
Hey guys sorry its so super late!!!!!! I really didn't mean for it, i just have tons of exams right now. I really appreciate every single vote and comment but i was actually really disheartened because my comments fell by almost half between part 1 and 2, please give it a chance, please comment and vote and like and leave opinions and suggestions, I won't make you wait like this again. Thank you for all the love x

Her phone rings for the 5th time, and her fingers clench to hold herself back from answering. It was the lunch break on set but she sat on the side, watching the spot boys arrange the scene to avoid where everybody was eating their lunch.

It had been three weeks since she had read those sick comments, and she had lost the appetite to stomach anything since. She avoided Zain tactfully, she retreated back in to her shy self, she worked tirelessly without eating and exersized as soon as she got home until she felt faint.

She tried to hide it under her smile, but the weight was dropping off her body, she started to look paler and sickly, but she wore long oversized sweatshirts because she was ashamed of her body.

It was when her phone rang a 6th time that she finally let herself pick it up and place it against her ear.

"Aditi?!-" High strung worry shook in his voice as Zain called out for her.

"Zain. I'm here."  Her voice was a mere whisper, she had even lost the will to speak nowadays.

"God damnit Aditi" He took a huge breath, as if he had been to scared to breathe till then, a sense of relief flooded his face. "You scared the hell out of me idiot...."

"I'm fine Zain..." She reassured, guilt coiling in her stomach at his worry.

"But I wasn't fine when I couldn't find you anywhere!" He yelled in desperation, placing a hand on his chest to steady his racing heart that panicked as soon as he couldn't find her. "Where the hell are you?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry- I was just waiting on the sets..." She controlled her wavering voice, not eating had made her extremely sensitive and tears now found her eyes in the smallest of situations.

He immediately softened as he hears the hesitation in her voice, guilt punched him in the gut.

He whispered gently, in that voice that had that magical capability to immediately soothe her, "At least pick up the phone next time... okay Adu?"

"Haan... I'm so sorry..." Her voice was warped in pain, she squeezed her eyes shut. She felt like everything she did these days was wrong. That she could never do anything right.

"don't apologise, its okay... you never have to say sorry to me, you know that." He frowned, he could sense her sadness and it stung him, he rubbed the back of his neck in worry, it was a habit of his that she had always found adorable. "Please don't get upset now adu... just tell me you've eaten."

She stayed silent, unable to form a coherent string of words as a meagre excuse. She didn't want to lie straight through her teeth- not to him.

"Adu? You've eaten right?" Concern loomed in his voice, tying knots in his stomach.


"Shit. Tum khana nahi khaya hai na? Pagli. Why didn't you tell me?" He sighed at her antics, his voice sounded anxious and she heard scrambling and rummaging about on the other side of the phone. "You don't move an inch, okay? I'll come with something."

"Okay..." she sighed in defeat, slumping in hopelessness. He was insanely stubborn when it came to her, she couldn't get away without eating.

"I love you..." He whispered this softly with a smile that he had reserved just for her and she closed her eyes, it was almost as if she could feel his hot breath fanning her cheek right then. She would never tire of hearing it, even if she struggled to believe it. It was a thing of his, he never cut a call without telling her he loves her.


"Aditi Khao na?" He coerced her sweetly, pouting like a baby with furrowed eyebrows.

"I'm not hungry Zain... please..." She looked away from his numbing gaze, that could weaken her in an instant.

"Please baby... we have to shoot all day, you need the energy..." He tried again, his voice was pleading, he ached to just feed her by his hand but it would be risky if anybody saw.

"Zain... I said I'm not hungry..." She spoke harshly, she didn't know how to handle herself anymore.

"Look at you... you've gotten so pale and ill after working so hard Adu... let me look after you..."

He pressed the food against her lips, deciding to feed her anyway, her health was his number one priority.

"Mere haath se hai na? Khao..."

His begging eyes broke her heart to pieces, he was so desperate, that there was no heart in her to say no. She opened her mouth slightly, and he fed her lovingly, a relieved victorious smile on his face.

He pressed a kiss on the corner of her mouth, making her heart race.

"That's like my girl..." He whispered under his breath with a proud smile, softly in to her ear.

