
Sorry its so late, please like, comment and vote if you liked it... I really appreciate all your love and support... Please tell me what your favourite part was, and please leave some suggestions of what you would like to see next... thank you! Enjoy...


"I don't think this looks any good Nalini..." Aditi frowned as she stared and scrutinised herself in the mirror. A subconcious hand rested on her stomach in shame, Zain may have been feeding her restlessly left right and centre and making sure her health was being regained but mentally she hadn't healed at all.

Nalini walked out from the bathroom, and her mouth fell open in shock, "Are you fucking kidding me Adu?! You look stunning. Zain will fall flat on his face seeing you..."

Aditi cracked a small shy smile, fiddling with the small gold pendant around her neck that he had gifted her.

She really did look like an angel... She wore a long black dress, long sleeve and a low cut v neck that clung perfectly to her curves. Her hair  cascaded in waves down her back, as Nalini had curled her hair away from her face.

As always her beautiful simplicity stayed intact, she hadn't let Nalini apply even a drop of foundation, and her milky complexion shone against the contrast of the black, it really was her colour. Nalini just lined her mystifying eyes with black kohl, applied a little mascara and lip gloss and just a dash of highlight on the high points of cheek, just to add to her ethereal glow.

"Isn't a little too tight?" She questioned, concious about her figure.

"Zain might think that..." Aditi's eyes shot up in horror, 'Zain's going to think I look fat' the stupid voice in her head hisses.

"Only when all the boys are the party are after my gorgeous babe..." Nalini giggled, causing Aditi to relax and smile a little along with her.

"Now go... Zain is waiting for you downstairs..." Nalini winked as she shoved her out of the door playfully, "I wish I could film his face and post it online... that boy is 100 percent a goner tonight..."


She walked slowly down the stairs, she was bloody nervous, her hands were shaky and her blood drumming in her ears.

He was adjusting his tie with his back turned away from her, he hated ties. This stupid thing just had to be a black tie event.

"Zain... is it time to go?"  She called out to him softly, her shy eyes downcast.

He turned around at her voice, frowning in confusion at it's unusual tone.

His jaw has dropped to the ground.

The breath got caught in his lungs, as his heart forgot to beat for a second. His throat went dry at the stunning sight of her, and he blinked slowly, doing a double take.

The love that flooded him, not only that, but the sheer attraction that drew him to her like a magnet, was unimaginable. How beautiful he found her was indescribable, it couldn't be described in words, only seen in the way his pupils dialated, his heart raced, and that million dollar proud breathless smile lit up his face, because he knew that she was his.

She didn't need blush, her cheeks heated up the brightest pink under his soul baring, hypnotic gaze. He walked toward her, his stare so intense that it felt as if the whole world was a blur except her.

He cupped her cheek gently as if she was the most fragile thing on earth, "Aditi... I-"

She looked up at his voice and it stopped him in his tracks, as if in a wordless gasp at her eyes. Those eyes. They weren't hazel brown, or golden amber. But they were the deep, mesmerising black of the night sky, like gazing in to obsidian, there were so intense they devoured light. They reflected eternity, she held the entire universe in those eyes, his entire universe. Looking in to them was like star gazing.

They could ensnare any man she wanted, she had no idea the power she held in those eyes.

"You what?" She asked, after watching him state at her intently for minutes on end.

"I just-" He tried again, just to fail miserably  another time.

"Wow..." He whispered in awe under his breath, she had taken his breath away.

She giggled softly, diverting her eyes from his shyly.

"Don't do that..." He whispered, lifting her chin with a frown.

"Do what?" She asked cluelessly, biting her pink lips.

"Look away and ruin my view of your eyes..." He muttered, he clutched to her waist and dragged  her closer. His fingers traced the fabric at her waist, and though the satin was soft, he yearned to run fingers across her skin instead.

"Chi... pagal... Stop being cheesy..." She exclaimed playfully hitting his chest, still biting those sultry lips of hers that drew him toward them.

