Good Day Sunshine

The sun woke AJ up the next day. She blinked a few times before talking in her surroundings. She wasn't in the guest bedroom, but instead upstairs, in John's room. She had remembered last night, she immediately took a shower, to rid the stench of alcohol off her body. After she was dressed, in socks, sweatpants and a long sleeved tee shirt, John pulled her back to him. They ended up falling asleep in John's bed upstairs, and by the looks of it, John hadn't woken yet.

AJ was trapped under John's arms but didn't feel like getting up anyway. Instead, she stayed quiet, her back pressed against his chest. She could feel his steady breathing until he finally woke up.

"Are you awake?" He whispered.


John kissed the top of her head. AJ stayed quiet. A few minutes later she stood up, getting out of John's warm arms.

"I should go get dressed and pick up Lily." AJ said, running a hand through her hair and heading toward the door. John rolled over and grabbed her hand before she could leave though.

"Wait," AJ turned around. "We should do something today, before you pick her up. To make up for last night." John looked up at her hopefully.

"What, like a date?" AJ asked.

"No it's not a date." John rolled his eyes. "You only just slept in my bed."

AJ rolled her eyes and put his hand back on the bed. "Sure, we can go somewhere." Then she left the room, going back downstairs.

AJ fell back down on the cool bed sheets in the guest bedroom and sighed. She finally got up changed after a moment of silence was wasted staring at the ceiling. She wore a pair of dark jeans and a long sleeved red and blue flannel, along with her high tops. AJ still hadn't taken her necklace off from the night before and decided to keep it on for a while. It was nice having something that reminded her of her mum.

AJ brushed her teeth and hair before going out to the kitchen. She was alone, but she could hear the shower running upstairs so she made toast for the two of them. When the toast popped, AJ proceeded to put jam on it, and by then she could hear John was out of the shower. It only took a few minutes after that for John to come downstairs, fully dressed.

"Here," AJ slid him a plate with toast.

"Thanks." John replied.

They munched on toast and washed it down with orange juice before AJ put the plates in the sink and finally spoke again.

"So, where are we going?" AJ wondered, leaning against the counter.

"It's a surprise." John smirked.

"I hate surprises."

"You'll like this one." John told her. "Now come on."

AJ followed John out into the surprisingly sunny day outside. Liverpool was usually rainy, but it was the first day of March today, and the sun was out. The sun always seemed to give off a happy feeling.

They went to their mystery location, John driving, and AJ sitting shotgun. It was a while till they got there but eventually they pulled up to a house.

"Where are we?" AJ asked after John parked the car. John turned to look at AJ.

"It's not really a date, but it seemed like you'd like to meet him." John told her.

"Who?" She asked.

"Julian." John said.

AJ was quiet for a moment before she gave him a small smile. "I would like to meet him."

John smiled before getting out of the car. AJ followed him up to the front door and John knocked. They waited a moment before a woman, around John's age with blonde hair, opened the door.

"John," She said.

"Cyn, hi. I want you to meet someone." John said to the woman. "This is AJ, my girlfriend."

AJ felt weird being introduced as John's girlfriend. John Lennon's girlfriend. AJ was changing history; or, at least, John's history.

"Well, come in then." Cynthia told them, opening the door wider for them to enter. AJ followed John in and to the sitting room.

"I'm Cynthia." She gave AJ a smile.

"AJ," AJ replied, although Cynthia already knew that.

"John's told me about you before." Cynthia sat down in an armchair across from the couch AJ and John were seated on.

"He has?" AJ looked at John.

"I told her when Yoko left. The last time you told me to go see Cyn." John told AJ.

"Wait," Cynthia interrupted, "John came to see me and Julian because you told him to?"

AJ nodded, "I guess."

"He must really like you."

There was an awkward silence until John spoke up. "Speaking of Julian, I brought AJ here to meet him."

"You wanted to meet him?" Cynthia asked AJ.