Her fingers clutched tightly to his shirt as he buried his face in to her hair, as if she was desperate to hold him close, as if he would slip away. He wrapped his arms around her stomach and just held her, as if he somehow understood that's exactly what she needed right now.

She closed her eyes in to the touch, his protectiveness enveloping her. Her eyes glassed over, it had been a long time since she had let herself be so close to him, she kept on telling herself that he deserved so much better. He wanted so much better.

"Come on now..." He pulled away reluctantly, and she blinked back her tears so he couldn't see them, so he couldn't sense something was wrong. "One mouthful isn't enough... eat a little more..."

"Nahi Zain please, bus hogaya..." She pouted and fluttered her eyelashes cutely, she knew he could never deny her when she did this.

"Aditi listen-" He worried for her, something didn't seem right, his heart thundered at thought of her hiding something from him.

"Pleaseeeee... I'll eat the rest later..." At that face he just had to give up, he could never refuse her.

"Promise?" He asked so innocently, his golden brown eyes filled with so much affection and care that her heart felt weak.

"Promise." She uttered words that she hated, lies. But she crossed her fingers behind her back, just like a small child would.

"Fine. How could I ever deny such a beautiful woman..." He grinned, pressing a kiss to her forehead before standing up to leave, it would be suspicious if they both went missing for too long. And the shoot was just about to start up again.


She laughed at its irony. Her hair was sprawled across her face, her makeup was minimal, her skin blotchy, her cheeks too chubby. She wore a dark red sweatshirt but she bet that it didn't hid her sagging fat, her chunky legs. She was sure that he lied to make her feel better. What could he see in her?

She knew. She knew he must look at her and wish she was someone else, someone better.


He sighed in awe, staring at her like a hopeless fool.  Aditi was filming a scene with the kids and it was damn adorable, and he   watched her intently, his eyes stuck on her.

The way her hair swept in front of her face, the way her eyes sparked in mischief, just the way she was so effortlessly beautiful. How she managed to take his breath away without a spot of makeup, without even trying, just with those eyes, and that smile.

She stumbled slightly, as dizziness took over, grabbing to the table with one hand and her head with the other. She gathered herself immediately but he jumped up to his feet in a split second, as panic flooded his veins.

"Wait-" He called out suddenly, apprehension pinching at his features. Everyone looked at him in confusion.

She looked round at him, a reassuring smile graced her face, that calmed him down slightly.

'Do you want to stop the take? Are you okay? I told you to eat..' He mouthed to her, and she could see his uneasiness in his frown.

She blinked at him twice, shaking her head with a cheeky grin on her face that he couldn't help but smile at. It was a little sign just for him, that she was okay, that it was just these few scenes and she would go back with him to his house, that he could keep her all he wants in his arms.

"Sorry, it was nothing..." He excused himself, and they simply forgot about it, the crew carrying on with the scene. But he stayed standing pin straight, as if too anxious to relax.

And she did go tumbling again, her hands went to clutch to her heavy head, as her knees gave way and she collapsed on to the ground.

It felt like for second his heart stopped.

Right there and then.

He couldn't move for a second, cemented to the ground as the world rushed past him. Horror froze on to his face, fear tormenting his eyes.

"ADITI!" An agonisingly raw yell left his lungs as he snapped out of it, sprinting beside her. Everybody else rushing around her stopped for a second and watched him in shock.

"Aditi uto..." He shook her gently, tapping her cheeks carefully to try and wake her. "please uto aditi..."

He rubbed her hand in his desperately, distress in his eyes. He lifted her head in to his lap, cupping her face in worry,  his eyes were bloodshot, "Uto baby please..."

He looked up to see everybody staring at him in confusion, "What!?"

He bellowed at them, panicked fear shaking in his voice, "What are you looking at me for!? For god's sake call a doctor, now!"

He dabbed frantically at the blood that streaked her forehead from accidently hitting the side table, "Aditi... kya mazak hai yeh? Uto... uto na please..."

The doctor arrived, and he gasped in relief, bundling her in to his arms and lifting to his chest, carrying her to his dressing room. His eyes glazed over with unshed tears, shivering lips, storming through as if the rest of the world was completely invisible.
Jahaan who was the only one on the sets who understood Zain's irrational reaction, ran to the doctor, leading him behind Zain.