"Let me kiss you... please..." He whispered in to her ear, ever the gentleman, his breathing tight in desperation. His warm breath tickling her skin.

She captured his lips, unable to resist his cuteness. He devoured her lips and deepened the kiss, caressing her back. She gripped on to his shirt with a gasp, as his tongue darted across her lips, her heart fluttering.

"You know how beautiful you look right?" She shuddered and all her hair stood on end as she subcummed to his husky voice, as he nibbled at her earlobe, his breath ragged and sharp as if intoxicated with desire.

She pushed him away slightly, trying hard not to drown in the wet trail of kisses he led down her neck, " Don't you want to go?"

He frowned, as if she had asked something stupid, confusing her completely, "I'm not letting you go out in this..."

"What?" She blinked in puzzlement, "But you just said I was looking nice-"

"No sane man is going to be able to take their eyes of you. And I don't like the idea of all those men eyeing my girlfriend... "

"No one's going to-"

His fist clenched, his teeth gritted and his eyes could burn someone to death. "And if anyone dares to hit on you, I swear to god... hell is going to break loose."

"Baba meri baat suno..." She rubbed his arms reassuringly , with a soft sad smile. "Nobody will try anything I know it... Do you have any idea how many beautiful gorgeous girls are going to be there? The men are going to go flat on them, have you seen Nalini tonight? Why would they even give me a second glance? You have nothing to worry about..."

Zain just stared at her in bewilderment, holding her closer to his chest, just wondering how on earth could she be so disarmingly unaware of her beauty. She literally shone like moonlight against the black of her dress, just her smile could have a queue of guys at her knees. And she had no idea.

Aditi's eyebrows furrowed in worry, as she slowly traced the tear running down his cheek, "Zain are you crying? What's wrong?"

He caressed her face in his hand, his eyes brimming with tears as he focused on her every detail, her every feature in awe. His other hand cradled her against him, like she was the most precious thing he had.

"I just don't understand how you have no clue how beautiful you are... How could you think I could ever want to change anything about you?"

Aditi's eyes filled with tears, and she gulped down the lump in her throat as her lips quivered, she threw her arms around his neck and jumped in to his arms, hiding her face in his neck. She mumbled incoherently in to his skin, not knowing how to express her overwhelming emotions, "Zain... I- sorry I-"

"I know... I know baby... you don't have to say anything..." He stroked her hair and held her tightly, he was always the support she needed, she didn't need to tell him when she needed him. He planted a long kiss her hair, closing his eyes, relishing in her being in his arms, treasuring her.

"Now lets go okay?" He pulled away gently, tucking the flyaway strands of her hair behind her ear. "But promise that you'll stay by my side the entire time... I don't feel safe letting you hang around alone when anybody could-"

"Yes, yes sab samaj agaya Mr. Overprotective..." She laughed, her tongue sticking out as she fixed his collar, loosening his tie and undoing his top button. He smiled goofily at her typical wife behaviour, dreaming of what his life could be with this wonderful woman.

"And I'm going to be absolutely fine... After all I'm Zain Imam's girlfriend, who will dare to hurt me? Tum hai na? To protect me?" She smiled up at him with so much trust in her eyes that it melted his heart, after running her hand through his hair, she leaned up on her tiptoes to rest a kiss against his cheek. "Now you look perfect..."

"Hello! Mr and Mrs Imam! I too need to be taken to this party!" Screeched Nalini from behind them, making them both laugh and Aditi shy away slightly. Somehow Nalini already seemed tipsy, only god knows how she managed that.

"Teek hai... hum sab chalte hai ab..." Zain sighed at her stupidity with a small smile, picking up his car keys with one of his hands as Aditi went up to get her phone.

"Adi! Jaldi aa!" He yelled up the stairs as he led Nalini out.

She came down with a look of question on her face, "Adi? Kal tak Adu tha na?"

