
Please guys... show this hard work some love, comment vote, tell me what you think whether its good or bad, i will really appreciate it. Thanks for all the support, i hope you enjoy it immensely,

All the love,


Aditi chattered away with Zaan, her adorable nature and hearty giggling had plastered a grin to Zaan's face.

They sat on the sofa together, but Aditi had folded her legs underneath her to maintain a certain distance.

"Aditi kal aap mere saath dinner ke liye aaiye na? We will have tons of fun... just like when you joined us with poonam..." Zaan smiled charmingly, but Aditi just returned a polite tight lipped smile.

"Par kal tho inloge ki next BCL match hai na-"

"Tho? Aap tho team mein nahi hai... its just one match. Miss it na?" He batted his lashes like a child, but Aditi didn't spare him a smile.

"We'll see... just you and me?" She tried to hide the discomfort on her face, twiddling nervously.

"Haan... is that a problem?" Zaan seemed offended, but maintained a composed smile.

Yeah, it was a problem. Zain wouldn't like that.

She pulled a smile on to her face, "No Zaan. Of course not."


Zain walked in to the sets, panting in exhaustion with the soaked orange team shirt sticking to his body.

Passing the day without seeing her face was difficult. She had wanted to come to cheer him along but she had to shoot all day, and because nobody knew about their relationship she couldn't give the excuse that she wanted to see the match for a day off either.

He sighed with a dreamy smile, at least now he could pick her up and take her home.

He froze.

He felt a painful twinge in his chest at the sight of Zaan and Aditi on the sofa, chatting so at ease. Zaan had an admiring smile on his face as he leant close to Aditi, and Zain stiffened as he immediately spotted it.

His blood boiled.

But he had to control it.

"Hey guys..." He tried as hard as he could but his voice still came out strained.

Both of them looked up to face him, and Aditi visibly retreated slightly, recognising the rage in his eyes.

But she ignored him and looked back at Zaan.

"Hey man..." Zaan stood up to pat his arm in a friendly manner, and indicated for him to sit down.

Zain flinched at Aditi ignoring him, becoming even more riled up. He sat on the sofa beside her, and she shuffled away.

"How was the match man... Aditi was anxious for you guys..." Zaan started up the conversation but Zain could tell he would have rather been with Aditi alone. But Zain warmed up at the thought that Aditi was thinking about him during the day.

Aditi was wedged in the small space between the guys, and he was growing more and more uncomfortable at the small distance between her and Zaan.

Zain held her wrist inconspicuously, and buzz flew through their veins, having their relationship secret made them hungry for touch, each touch felt like the first. He dragged her closer to his side and further from Zaan, practically on to his lap.

"The match went well, we won... How was shooting?" Zain returned the pleasant small talk to Zaan but was still tensed up in possesiveness.

"Let go Zain..." Aditi whispered under her breath, she looked pissed as she tried to struggle out of his grasp.

"No." He was just as stubborn as her, he wouldn't let his her out of his grasp.

"Shooting was great... and inbetween we got to catch up and spend some quality time together... hai na Aditi?" Zaan looked at Aditi, awe filling back in his eyes. Zain wanted peel his eyes out.

"Wow that sounds great..." Zain faked a smile.

"Sounds like you had fun without me..." He growled in to her ear, gripping to her waist with his hand that was behind her, where no one could see.

"Not as much fun as you were having without me Zain..." She spat back, causing him to frown in confusion at what she could have meant.

She pulled away from him, inching toward Zaan. His hands fell loosely at his side, a void filling them as he looked wistfully at Aditi, possesive anger raged inside him as Zaan spoke to her animatedly and she giggled.

He knew nobody could own her beautiful laughter.

But he wanted to be the only one to make her laugh like that.

Anger churned in his gut, and he tried to close his eyes to controll himself. Because when it came to matters about her, his temper was terrifying.

"Maybe I should leave... I think I'm just getting in both of your ways... right Aditi?"

She looked at Zain with fiery eyes at his accusatory tone, she looked hurt and that stung him.

"But Aditi was saying- I thought you were here to drop her back home?" Zaan seemed innocently confused at what was happening, his gaze going from Zain to Aditi.

In amongst his anger, he felt a slither of guilt, she had been expecting him.

"That wont be needed. Thank you." Her tone was harsh, as she began walking away. Her heart pounded, and her eyes glazed over and she cursed herself for being so emotional. Nothing had happened.

But her heart wanted Zain to stop her.

Zain's lips parted to say something but seeing Zaan's soppy face, his anger returned with a vengeance.