"Please doctor, she didn't eat lunch properly but- but that can't be enough right? Doctor-" He stuttered and stumbled in distress as he tried to speak, "she- she's not getting up for so long- please..."

"Sir look-"

"She will be okay right? Kuch nahi hoga na? Doctor?" The desperation was evident in the pain in his eyes, innocent like a child's.

"Sir honestly it's fine-"

"I won't let anything happen to her-" Zain was behaving hysterically, his heart pounding in his chest.

"I know... let me-"

"Nothing should happen to her-"

"Zain leave it... come on..." Jahan pryed him away from the doctor's way, sitting him down on the chair outside. "Let him do his job... it will be okay..."

Zain leaned back in his seat, with a heart-shattering sigh. Rubbing his hands over his face to hide tears that wanted to leave his eyes. It was as if suddenly years of exhaustion had weighed down on his heart.

He leaned forward, his breathing laboured with silenced tears, his head falling in to his hands.

"Woh teek hogi na?" His voice cracked, his pained eyes squeezing shut.

Jahaan rubbed his arm consolingly, sympathy warmed his voice "Haan. Bikhul teek hogi... there is no need to worry. Promise."

"Why couldn't I look after her properly?" Guilt laced the breaks in his tearful voice, he bit his lip to control himself.

"Its not your fault Zain-" Jahaan sighed at Zain's state, bringing him back some water to drink. "It must just be some low blood sugar or something..."

"I still should have sensed something right? I should have made her eat- It's my fault..."

"Zain sir ya Jahaan sir?" The doctor walked out the room clutching his instruments in his hands. Both of their eyes snapped up to look at him, and Zain was on his feet in a second. "I need to talk about Aditi mam, who would be best to speak to?"

"Kya hua? Doctor!" Zain ran like a mad man, his eyes insane with decaptiating fright, yelling in to the doctor's face. "Kya hua? Aditi ko kya hua? Wo teek hai na? Please batao- Wo teek hai na?"

"She's fine sir, she'll be completely fine... but I have to have a discussion about her. Would you be good speak to?"

"Who else would you speak to?!" Zain let his mouth slip in frustration, despair building in his chest.

"Sorry doctor saab, he's a little worried, just take him inside, he would be best to talk to about her..."  Jaahan apologised to the Doctor who nodded and lead him inside to the room.

Zain perched on the side of the bed, watching over her in concern. A small relieved smile formed on his face as he softly tucked away the hair that had fallen across her face. His other hand her grabbed hers, stroking her fingers with his thumb tenderly, the tear he had held back fell down his cheek as he saw her looking so fragile.

He pressed a kiss on the back of her hand, his eyes closing at the touch of her skin, whispering "Aditi..."

As if her name gave back the breath in his lungs.

"Sir?" Zain looked up at the doctor when he spoke, dropping her hand quickly.

"sorry- sit down..." The doctor sat down on the seat opposite him, hesitation evident in his perplexed expression.

Zain looked back at her, his eyes delicate, his voice soft, "Will she be okay?"

"Yes sir. But um-" Zain frowned anxiously at the doctor mumbling nervously, his gut churning. The doctor had to take a deep breath before saying it, as if knowing the pain it would cause Zain. "But this wasn't from just missing lunch today, she- she's got weeks of malnutrition on her body.

Zain looked at him cluelessly, the worry biting away at his veins as the doctor kept hesitating. 

"She- she uh- she must have been starving herself for weeks..."



His raspy whisper was hoarse in horror.

He couldn't breathe.

There was agony suffocating his lungs and utter terror in his eyes. He went cold suddenly, as if the warmth had been robbed from his body.

His heart shattered.

"What? Why would she- Why would she do that?"

Heartbreaking tears filled his eyes, it had been years since he cried, but nothing could hurt him more than her pain.

"I don't know sir... somebody will have to ask her about it. She's lost a lot of weight, she seems to be exercising till complete exhaustion too. I will send her a therapist if you think it will help her, right now her body is not too damaged but if this continues it will harm her immensely."

"I will never ever let that happen." He whispered silently, broken.

The doctor nodded, before getting up to leave, sensing Zain wanting time alone with her.