"Yeah but once that Zaan started using it, its leaving a sour taste in my mouth..."

"Zain-" She warned, sighing at  his childish behaviour.

"Now nobody calls you Adi but me.. okay?" He pulled a baby like pout, scrunching up his nose adorably.

"Okay whatever... now hurry up..." She rolled her eyes with a smile, dragging him in to the car.


She was like a walking sin, a temptress. She exuded this radiant beauty, this inherent sexy ambience, it was impossible to not fall at her feet. He was struggling to keep her hands off her, he wished he hadn't come to this stupid thing, and instead they were alone together where he could kiss that killer smile of hers.

He could see the men checking her out and it clawed at his chest like sandpaper, yet she still didn't notice, he felt like ripping their eyes out. She laughed like an angel as she mingled with people, that laugh that made his heart go funny.

"She looks beautiful doesn't she?" He heard a whisper in his ear that made him break out of his trance, he turned around in confusion.


Nalini laughed, her head thrown back, at his adorable confused face, "Oh Imam sahab tu tho gaya..."

"What? Why?" He asked in question, rubbing the back of his neck like a clueless school kid.

"Leave it. Aa jaa na... come dance..." She beckoned him toward her but he declined, staying put on his chair with his glass tightly held in his hand, as if tensed.

"I don't feel like it..."

"Woah... you and not dancing? What happened to my super social friend today?" She poked him persistently in the arm, irking him.  She knew what she wanted to get out of him, she smirked mischievously. "Come on now, tell, sach bata... why won't you come?"

"I- Nothing." She gave him a pointed knowing look, forcing him to give up with a sigh. "I don't want to leave her alone. I wont feel safe unless I-"

"I'm sorry Zain... but I don't even think Mr protective boyfriend has the power to stop all the proposals she's going to get tonight, looking like that..." She joked, giggled at the face he pulled.

He shot up in his seat, his eyes wide in terror, ranting in a panic "Do you really think she'll- shit. I knew it. Wait. Who is planning on hitting on my girlfriend- in front of me? Whoever he is I'm going to-"

"Hey Zain! Calm down! I was only joking..." She was taken aback by his drastic reaction.

"You better be..." He muttered as he untensed slightly, leaning back in his chair with his eyes closed. "I hate this yaar... I can't even be seen close to her..."

"Its alright. She'll be fine... I'll go stand with her, would that make you feel better?"

"Yeah please, make sure she's safe from anyone stupid..."


"Zain yahan aa na..." Aditi called to him, and just his name in her voice was enough to make a huge smile break out on his face, he had to compose himself before sprinted over to her.

"This is Aditya he is Zaan and Poonam's friend... and his friend here is Deepika ma'am..." She smiled graciously, indicating towards them. Zain scanned over the guy suspiciously. The guy looked like he was in his early 30s, arrogant, and he didn't like the way the guy was looking at his Aditi.

"And this is my- my friend and costar... Zain Imam..." She stumbled as she spoke, and he frowned deeply, he knew it was just formality but he hated her calling him just a friend.

Zain stepped forward to shake the man's hand, stepping protectively infront of Aditi and trying to block this Aditya's fixated gaze on her, "Hello Aditya... aur aap ma'am... it's nice to meet you both.."

"Hi yes it's lovely to meet you, your costar is a real pleasure to speak to Mr Imam..." The woman spoke, smiling affectionately. "She is a very sweet soul, genuine and humble unlike some other tv stars I've met in my time... you must be very proud to be working with her, being her friend..."

Zain couldn't help but smile down at her proudly his heart bursting with pride, his arm immediately leading itself to rest at the small of her back. "Yes of course I am... she's wonderful... I'm a very lucky man..."

Aditi smiled back at him talking animatedly to the woman infront of them. Her eyes filled with joy at sight of him so proud of her.

A slow song started playing, and people paired up to dance on the dance floor at the centre of the room. Aditya smirked as he sidestepped Zain and approached Aditi. Zain tensed up, his heart speeding and his hands turning to fists.

