P.S. I Love You

        White flurries scattered the streets as AJ walked to John's house the next night, her rucksack over her shoulder. She wore a grey hat, skinny jeans and her old black track jacket, along with her beat up Chuck Taylor's, reviving many looks, especially from her jeans and jacket. It was out of place, but so was AJ, so she ignored them and continued to walk on. John's house soon came into view and remembering she didn't have a key, she rang the doorbell. Luckily, John was home and greeted her at the door.

        "You shouldn't be walking around at night." He said, shutting the door behind her.

        "Hello to you too." AJ said, pulling her hat off and shaking the flurries out of her hair. She went straight for the guest room and John followed.

        "Anxious to get away from me?" He asked her.

        "No, I've got to shower. Now go away." AJ told him before going into the bathroom with her rucksack and locking the door behind her. She waited until she heard John leave before getting into the shower.

        Once she was dried off, she put on a different pair of dark blue skinny jeans and a pale white sweater with specks of navy blue. She brushed out her wet hair and braided it to the side before putting a pair of short black socks. Grabbing her bag, she left.

        It didn't surprise AJ to find John sitting on the bed when she got out.

        "You shouldn't lurk in bedrooms, what if I wasn't dressed?" AJ puther bag down by the end of the bed.

        "Wouldn't matter," He said, his tone bored.

        "And why's that?"

        "I'm basically blind without glasses, you know?"

        "No, I didn't know. Where are they then?"

        "I don't particually like wearing them." John pulled out thick rimmed glasses from out of his pocket and put them on, letting them rest on the bridge of his nose. He looked over at her, and suddenly the mood in the room became serious, and so thick with tension AJ could barely breathe.

        "John," She said, her voice low.

        He didn't reply, just looked up at her.

        "You can't- we can't," AJ tried to find the right words as she carefully sat on the bed.

        "Yes we can." He said, his voice as low as hers.

        "You're married, John. It's called an affair." AJ pointed out.

        "No," John got closer, "it's called a divorce."

        AJ was quiet for a moment before speaking again. "Why're you getting a divorce?"

        "Because of you."

        AJ looked away from John and stared out at the wall behind him.

        "It was one kiss."

        "AJ, look at me."

        AJ didn't move, at first. Then, she looked at him.

        "Kisses are nothing compared to personality."

        "My personality isn't good either, John. You don't even know me!"

        "Why are you doing this?" John asked, "You kissed me, this is your fault!"

        "My fault for falling in love with me?" AJ asked him, their voices gradually getting louder.

     "You wouldn't have kissed me, if you didn't know the consequences." John said, his voice somehow getting lower.

        "Don't you dare talk to me about consequences, I've had enough that will last a lifetime." AJ said darkly.

        "Then why'd you do it? Why did you kiss me?" John asked her in a soft voice.

        "Because I wanted to." AJ breathed out. Better to let it out now before it caught up with her.

        John made a sudden movement and kissed her. She was caught off guard at first, but slowly, AJ kissed back.

        When they pulled apart, the only thing you could hear was unsteady breathing. They locked eyes for a few minutes after until AJ smiled and fell back onto the bed.

        "You don't even know me." She said again, turning her head to look up at John.

        "You don't know me."

        AJ laughed, "Don't use that on me. I could tell you your life story right now and you know how you know it's true?" AJ lifted her gaze to the ceiling. "Julian."

        "I'm don't understand you sometimes." John told her, looking down at her.

        "I'm not a person you should try to figure out."

        "What don't I know about you?"

        "What is my last name?" She asked.

        "Jones." He replied.

        "Wrong. That's my middle name." She looked over at him. "Told you that you know nothing about me."

        "What's your last name?" John asked her.

        "My last name is Roux, it's French, it's means someone with red hair, and it's on the back on my hoodie that I've worn multiple times."

        John laid down next to her and brushed her bangs over to the side.

        "Your hair is brown." He said.

        "It used to be red, I dyed it brown." She told him. "Its sorta gotten darker I suppose."

        "Why'd you dye it?" He asked her.

        "Because although I looked like my mum, my red hair came from my father and when I was younger I thought it was pretty but as I got older I wanted nothing to do with my father." AJ looked up for a while but John said nothing which made her look back down at him. One look at his puzzled face could tell what he wanted to know. "He threw me around like a rag doll, John." She gave him a weak smile. "He never showed me love."

        "Whoever can't shown you love, doesn't deserve to be loved." He said softly.

        "That's not true." She said.

        "Yes it is."

        She ran a hand through his soft, brown hair.

        "I like them, your glasses."  

        John put his arm around AJ and pulled her close to him. She laid on her stomach now, John on his side. He kissed to top of her head.

        "Anything else I should know about you?"

        "Yeah," AJ murmured.

        "What?" John looked at her.

        AJ looked back, "Just about everything."

       "Better start sometime then." John smiled a bit.

        "You'll find out in time." AJ told him.

        "Just one thing," John asked. AJ looked up at him. "Should I trust you?"

        "That's up to you."
