Chapter Seven:

Currently, (Y/n) sat on the couch with a large pout on his lips. He felt bad, to say the least, as Jin called his work to cancel everything he had to do for the day.

"It's cause I wanna take care of you." Jin whined, his hands reaching up to cup the boy's cheeks. "Then take care of me on your days off." (Y/n) grumbled as a response, rebelliously pushing Jin's hands off of his face. Seokjin clicked his tongue and stood up, ruffling (Y/n)'s hair, which only irritated him more. "Too late now. You're stuck with me for the rest of the day." Jin said smugly, receiving a playful hit against his arm from the shorter boy. "Ew. Why would I want to be with yo-"
   (Y/n) was interrupted by a knock on the door. His brows furrowed in confusion, he wasn't expecting anyone, no one ever really comes over to his house.
     He stood up swiftly, his bickering with Seokjin momentarily forgotten as he approached the door. His hand lazily rested on the knob as he peered through the small peep hole that his apartment door had, and an excited squeal left his lips. His hand turned the knob and swung open the door, the person on the other side of it not having any time to react before (Y/N) was tightly hugging him. Jin sat there in the living room, his brows furrowing at the presence of someone he knew quite well. "What are you doing here?" Seokjin snapped at the person who (Y/N) was currently hugging. "I'm visiting my best friend, what are you doing here, hyung?"
     (Y/N) looked between the two of them, his head tilting with confusion. "Seokjin, you know Jungkookie?"