"Aditi..." Aditya whispered, taking Aditi's hand in to his, she cowered in discomfort, her eyes searching for Zain. "You certainly look absolutely stunning tonight... May I have this dance?"

Zain instinctively grabbed his hand, squeezing it so hard that the bones might have cracked under the pressure, he kept his voice cool and calm, but his bloodshot eyes gave away the fire raging inside him, the threat was clear in his voice, "Hey man... I don't think she wants to... She's going to say no... Alright?"

Aditi tried not to laugh at his adorable jealousy and decided to test it, she patted his hand reassuringly with an cheeky smile, whispering to Zain under her breath, "Zain it's alright I know him..."

"Wait. What the hell? You don't actually plan on going-" Zain whispered back in devastation.

"Why not? Let me have some fun..." She faked rolled her eyes, suppressing her laughter at his shocked face.

"But- Aditi- wait-"

She swept off with the man, it felt like his heart was wrenched as she let the guy take her hand and lead her out on to the dance floor.

Zain's friend came up and sat beside him and tried to call out to him, but he barely noticed, he was too busy watching that Aditya's every step with steeled eyes. His jaw was clenched in anger, if that Aditya made one wrong step Zain would behead him right there.

His stunning girlfriend had caught the attention of many men on the dance floor, many men crowded closer to her subtly, sometimes asking her for a dance of passing a comment. She seemed flattered but completely oblivious to their intentions, her innocence and that charming smile was just a million times cuter.

'What the fuck does she think she is doing?!" He screamed inside his mind, but outwardly he just groaned, his head aching with tension. His only consolation was Nalini and Poonam sticking close to her.

Faster music blasts through the speakers and he almost sighed in relief that at least the slow dancing is over, but it was still only getting worse from there.

She started dancing boldly, laughing loudly as she spun around, suddenly somehow completely fearless. It was nothing complicated, rather ditzy steps and stumbled walking with Nalini trying to control her.

But God, did she look irresistible... her expressive eyes and that wide dauntless smile had the whole room looking at her in wonder. There was something about her, nobody could look away. Nobody had ever seen this side of her before.

She swayed her alluring hips in time to music, her sexy confidence was like a drug, he was addicted, so addicted that he failed to realise how unusually his usual shy reserved Aditi was behaving.

Her smile was so breathtaking that his chest quaked, and his lungs shrank, yet it felt like he's been given a new lease of life. Her laughter made him tense up his knuckles with the fear of never hearing it again.

"Hey Zain... Zain..." Called Rohit, shaking him slightly, making him finally look over at him.

"Kya hai yaar?" Zain seemed a little pissed off, sighing at the disturbance.

"Yeh Aditi hai na? Aditi Rathore?" Rohit enquired, and the glint in his eye, made Zain's hair stand up on end.

"Kyu?" He questioned suspiciously, his hand clenching and his heart pounding.

"She's your costar right?"

"Yeah so- What's it to do with you?" He was struggling to keep his cool, his chest tightened in worry.

"Well I was just wondering whether you could help me meet her? I mean.. I'd like to ask her out..."

Zain froze, he had to control his eyes from not being murderous, he gripped to the glass he held in his hand so tightly it was close to smashing in to pieces.

"She's really hot bro..."

"Hot?" Zain's voice was strained in rage, almost shaking. "Hot... She is beyond just hot. She is kind, and innocent and loving, and incredible, with a heart of gold. She is stunning, she can take your breath away before she even introduces herself. She is stubborn, she can be the death of you, because you won't know how to say no to her. Even in the midst of sadness, pain, she'll be smiling. She has a mind that can tear you to shreds."

Zain's breathing was gruff, his body tensed, a minute away from punching his friend in the face. "She's not just hot. Don't ever degrade her like that again."

Rohit looked at him in utter shock, his mouth parted but no words left his mouth.