Zain remembered how she would avoid him recently, work her way around things, no longer stay at his apartment, always make excuses that she was tired or meeting her family, how she had become shy all over again. How she refused to eat, how she struggled to swallow her food, how bony she had become.

He beat himself up viscously, for being so stupid, for not being able to see something so wrong going on. He slammed his fist on to the bed with a pained grow.

He shook violently as he suddenly cried, hiding his face in his hands like a small child as he sobbed in the guilt he drowned in.

Her eyes fluttered open slowly at the noise, she groaned as she sat up slowly, craning her neck to look over at him.

Her eyes flew open at his state, she had never seen him so broken before.

She grabbed his face in her hands and the tears in his eyes left her breathless, he looked so vulnerable and delicate, like a mere touch could shatter him to pieces. She wiped away his tears with her thumb, shaking her head, "Baba? kya hua?"

His eyes melted and without another word he smashed his lips on to hers, kissing her with all the passion in his body, her eyes widened in shock as he wound his arms possessively around her middle and yanked her closer, deepening the kiss. His tears trailed down her skin, and she could feel his pain in the ferocity of the kiss.

He held her to his chest, hiding his face in her hair and breathing deeply, taking in her scent as if it was his oxygen. He mumbled in to her hair, sniffling back his tears, "Fucking hell Adu... what if lost you?"

She pulled away, her face blank and clueless, as she wipes away his tears away again, "what do you mean?"

"What do I mean!?" He jumped away, as he yelled abrasively his eyes crimson with rage and deep pain. "How could you pull a stunt like this Aditi?"

"What stunt Zain?" She frowned in confusion, She tried to hold his hands in hers but he pulled away in anger.

"Oh you don't know huh? The doctor said you've been- been-  starving yourself for weeks...." His voice was brittle and agrieved, and the hurt in his eyes was the worst thing she had ever seen. "Why the hell would you do that?"

She couldn't say a word, her stomach churned in nauseous fear.

He grabbed her face in his hands, forcing her to look in to the abyss of his eyes. The copper on the sage, the radiant brown that had stolen her heart, looked so irreversibly broken. He was crying after so many years... for her.

"Tell me Aditi... why the hell would you do this? What if something happened to you?"

"I- I- Zain..."

"I don't understand..." He looked so shattered, so exhausted, as if this had stolen every last bit of stength in him, he was whimpering as if wounded. "Where did I go wrong? Did I not treat you well? Did I not love you enough?"

"No Zain... It's not- its not your fault..." she gulped back her tears, her eyes welling up. "why would you say that?"

"What am I meant to say huh? My girlfriend didn't think twice before putting herself at risk! How am I meant to feel like I am enough!?"

"Its me that's not enough Zain!" She finally screamed out, letting the suffocating feelings out of the recesses of her heart, her fears of so long. "Its me that can't love you enough, its me thats not good enough..."

He frowned at her in confusion, she started weeping, her body rattling in strenuous sobs. He immediately pulled her in to his lap, and she curled in to his chest like a baby, burying her face in to his chest. He might have been furious, but he could never see her cry.

He rubbed her back, as she clutched to his shirt, whispering to her gently but the disappointment was still in his eyes, "what the hell do you mean?"

"They are right Zain... he was right too... I'm never going to be good enough..."She mumbled in his shirt, inbetween her cries.

"Don't be ridiculous... who said that?" He replied running his hands through her hair, terrifying hatred in his voice toward those who dared to hurt her.

Her shaking hand took her phone out of her pocket and handed it to him, and he unlocked it immediately, scanning its contents in worry.

His arms were still around her as he held the phone, so both of them could see the screen, she reached out and pressed the instagram icon for him.

"What the fuck!?" He exclaimed aggressively, pulling away from her as anger riled up through his body. He threw the phone in fury. "How dare they write stuff like this..."

"Its not their fault that its true Zain..."

"Have you gone mad!?" He looked in to her eyes with a gaze so fiery that she could swore it burn her soul to a crisp. "How could you believe all these stupid things?"

"Look at me Zain..." She whined in pain, holding her hands out in defeat. Her eyes were shut as tears spilled from them. Stupid thoughts ran round her head, about he would find her unattractive now, how he would hate the thought of being with her.

