Chapter Three

  One week. It had been one week since he had heard from Kim Seokjin, and in all honesty, it ticked him off. "He shouldn't have asked if he didn't mean it." (Y/N) had mumbled under his breath, washing dishes for the cafe. He grabbed the sponge, rather aggressively, and put soap on it, washing a stubborn spot on a plate. "Calm down before you break one of my dishes!" He jumps, surprised by the sudden voice and he turns around, seeing a slightly irritated Seoyun. "Sorry." He sighs, placing the plate back in the seat. "What time is it?" He looks back over at the old woman, who simply huffed before walking over to reach up and ruffle his hair. "Your shift is over. I'll sign you out, so just go change and you can leave, alright?" (Y/N) nods, walking away from the kitchen's sink and to the back area, pulling off his apron that had gotten dirty over the course of his work. He hangs it up on a hook, grabbing his black hoodie and slipping out the back door of the cafe.

He began walking home in silence, his arms swinging with each step he took as he looked around the street. The cafe wasn't that far, only about a four minute walk, and that's one of the main reasons he worked there. His steps made a small pitter-patter on the sidewalk as he walked, his eyes widening as they landed on a wide shouldered figure to his left. "God dammit." He whispered to himself, disappointed and angry at the same time. Through a shop window, he watched as Kim Seokjin ate dinner with some random girl. (Y/N) cursed to himself as his eyes scanned over Seokjin. He had styled his hair neatly, wearing a tux with a red tie.


Why is he so hot? I looked away from them, not wanting to be caught staring, and I continued walking home. I pressed my lips together into a tight line, walking a bit faster. What was I expecting? For some random stranger to actually show interest in me? For barely looking at them for longer than ten seconds, I sure remember everything in great detail. The black,strapless dress she wore with a red stripe, a bitter taste filling my mouth as I realized they were matching. He ordered lobster, and it came with a salad. The lobster was half eaten, and he had a huge smile placed on his lips. The girl had her hair slightly curled at the bottom, light make up on her face, and she ordered Gamjaguk. I felt myself pouting as I thought about it, looking up to see my gray apartment building in front of me.

I pulled out a keycard, scanning it and opening the door, walking through the simple hallway to room four. I reached into my pocket to pull out a bronze colored key, sliding it into the lock and unlocking my apartment door. Stepping inside, I took my shoes off before walking onto the dark, hard wood floors and towards my bedroom. Plopping down face first, I let out a groan as my phone began to ring. I answered it, too lazy to check the caller ID.

"(Y/N)~" I gasped softly, recognizing the voice and immediately hanging up. "Nope nope nope." I shook my head, placing the phone next to me. I don't wanna talk to him right now. My phone dinged. Then dinged again...and again, and again. I held my phone in front of my face, reading the messages.

Seokjin: Why did you hang up?

Seokjin: That was meannnn

Seokjin: I just wanna talk to my favorite cafe waiter~

Seokjin: Pleaseeeeee?

I turned my phone off, only for it to immediately start dinging again.

Seokjin: I know you are reading these

Seokjin: Stop leaving me on readddddd

Seokjin: Do you not want to talk to me T^T

I huffed, typing out a some what reasonable excuse to avoid talking to him for a bit.

Me: Sorry, I'm working still, I'll call you later.

I hit send, getting a reply right away.

Seokjin: Uh huh, I'm at the cafe right now and you aren't here.

Me: I have two jobs?

Seokjin: Liesssssss. Why'd you hang up on me?

I froze, not exactly sure how to respond to his question. I hung up because he was with some girl and I was angry about it. But why? Why am I mad? He can do whatever he wants to, I barely know him, I shouldn't care. I nodded my head, agreeing with myself. I barely know him, so I don't care. Whatever angry and jealous feelings I had slowly faded as I shoved them away.

Me: Sorry, it just took me by surprise that you called, that was all.

Seokjin: Okay?

Me: Mhm. But anyway I'm gonna make dinner, so I'll talk to you later.

Seokjin: Dinner? It's almost 10 at night.

Me: Eh, that's normally the time I eat.

Seokjin: Hmm...well could I maybe come over to help you cook...? I really wouldn't mind helping, I enjoy cooking.

Me: No, its fine. You already ate dinner anyway, so there's no point in you coming over lol

I nearly screamed as I realized what I sent.

Seokjin: How do you know I already ate? .-.

Me: I was walking home from work and saw you...

Seokjin: Oh...well I'm hungry again, so send your address so I can come over and help you cook!

Me: Really, it's fine, you don't need to help!

Seokjin: But I want toooooo

Me: Fine fine. ***** Bangtan Street.

Seokjin: Yay! I'll see you in a few minutes!

I blinked, not fully comprehending what just happened. I laid in bed for a minute before springing up. "Oh god, I need to clean." I stood up, running around my apartment and shoving random things into the closet. A knock at my door startled me, causing me to run into a wall. "Ow!" I walked over to the door, rubbing my forehead. I opened it, being greeted by a smiling Seokjin. "Hi~" He waved at me, his smile fading into a small frown. "Why is your forehead all red?" He reached one hand over, lightly pressing on my forehead, the gentle motion causing me to flinch. " I ran into a wall." He chuckled at my response, walking into my apartment and grabbing my wrist, leading me to the couch. "Sit here while I go make dinner." I shook my head, standing in front of the couch, refusing to sit on it. " Why can't I help you?" His hand came up, softly flicking my forehead right where I hit it. "Ow." I mumbled, swatting his hand away from me. He smiled before walking away, into the kitchen. "Cause you're injured. So sit there and wait for dinner, or I'll have to punish you." His words made me blush, and I slowly sit down. He said it so casually. How?!

I sat there, playing with my fingers as I waited, the silence getting interrupted by sweet humming. I listened, realizing it was coming from the kitchen. So not only is he good looking, but he can also sing I'm guessing?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Dinner took about an hour, and the entire time I just sat there, messing with loose threads on the couch, and listening to him sing. So when he finally called out my name, I was more than happy to run over to the table, tired of sitting on the couch. Placed in front of me was a bowl with Bibimbap, and I picked up my chopsticks, hesitantly eating some of the food. My eyes widen, and I stuff a large piece into my mouth. "This tastes really good!" He laughs loudly, reaching over to wipe a piece of rice off from the corner of my lip. He ate the small grain of rice from off his finger, giving me a small smirk that made my face burn a deep red color. I swallowed the food, looking down at the table out of embarrassment.

"So...since it's almost midnight, can I stay over?" He looked over at me with hopeful eyes and I finally glanced up at him with a blank expression. "No." Seokjin puffed his cheeks out, a sight that made my heart flutter for a second. "Maybe if you weren't so flirty, maybe then I'd let you stay over." I shrugged my shoulders, continuing to eat. "You act like you don't like when I flirt with you." He said rather cockily. I choked on my food, looking over at him with a glare. "I don't." He smiled slightly, holding both of his hands up. "Sure sure, whatever you say, (Y/N)."
