Chapter Six and a Half:

     Jin yawned as he leaned his head back, having it fall against the couch as he groggily glances down. A boy laid there in his lap, hair messily falling into his face. Jin leisurely reached over, brushing the strands away from the boy's forehead, expression falling into a melancholy one as the events from earlier played in his mind. 

     He softly clicked his tongue, questions swarming his mind. Who was that? Is this the first time this has happened? Do other things like this happen? He gulped down the sudden large lump in his throat, (Y/n) stirring slightly in his sleep. His gaze landed on the small object that was the cause of all of this, (Y/n)'s phone. It rested, face down because (Y/n) insisted, on the small coffee table in front of them.

     "Seokjin?" Jin's gaze snapped back to the boy as he called his name. "Jin." He corrects in a playful tone, the edges of his full lips turning upward in a small, amused smile. (Y/n)'s voice was a bit raspy with sleep, a small detail that Jin did not fail to notice and to distract himself from the sudden thought, he poked (Y/n)'s nose. "How are you feeling?" Jin asks, his brow lifting with concern. "Better, I guess." Just like that, Jin's light smile had dropped to a deep frown. "You guess?"

"Yeah. I guess."