"Zain! Zain! Come here!" Nalini yelled out to him over the music, seeing a dazed Aditi in her arms, he sprinted over in fear.

"Kya hua?" Is she fine?" He panicked, struggling not to take her in to his arms.

"I don't know what happened but she's drunk... I didn't see her drinking anything..."

Zain sat her down on a chair, frowning in knowing anger, "Did Aditya give her a drink?"

"Yeah, but it was just juice..."

"Fucking hell. That bastard..." He yelled, gripping to Aditi's hand, his heart was torn out with the fear of losing her. "He must have spiked it. He must have been planning something- Where the hell is he?"

"He disappeared somewhere, I'm not sure-"

"Zain... Zainuuu..." He felt tugging on his collar and looked down to see Aditi staring up at him with her adorable big doe eyes, whining like a baby. "Mujhe dekho na..."

He smiled, it was impossible not to smile at that face, "Haan dekh raha hu... kya hai?"

"Do you know? You look really handsome today..." She giggled like an excited teenager, ruffling his hair. "Are you single?"

He threw his head back in laughter, seeing her so carefree was adorable, enamouring, "No I'm sorry, I already have a very beautiful girlfriend..."

She frowned like a school child, her eyes crest fallen and her voice a whisper, "Then do you have any glue?"

"Glue? Glue kyu chaiyye tumhe?" He looked puzzled by her antics.

"I want to glue my broken heart back together..." She pouted, melting his heart.

"Do you know lots of men here would love to be with you..." He baited, wanting to see how drunk Aditi would react.

"But I only want you..." She whispered sensuously, she pulled him toward her, her hands roaming his chest as she planted a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

He pulled away quickly, scanning their surroundings to check if anyone had seen them, "aditi! Ab nahi..."

"Fine then, I'll find someone else..." She runs off, leaving an exasperated frantic Zain.

"I have lemon juice in my bag, let me just find it..." Nalini comments while rummaging through her things.

"Lemon juice? Why are you carrying lemon juice around with you?"

"Have you ever seen the way I end up after a night out? It's necessary..."


Zain pulled her back, stepping forward with a blood thirsty look in his face. She was dancing with a random guy, giggling and batting her eyelashes, not caring as he felt her up.

"Get your hands off her. Understand?" Zain warned, he didn't need to scream, his cold voice, and ruthless eyes spoke volumes much higher. "If I see you near her again, I'm telling you'll fucking regret it."

He dragged the drunk Aditi away with him, and she fought against him, pulling and hitting him restlessly.

"Arrey mister! Chodo mujhe!" Aditi yelled, pulling back against his hand.

"Aditi stop it... bohot hogaya..."

"Hey mr khadoos mujhe chodo... Or I will-"

He spun her around and pinned her against a wall where nobody else could see them, his eyes were raw, challenging, "Or you will what? Hit me?"

"Yeah! I'll beat you up!" She hit his chest repeatedly in vain, frowning like a dissatisfied child. She looked up in confusion when he didn't respond. "Didn't that hurt?"

"Nope. Now what will you do madam?" He smirked at her, his hand resting on the wall above her head, as he inched toward her.

"You know... I'm not scared of you..." She narrowed her eyes at him, prodding his chest. "My Zain will come and beat you up... He'll never let anyone hurt me..."

"Oh really?" He raised his eyebrow at her adorable behaviour, holding her close to him, "And won't your Zain be angry that you are dancing with other guys?"

She frowned as if suddenly realising something but a smile quickly reappeared on her face, "No... he can never get angry at me, because he loves me sooo much..."

"How much?" He asked with an affectionate smile, his eyes softening. He held out his hands wide, "This much?"

"No much much more than that... I can't show you... it's too much to show..." Her face was lit up in happiness, and its warmth found its way to his heart.

"Really? So then why did you go off and dance with other people? Won't he feel bad? What if you break his heart?"

