Chapter Six

Knock. Knock. Knock. 

     (Y/n) froze, his irregular breathing now silent, his eyes wide though he doesn't look up. His muscles tense, and for a moment he thinks he imagined the sound. Perhaps his mind was screaming for help so badly that he started hallucinating.

Knock. Knock. Knock.

     No, that was definitely real. "(Y/n)?" An unusually soft voice called out. "Did something happen? Are you okay?"

No, nothing happened. I'm fine, I'm fine.

     (Y/N) attempts to reassure himself, hoping that maybe if he believed it enough, it would come true. Though, his mind betrayed him, and he softly cried out instead. "Help." His voice was raspy and it cracked, and he silently cursed himself for sounding so pathetic. Then he blinked, realizing that he has no clue who is in his apartment at the moment, causing a new wave of anxiety to wash through him. "(Y/n), please open the door, it's me, Jin." And just like that, the anxiety disappeared and he stood up, his hand reaching out to unlock the door. The moment the click of the door sounded, his bathroom door burst open, Jin engulfing him into a tight hug. "It's okay now, (Y/n)." Jin whispered into the younger's ear, his arms wrapped around the boy's waist to hold him in place, though (Y/n) did not hug him back. A small and hard object dug into (Y/n)'s back, so he turned his head to see what it is was. There, clutched in Jin's hand, was (Y/n)'s phone.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

Jin: Oh crap, I left my wallet there. I'll be back at your apartment in 5 minutes haha  

     Jin hit send, and turned around to walk back to (Y/n)'s apartment. Truth was, Jin didn't leave his wallet. He wasn't that forgetful. No, he just wanted a reason to go back to see (Y/n), even if it was just for a few short minutes. His steps were quick and light, he was determined to get there quickly. His broad shoulders were quite often bumped into by rushed and busy people, slowing down his walking pace a bit.

     He got there in two minutes, and he practically ran up the stairs to the correct apartment floor, and the door was right there. 309. He knocked on the door, waiting a tad impatiently for the boy to open the door. The hall was quiet, so he could hear a faint ding and then some shuffling before the dinging became quick and obnoxious. He knocked again, a pit forming in the bottom of his stomach. No one answered the door, and finally a loud boom came from inside the apartment, and his heart sank. He grabbed the doorknob, hoping that (Y/n) had forgotten to lock it. He sighed with relief as the door opened and he rushed inside, looking around the seemingly empty apartment.

     His eyes scanned the open plan of the apartment, a faint dinging coming from a draw in the kitchen. He quietly walked over, curious as to what it was. He opened the draw, seeing a phone placed face down inside. His eyebrow raised, questioning to himself why (Y/n)'s phone was hid in a draw. He gently grabbed it, his fingertips brushing over the surface of the phone to flip it over. The screen was lit up, messages flooding in from the same number. His eyes scanned the screen, wondering what (Y/n) was being spammed with.

     His face paled the more he read, and he finally put the phone on do not disturb. With the phone tightly clenched in his hand, he's honestly a bit surprised that it didn't break, he continued his search for the boy. 

     He walked into the bedroom, glancing around the entire room before deciding the boy couldn't be in here, and he moved onto the next room that he suspected (Y/n) to be in. The bathroom. Before he was even by the door he could hear it, the boy's heartbreaking sobs. His brows furrowed and a small frown etched itself into his face as he approached the door and he softly knocked on it.

     The moment he knocked, all the sound from inside the bathroom stopped, causing fear to bubble within him. He knocked again, praying that the boy would answer. "(Y/n)?" His voice was barely even above a whisper, he wasn't sure if (Y/n) heard him. He still got no answer, and his chest tightened as his mind is flooded with thoughts of what the boy could have possibly done in there. "Did something happen? Are you okay?" His  voice came out weaker than intended, but he really, really just wanted to know that the boy was alright. His forehead rested on the door, and he stayed as silent as he could, listening for any sound at all. Anything that would make the dark thoughts he had right now go away. "Help." Jin felt his eyes begin to water at the raw vulnerability he heard in (Y/n)'s voice and he took a step back from the door, expecting him to open it at any moment. It didn't, which made Jin tilt his head in confusion. "(Y/n), please open the door, it's me, Jin." Jin waited only a few seconds for the door to unlock, though he felt as though he had stood there for an hour. He rushed through the door, wrapping his arms around (Y/n), his fear dissipating once he had the younger boy in his arms. "It's okay now, (Y/n)." Jin muttered quietly, though he himself wasn't sure. 

     "Yes, I read some of the messages." Jin says as he  watches (Y/n) look back at his phone that was still being kept in Jin's hand. (Y/n) froze momentarily before hesitantly turning to face Jin, having to look up quite a bit to make eye contact with him. Despite the situation, Jin chuckled, amused by the boy's height compared to his. The chuckle quickly died out though, as (Y/n)'s bottom lip trembled, his eyes glossy and ready to spill a whole new set of tears. His nose and eyes were red from crying, his face pale aside from those two areas. His hair was a mess, clothes disheveled as he finally wrapped his arms around Jin, burying his face in his chest, soft sniffling sounds leaving the boy.

     Jin reached forward, placing the phone on the corner of the sink before re-wrapping that arm around (Y/n)'s waist. He simply stayed like that, holding the broken boy in his arms, whispering soft words of comfort as one hand trailed up and down his back until the boy's breathing eventually evened out.