"It was my idea, I thought she should meet him. I could tell she wanted to though." John spoke up.

"Oh well, I'll go get him." Cynthia stood up and went downstairs.

"He's eleven, right?" AJ wondered.


Is wasn't long before Cynthia came back downstairs, Julian trailing behind. His eyes seemed to light up when he saw John though.

"Dad!" Julian said and he came and hugged his father.

"Hey," John said, returning the embrace. The gesture secretly made AJ happy. It secretly made her miss Lily.

"What are you doing here?" Julian asked after pulling away from John.

"Someone you should meet." John told him, looking toward AJ who sat on the couch waiting to be introduced.

"Hi." AJ spoke up.

"This is AJ, Julian." John told him.

"Hello, AJ." Julian said nicely.

"She's my-" John started but AJ finished for him.

"Friend. I'm a friend of your fathers." John glanced at AJ. "It's nice to meet you, Julian."

"You too." Julian smiled.

"Why don't I make tea?" Cynthia suggested. They nodded before she left to the kitchen.

"I heard you were starting to play again. " Julian said.

"Yes, I am. AJ helped me to decide I wanted to continue with the band." John nodded.

"Julian," AJ said, standing. "Here, sit down." AJ moved to the other armchair across the room. This way Cynthia could still sit and Julian could be next to his father.

"Thanks." Julian said, taking a seat. "You're still with Paul and them, right?" He picked up the conversation with John.

"Yes, of course."

"I miss seeing Paul. Do you think I'll get to see him sometime again?" Julian asked hopefully.

Cynthia then came out with tea.


Cynthia looked up when John called her name.

"He wants to see Paul." John told her. Cynthia nodded. "Do you think we could take him to see Paul?"

"For how long would you be gone?" Cynthia asked.

"He could stay over night if he wants. I'll drop him off the next day." John suggested.

"Yes! Mom, can I?" Julian asked his mother.

"I suppose," Cynthia took a sip of tea. "When do you want to go?"

"How about tomorrow, I'll come back, pick you up, and you can sleep over. How's that sound?" John looked over at his son.

"That'd be great." Julian nodded, smiling.

"Okay, well then we should head out. I'll see you tomorrow though." John said, standing. AJ stood too, smiling toward Cynthia and Julian as a thanks.

"See you." Julian said and hugged his dad once more before he left. John ruffled his hair and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you." He told Julian. "You know that right?"

Julian nodded. John gave a soft smile before leading AJ out and back to the car.

"He's nice." AJ said. John nodded, getting into the drivers side and shutting the door behind him. AJ got in the car also, into the passengers side.

"Why'd you tell him that?" John turned to AJ.

"Tell him what?" AJ asked, looking back at John.

"Cut the crap, AJ. You know what I'm talking about." John said, seriously.

AJ sighed. "It's not lying John, I am your friend."

"You know damn well you're more than a friend."

"Aren't you afraid of what he'll think? That you aren't going out with his mom, but some other, younger girl!" AJ asked.

"You just compared yourself to Cynthia." John smirked.

"No I didn't, John, focus! What if he freaked out on you?"

"He wouldn't do that." John assured her.

"You can't be sure!" AJ stressed.

"Well he's gonna figure out you're more than a friend if your living in my house!" John finally picked his voice up.

AJ backed down then. She hadn't realised the fact that she'd been basically taking from John. It was almost like making him have no choice but to give her a place to stay and food to eat.

"Sorry." AJ said, putting a hand to her head. "I'm so," she paused and looked up, "stupid. Sorry John, I just- I don't know."

"AJ, stop it." John said, taking her hand away from her head. "I got angry, it's okay. I really don't mind."

"I feel stupid." AJ told him.

"You said that already." John held back a smirk. AJ turned her head over and glared at him.

"Just drive, Lennon."


A/N: I can't even look at this story it's so old oh my gosh. Unedited. 