"I broke his heart?" She exclaimed in genuine panic, her eyes immediately moistened in guilty tears. "I didn't want to break his heart... Do you have any glue?"

"Arrey ab kyu chaiyye tumhe glue?" He asked in awe at his hilariously adorable girlfriend.

"To glue his heart back together..."

"Pagal ladki, glue can't fix hearts..." He rolled his eyes, chuckling at her puzzled face. "and look I'm your Zain right here? Can't you recognise me?"

"Hmmm..." She came close to his face, as if inspecting him suspiciously. He frowned in question as she poked his nose and pulled his cheeks, scrunching her face up in confusion. "Kiss me..."

"Kiss you? Not in this state-"

"Arrey shut up and kiss me yaar..." She whined, wrapping her arms around his neck and crashing her lips on to his.

He kissed her back, passion electrifying the air around them. His arms found her hips, his fingers brushing her gently. She fisted his shirt in her hands, frowning in the intensity of the emotion. He craved for more, ravishing her lips, desperate to claim her as his. He bit her lip, and she gasped, opening her mouth wider, and allowing him to deepen the kiss.

He pushed his body against hers as close as he possibly could, desire darkening his eyes. His fingers grazed the sides of her body, making her moan softly, arching in to him. He groaned, tensing in arousal as she clawed at his back, her curves pressing in to his body. His stomach tightened.

But he pulled away, this wasn't the place to get carried away like this. Their rested their foreheads against each other, panting as they struggling for breath.

She smiled at him sweetly, hugging his middle tightly, "You're definitely my Zain..."

"Really? How'd you know?" He questioned curiously, smiling mischievously.

"Because no one can make me feel the way you do..." She whispered, leaning closer towards his face, staring in to his eyes. His heart ached at the love in her eyes.

"What about all those guys?" He asked, the jealousy still burning in his chest.

"Are you mad at me?" She pouted, her face falling.


"I knew it. You're mad at me again aren't you?" She hugged him tighter, pressing her cheek against his chest. "Please don't get mad... I hate it when your mad..."

He frowned when her tears wet his shirt, he lifted her face and wiped away the tears that were falling down her red cheeks, "Don't cry... God it kills me when you cry..."

"You don't love me anymore... It's because I'm fat isn't it?" She asked, her lip wobbling.

"Aditi what are you saying..." He frowned in hurt at her words, she had no clue what she was saying in her drunken state.

"But you know... you're very nice about it... my ex... he used to yell at me if I ate too much... one time he punched me in the belly so I vomited all the extra food I had... because I'm so stupid... And ugly...and fat..." She had never told him before, his shaky hand went to her stomach, caressing it lovingly.

His eyes filled with tears, looking in to his broken eyes, seeing past her smile that usually hid the fragile girl inside, "How dare he-"

"But you will never hurt me... will you Zain?" She asked innocently, her eyes were unblemished, flooded with hope.

"Of course not..." He frowned in pain,  his heart tearing to shreds. He tucked her hair out of her face. "Never..."

"Good... you should take good care of my heart okay? Because I'm trusting you to keep it..." She ordered bossily, pointing her finger at him.

"Okay... I will... I promise..."  He replied, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Good boy... now stop crying... it hurts my heart when you cry..." She rubs at his face, drying his tears.

"Why didn't you tell about all of this..."

"Because you would cry, and then my heart would hurt... and then you would kill him... and then you'd go to jail and then-"

"Alright, Alright I understand..." He sighed with a small smile, he led her out of their corner and sat her back on the chairs. He handed her the lemon juice. "Now drink this..."

"Ewww no... I don't want it..." She pulled a cute face, pinching her nose.




"No way..."

He opened the lid, and made her drink it himself, she frowned as she glugged it down. She grabbed his collar, shaking him.

"You know I deserve an award..." She mumbles, annoyed.

"An award? Why?"

"Because you're so irritating but I still love you..."

He laughed freely, kissing her forehead, "I love you too baby..."