"Aditi wait!" He grabbed her hand. Aditi was about to smile, but then sighed silently, hearing Zaan's voice and sensing somebody else's touch rather than Zain's.

Zain clenched his fists, almost shaking at the sight of Zaan holding Aditi.

"Hmm?" She looked back at him, trying to hide her dissapointment.

"Shall I drop you instead?" The question was well-intentioned but she tensed, considering the options in her head.

She did want to spite Zain... She met eyes with him.

But seeing the anger and hurt in Zain's eyes, she decided against it.

"I'm okay thank you... actually Nalini was going to take me to meet her new boyfriend..." She lied through her teeth. She was going to ring Nalini up, and ask her for a lift, she wanted to talk to somebody. Nalini was one of the only ones who knew about their relationship.

"Okay..." Zain smiled a little in relief but Zaan seemed dejected.

"Anyway, dont forget to consider our dinner..."

Zaan lifted her hand and pressed a small peck against it, it was a gentlemanly gesture and Aditi didn't think much of it except pulling away in slight discomfort.

But Zain's lungs collapsed in his chest, and he felt ill at the pit of his stomach.


"Aditi stop! Aditi!" Zain yelled out as he tailed behind her in the parking lot.

She ignored him, picking up the pace to loose his trail on her, wrapping her arms around herself from the harsh cold.

"Aditi!" He called out again, this time his voice was raw which stopped her in her tracks. Till now he had disguised his voice to avoid suspicion. If he let his real emotion filter through in a public place, then he was really desperate.

He caught up to her, panting in exertion. She looked around at him, her eyes automatically wandering down his body, at the hot way his shirt stuck to his muscular body.

She bit back on her lip, her voice controlled and emotionless, "What do you want? I said I'm going home after meeting with Nalini today..."

Wordlessly, he wrapped his jacket tightly around her shoulders.

"You were cold..." He didn't meet her eyes but his concern was evident, "I dont want you to get ill..."

She looked up at him in wonder, as he cutely focused with his tougue poking out as he carefully zipped up the jacket.

"I know you're not meeting her boyfriend Aditi." She looked at him helplessly, there was nothing she could hide from him.

"But if you're planning on going out with Nalini... don't drink, and don't come back too late..." He complained on and on like the overprotective boyfriend he was.

"I don't understand why you give a shit... if you think you can't trust me..." She wasn't particularly angry, her voice was soft, defeated, as she turned away.

"Aditi... I don't think that..." He grabbed her hand stop her, sighing deeply. "Aditi. Are you going to go with him?"

She looked round at him to see hurt eyes that were on the verge of tears, "With who?"

She held her ground, pretending to not know whats going on to provoke him.

"Are you going to go to dinner with Zaan, Aditi?" His voice rose slightly, hoarse in frustration.

"I'm going to think about it..." She shot back, glaring him back in the eye.

Nalini honking her horn broke them out of their conversation, she rolled down her window, smiling at Aditi.

"Come in Adu... we'll have a drink or two..." Aditi looked over at Zain, who didn't leave a trace of emotion on his face.

She went and sat inside the passenger seat without a word of protest, Nalini looked up at Zain, "You aren't coming?"

Zain sighed in hurt, not hearing Aditi refuse drinks after he had asked her to. He hated this bitterness between them that had come out of nowhere.

"Maybe another time yaar... you two have fun... Don't keep her out too long okay?"

"Yes sir!" She mock saluted him, before closing her window and driving off.

Leaving Zain watching behind the retreating car with a heavy heart.


He lazed on the sofa, sighing in the silence from time to time. He repeatedly pressed the remote as he flicked through the channels half-heartedly, not actually paying attention to whats on the screen.

All he could think about was her saddened eyes. And Zaan's obvious move on her. And her laughing at Zaan's joke. Her considering going out to dinner with him. Her. Her. Her.


Coincidentally, Naamkarann flashed up on screen and he realised he was actually home early enough for it to be showing on the channel.

He's never had an interest in watching his own work. But she was on the screen.

It was a close up of her face, magnifying her stunning eyes. And he couldn't help but get that gush of feelings in chest, falling in love with her all over again.

He wondered whether he could even blame Zaan... who could resist falling madly in love with her?

He sighed again.

Turning the tv off and staring at the ceiling in the painful silence.

All he wanted was her there beside him.


There was a knock on the door and he sprung on to his heels at the speed of light, praying it was her.

And it was.

He opened the door to face her, worn out with tired baggy eyes, and holding his jacket around herself as if she was going to melt away. She looked frail and distraught, he frowned in pain.

