to tell me how to act, and adults are boring."

        "Okay so what's your game?" He asked, changing the topic.

        "Hold on." AJ said, hearing Yoko come down the stairs. She sipped her water through her straw and waited for Yoko to leave the house. Of course, she had to take the time to say goodbye to John and tell him where she would be and when she'd be back.

        AJ didn't pay any attention until she heard the door close, signalling Yoko had left.

        "Okay! I'll be right back." AJ announced, jumping off the bar stool and running to the guest room. When she came back, she had a purple bandana in her hand. She quickly pulled herself back up onto the tall barstools.

        "AJ, what are we doing?" John asked, looking at the bandana in her hand.

        "Someone puts the blindfold on and has to listen to the other person. It's sort of like Marco Polo, you know where the person who is it says Marco and the other person says Polo? Only, we'll use our names, so if you call my name, I'll call yours. You have to catch the other person."

        "I think I get it." John said, nodding.

        "Good. I'll be it first, I suppose." AJ pulled the blindfold over her eyes so she couldn't see, then tied it in the back of her head, under her hair that was pulled up.

        "Can you see anything?" John asked.

        "No. I also don't know if I can get off this stool without falling." AJ laughed, grabbing the counter and then carefully trying to figure out a way down. The stools stood tall at almost four feet up, and AJ was only 5'5.

        Suddenly, she was lifted up and her feet hit the ground in an instant.

        "Thanks." She said to John, who had picked her up and set her on the ground. "Where do you want to play?"

        "How about the sitting room across from your room?" John suggested. AJ knew that room, as she walked past it everyday.

        "Alright, take me there. I can't see." She told him.

        John chuckled before taking her hand and leading AJ to the sitting room.

        "We're here." He informed her.

        "Good, now move around and I'll spin." AJ waited until John dropped her hand and she spun in a circle a few times once she was knew John was on the other side of the room.

        "Okay, John." She said.

        "AJ," He replied. AJ turned somewhat around and walked forward, with her hands out so she wouldn't walk into anything.

        "John." She repeated.


        AJ turned around and walked toward John. John walked backward, avoiding the armchair in his way. AJ, who couldn't see ran into it. She winced, before manoeuvring around it. Now AJ knew there was no other furniture in her way.


        "AJ." He whispered.

        She put her hands up and then hit the wall. John had moved out of the way in time not to get touched. AJ turned to face the other way now, knowing he couldn't have gone the other way because the armchair was there.



        AJ knew exactly where he was at that point and ran to him. John ran away, toward the stairs. AJ was just as fast and if it hadn't been for the stairs, John could have escaped. AJ didn't know they were at the stairs though, so when John had stopped running, ran into him, making John loose balance and fall onto the stairs. When he fell back, he grabbed AJ's wrist and pulled her down too.

        AJ grunted, not being able to see where she landed. She pulled the blindfold off of her head and found herself half on John, half on the stairs. It hadn't been the best landing, but luckily the floor and stairs were carpeted.

        "Gotcha." AJ smiled a bit, her bangs falling in her face, not being long enough to fit in her pony tail. She pulled herself up, John coming up after her. "Whoa," AJ walked all the way down the hallway to the front door where there were windows and AJ could see the snowfall.

        John came up behind her, "It's like a blizzard."

        "It's pretty." AJ said, looking around outside through the window with amazement in her eyes.

        "You look like you've never seen snow before." John commented.

        "I've seen it before, see it every year. I just like the way it looks." AJ turned around and handed John the blindfold. "Your turn."

        John took the blindfold from her and the phone rung.

        John answered, "Hello?"

        AJ turned around while he took the call, looking back outside at the snow. A minute later, John hung up.

        "That was Yoko, she's not going to be home for the night. She's gone to stay at a friend's. The snowstorm is coming AJ." He said.

        Looking at the snow made AJ happy. Knowing Yoko wasn't going to come back also made her happy. She turned around to face John.


        The two walked back into the sitting room where John then put on the blindfold.

        "Can you see?" AJ asked him.


        "Are you lying?"


        "Good." AJ said, walking into the room. John stayed in the hall where he spun in three circles then stopped.

        "What do I do now?" He asked.

        "Walk forward." AJ told him.

        "How can I go forward when I don't know which way I'm facing?"

        "Come on, I did it, so can you." AJ told him.

        "You make this look easy." John told her.

        "Fine. You're facing the kitchen." AJ told him, moving where she was standing. John turned so the sitting room was in front of him.

        "AJ." He said.

        "John." She said.

        He didn't move.

        "AJ." He repeated.

        "Over here." She said quietly.

        John turned so he was facing her, but there was an armchair in between them. Being John's house, he knew his way around, felt the armchair, and made his way around it. AJ moved too.

        John stayed quiet, and so did AJ. The entire house was deathly silent except for their socks against the carpet and their breathing.

        Finally, after making his way around the furniture and to the clear space in the middle of the room, John spoke.



        The voice was right in front of him and he swung both his arms in like he was about to embrace her, but she had moved.

        "Don't call me Winston."

        "Don't call me Avril."

        John found her voice again, going behind the second armchair and carefully walking toward her. AJ went around the long sofa, back into the centre of the room.



        John turned around and back into the centre of the room, but she had moved again.

        "Where are you?" He asked, feeling the air, as he couldn't see.

        "I'm right here." AJ said from behind him.

        John whipped around to come face to face with AJ. Only, he didn't know it.

        AJ looked up at him, trapped. She couldn't move back because of the armchair. She couldn't move to the left or right without touching him. So, she went forward.

        AJ slowly made herself taller, standing on her toes, and kissed John softly.

        When she pulled back, he slid the blindfold off his head and locked his chocolate brown eyes with her green ones. Her eyes were bright, a colour you could stare at all day, with hints of brown near her pupil. They were young eyes.

        "Got you." John whispered.


A/N: I missed an update day again oops... (Blame school exams.) Hope this chapter made up for it. (:

Also, I want to do dedications! You can get a dedication by spreading the word about my story and letting me know about it, having the best comment, or you could DM me fan art, if you guys are up for that. You can also get a dedication if you go check out my newest story "Midnight" and tell me what you think of it! It's a Danisnotonfire fic for all you Danosaurs out there. And if you've never seen his videos, go watch him. You're welcome.
