Chapter One

     (Y/N) glanced out the window, watching as soft rain began to tap at the glass, leaving streaks of water behind. He reached up to place his fingertips on the window, staying quiet as he listened to the rain. Glancing over at a clock, his eyes widen and he softly curses under his breath, running out of his house without grabbing an umbrella.
Luckily the rain wasn't too heavy, and he panted softly as he ran on the sidewalk, stopping in front of a café that was just down the street. He walked in, glancing at the clock to see that it was 2:58. "2 minutes early." He sighed in relief as he walked up to the counter, giving a small smile to the old woman who stood there. "(Y/N)~ you came on time for once!" The old woman laughed and gestured with her hand for him to follow her behind the counter.
He was handed an apron, slipping it over his head and quickly tying it in the back, clapping his hands together once he finished. "How are you?" She asks suddenly, looking over at him with a curious expression. "Good, and what about you, Seoyun?" He counted the café's tables while waiting for her response, and she reached up to pinch his cheeks. "It was so boring without you here! You should just work here all day!" He laughs breathily, gently pushing her hands off of his face. "Maybe I will." He looks down to see her happily smiling and nodding her head. "Yes yes, you should!" He simply shrugs his shoulders before she walks away to continue working.
Seoyun was almost like a mother to him, though she could be quite childish despite her old age, and she had been there most of his life. (Y/N) heard a small ding, and he snapped his head towards the direction of the noise, seeing a tall man walk into the café. (Y/N) cocked his head to the side a bit, curiously watching the man sit down. He kept a pink face mask on, and was covered by a large and bulky black coat, a plain black hat sitting atop of his head. Blonde hair peeked out from the hat, and (Y/N) continued to look until he some how locked eyes with the stranger, snapping him back into reality. He blushed, realizing he had been caught staring and he took a deep breath, walking over to the man to take his order. His footsteps seemed slow, though he quickly got to the table that the stranger was sitting at, and he held a small notebook in one hand, pen in the other. "Hi, may I take your order?" He asked calmly, a light smile on his face as the stranger simply nods.
"Just a cup of tea please, extra sugar." The man handed (Y/N) the menu, and (Y/N) quickly wrote down the order, nodding softly. "I'll be right back with your tea, sir." (Y/N) walked back behind the counter, grabbing a mug and filling it with hot water. Opening a few cabinets before finding the tea leaves, he took some out of a container, putting them into a small container before dipping it into the cup. He kept it there for a moment, watching as the clear water slowly turned a light brown as tendrils of the tea sneaked out, dying all the water the same color in only a couple of minutes. He then grabbed the sugar, watching the brown color darken as he added more sugar. Taking a small spoon, he stirred it, picking the mug up by the handle and walking back over to the man he was serving, carefully placing it on the table in front of him. "There you go. Be careful, it's a little hot." The stranger hooks his fingers onto the top of his face mask, pulling it down in one swift movement, causing (Y/N) to silently gasp. God, he was gorgeous. He stood there, admiring his features as his mouth went dry. Some of his bangs covered his forehead, and his eyelashes were long and dark. His eyes traveled a bit farther down his face to look at his nose, his cheeks, his eyes lingering a moment too long on the strangers full lips. "You've been staring at me for a full minute now, I'm a little concerned." The stranger chuckled, causing (Y/N)'s cheeks to tint a soft pink color as he looked down at the ground. "S-sorry." He muttered before quickly walking away, crouching behind the counter and placing one hand over his rapidly beating heart.  