He didn't think about it twice, he scooped her in to his warm arms and crushed her to his chest, nuzzling his nose in to the nook of her neck that only he had a right to.

And after reaching his appartment 3 hours ago, this was when he felt he had come back home.

She was home.

She inhaled shakily, as if she was trying to decide whether to cry or not. "I came home early... I didn't drink... just like you told me to..."

"I know baby..." He kissed her hair with a soft sigh and a sad smile.

"I'm sorry-"

"Hey," He cupped her face gently, looking in to her eyes with a smile of reassurance. "We can talk about it later... okay? I'm just glad your back..."

"Hmm..." She fell back in to his arms and he held her protectively, rubbing her back.


They were sat on the sofa, Aditi curled in to his side with his arms wrapped around her back. Her head laid on his chest as she watched the tom and jerry on tv through half open eyes.

He used to hate tom and jerry. But he came to love it. Because it never ever failed to bring a smile on to her face.

"Adu..." He whispered cutely in to her hair, his hot breath tickling her scalp.


"You won't go with him right?" He gripped to her hand desperately, fear looming in his voice.

"Where? With who?" She smiled slightly at his possessiveness and teased him.

"That guy. The one that practically stole my name and is now trying to steal my girlfriend" He pouted like a baby, and Aditi burst out in to laughter.

Zain admired her with sideward grin, this is what he yearned to see, her wide teeth-flashing smile that was the only thing on earth that made him so happy.

"Zaan didn't choose for his name to be one letter different from yours Zain..." She sighed at his hopelessness with a small smile.

"But you wont go to dinner with him right?" She shook her head at his fear, but her heart thrummed in joy seeing someone who cared for her so ardently.

She pressed her hand to his chest as she leaned up to him, and kissed him softly, lingering against his lips with a smile.

"No... I would never go if you didn't want me to..."

"God Aditi..." He smiled back, and she suddenly remembered how she had missed it so badly. "You scared me..."

She jumped away from with an irritated huff, leaving him looking on at her cluelessly.

"I scared you!? You scared me duffer!" She hit him in the arm before reaching over for her phone. She pulled up some pictures and handed it over to him.

He looked down to see the BCL pictures, where the women had their hands on him or was kissing his cheek, or he was kissing theirs.

His mouth dropped open, he looked back up at her to see looking adorable with her cheeks and nose flushed a deep red of anger.

"Aww baba... is this why you were so mad at me? Pagal..." He reached over and pulled her cheeks with a affectionate smile, chuckling at her antics.

"Shut up." She shoved his chest, frowning. "You're going to get it from me today Mr. Imam.... Look... their hands are all over you...."

"Aditi dekh mujhe..." He playfully smirked in arrogance, raising his eyebrow. "Who wouldn't want their hands all over a handsome dashing man like me?"

"Do you really think arrogance will help you right now Mr Imam..." She narrowed her irked eyes at him, and shifted slightly as if getting ready to pounce.

His eyes widened in fear, which was not his fault. His girlfriend could make herself look seriously scary sometimes, "It's not like I could say, get off me I have a girlfriend. They would get suspicious."

"It was just to evade suspicion huh? Look at your smile! You like your on top of the world..."

"Well thats why I'm an actor right?" He joked, poking her nose.

She sighed, suddenly more serious. He hated her face so crestfallen, "I don't like it Zain."

He held her closer comfortingly with a frown, smelling her hair, he loved its sweet yet spicy scent that suited her so damn well.

He whispered sweetly in to her ear, "What does it matter Aditi? At the end of the day, none of that matters. I'll only ever come back home to you."

She pulled away slightly, smiling playfully, "stop trying to butter me up..."

"I'm not!" He defended, whining like a child.

"Yeah? Well if that's enough of an excuse, and all such is needed to evade suspicion..."

She raised her eyebrow, with challenge in her eyes and a smirk on her lips, "Then how should our picture be? Should I kiss Zaan or should Zaan kiss me... infact why don't we do both..."

"Don't you dare even think about it..." He muttered, rage coarsing through him.

He pressed a burning kiss against her lips, and she could feel all his love and care and possessiveness flutter in her stomach.

It felt like the first time all over again.

"Only I can kiss you. And you better not kiss anybody but me. Samji?" He reprimanded her cutely, his eyes burning with passion.

"Oh... is that so?" She smiled teasingly, looping her arms around his neck.

"Yup." He grinned back, biting her bottom lip with relish, making her laugh breathlessly.

"Avni might be Neil's. But Aditi is only mine."