"Look at you and what?" He barked in desperation, "look at you and what Aditi!?"

He shook her shoulders callously until she opened her eyes to look in to his, "I look at you and see the woman I love more than anything... why don't you understand that? Why don't you understand that I love you..."

"But that was then Zain... I've changed now, after breaking up with him I stopped looking after myself, stopped going to the gym or eating healthy. I'm fat and ugly. You might not see it now..." She broke down, all her fears came flying out of her mouth, leaving him speechless in shock. "But one day you'll realise that your not attracted to me anymore and that scares me Zain..."

"Don't be stupid Aditi-"

"I'm not. I'm not being stupid. I look in to the mirror and I feel sick. They are all right and my ex was right, I don't know why I ever thought I was good enough for you. I'm scared. I'm scared you're going to stop loving me, you're going to be tired of being with me, and what you used to love about me is going to be what makes you fall out of love with me. My stubborness will be my refusal to compromise, my shyness a restriction, my chubbiness just pure fat."

"You've gone insane aditi... how could you think that? I will never ever stop loving you..." He cupped her cheek, dabbing at the tears fell down her face as his own tears streamed down his cheeks. "I've fallen in love you...with all of you, good and bad, and nobody, not even you could change that. And don't you dare say I'm not attracted to you, you can take my breath away in a heartbeat. Why don't you see it?"

"Don't lie to me... I'm fat. Just tell me how it is. Tell me I'm fat." She was hysterical now, screaming through her cries, scaring him.

"Aditi what is this-"

"Stop lying that you love me!" She pushed him away bitterly, she didn't know how to handle it anymore, these body image issues had really manifested in her mind. "I don't want your pity!"

His face was aghast, his eyes brimmed with tears but he tried his hardest to hold them back, "Is that what my love is to you? Pity?"

"What else could it be huh!? Your clearly not interested in me, you'd much rather be with those BCL girls of yours- Why else would you get so angry with me and so flirty with them!?" she yelled back in accusation, a weird anger taking over her body as she lashed out.

"What the hell are you talking about?! Aditi- I am mad because you didn't even think once what could happen to you if you do this... what would I have done if something happened to you? What would i have done without you?"

"You don't care about me... I am just a burden on you, just a responsibility...if you loved me then you would realise how I feel when you hang out with those other girls. It makes me feel like shit. Do you care?"

His eyes reflected the slow agonising way his heart was breaking.

"If you loved me I wouldn't have done this. It should have just been somebody else, even Zaan wouldn't have made me feel this way."

He froze, his mouth parting as his hands fell to his sides. There was so much pain in his eyes at that moment that it could kill a person. A single tear fell down his face, as he stared at her with so much hurt, so much vulnerability that it cut through her. She suddenly realised what she had said, as if snapping out of a trance.

"Oh... is it like that then?" He whispered, heartbreak in his broken voice.

"No Zain... shit. It wasn't meant to come out like that...." She wrapped her hands around his neck to make him look down at her, but she couldn't bear to see the fragility in his eyes. She had never seen him like this.

"Then what was it meant to come out like? Was I not meant to feel like my love meant nothing? That you would prefer somebody else?" His tone was harsh with accusation, hurt flaring in golden brown orbs.

"No Zain, you know I didn't mean that... I'll always choose you..." she gripped on to the hair on the back of his neck, leaning up until her nose brushed his.

Their foreheads rested against each other as they breathed heavily, as if just trying to soak in each other's presence as comfort, "I did this all for you only... I wanted to look perfect for you, don't you get it?"

"Don't you get that you were always perfect for me? But then I guess you were never happy with me. You prefer someone else, you want to listen to all these stupid people, you put your health at risk and you didn't think about me even once?" He shuffled back, anger and unbearable pain in the blood red veins in his eyes.

"No zain... listen to me..." She tried to clutch to his leg to stop him, but he broke away and stood up.

"I don't want to." He rubbed away at his tears roughly, turned away and walked out, slamming the door behind him.

"Zain!" She called out in vain, sobbing bitterly. She curled in to a ball, hugging herself protectively, missing Zain's arms like hell.


Precap- Holi 🎉
