6- Healing

My heart is broken over the news of Naamkarann, but hope is still alive in me, god wouldn't do wrong with so many people, such a dedicated fandom, such a hard working cast... how could he do wrong with us... lets not give up until the very, lets trend, lets email, and call... and most importantly raise the trp.

Lets say that we will adjust for a new timeslot, lets tell them how there is so much more to explore, so much story left. Lets not give up, for Adiza.

And, I'm sorry that updates are taking so long, I'm studying for exams currently, but this is just my gift to all adiza fans, for not giving up even when all hopes are seeming to fall apart. Please please comment, vote, tell me what you think and most importantly work together to save our show....



Her eyes flutter open at the sound of agonised whimpering, she stretches slightly, her head heavy and her eyes weary. Her hands go to her throbbing head, as she blinks in confusion. Was she at her home? She blinked to recognise the sight around her, hazed surroundings of Zain's appartment room came forth. It was pitch black, probably in the middle of the night.

She turned towards the noise and sees Zain facing away from her, he was shuddering, curled in on himself, and the small pained cries were coming from him.

She pressed a hand to his shoulder frowning, rubbing his back, "hey baby? What's wrong?"

He took a few seconds to turn around and face her, he tried to hide it but his eyes were sore and red and dried tears were sticking to his cheeks.

"Nothing... I'm fine... Why did you wake up?" He asked with worry adorning his features, little wrinkles curling on his forehead as he pulled her in to his arms, and cuddled in to her. "Didn't you sleep well?"

She cupped his cheek, her watery eyes stared in to his broken ones, and her gaze broke through the way he tried to shield his hurt, "Don't lie to me Zain... What's wrong?"

"I'm fine Adi... I promise..." He didn't dare to look up at her, knowing that he would melt and break down, and in turn pain her. His breathing was ragged and shaky, on the verge of sobs that were choked down in his throat.

"Zain... Don't do this..." She sighed heavily, shaking her head at the way he always refused to show his emotions. "come here baba..."

She opened her arms for him, and he crawled over to her like baby, huddling up in her arms. She hugged him tightly, and he clutched to her waist, burying his face in her chest.

"Tell me what's wrong Zain... please..."  She suddenly felt her top soaking with his tears, as he silently sobbed, the comfort of her arms, shattering him.

"Oh Zain..." She sighed in agony, her eyes closing, unable to bear his state. She stroked his hair gently, pressing a soft kiss against it. "Shhhh... please don't cry...."

"I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry" He mumbled repeatedly against her skin, his tears trailing down her chest. He trembled as she continued to whisper sweet nothings in to his ear, her heart clenched in worry, she had never seen him so vulnerable before.

"Sorry? Why are you sorry? What's wrong Zain?" She whispered in worry while stroking his cheek, their legs were entangled together, and she stroked his leg with hers intimately. It was the comfort they gave each other in their silence, that was the most special, the thing only they shared.

"I've- I've failed you Adi..." He whimpered like a baby, nuzzling in to the nape of her neck.

"Failed me? What are you talking about?"

"I've failed you... I'm a fucking awful boyfriend... I'm a fucking idiot..."

"Hey... don't say that..." she lifted his face in her hands and wiped away his tears with her nimble fingers, his eyes were raw, bluntly hurt,  red and weak from crying. It broke her heart.  "You're the best thing thats ever happened to me..."

"I haven't failed you? Really?" His voice was aggravated in grief, this deep gut feeling of guilt and pain and anger. "This doesn't mean I've failed you?"

He hikes up his shirt that she was wearing above her waist, and rests her hand on the top of her thigh causing her to wince. He squeezed his eyes closed at the noise, unable to stand any sort of  her pain, it wounded him more than her. His hand ran up her thigh gently, his touch was so soft it was as if he was touching fragile glass. Her eyes closed as tears dripped from them, the love in his touch soothed the burning wounds.

His hand moved up to the spreading greying bruise on her lower stomach, and she flinched again. He bit his lip to try and control the pain it caused him.

"These don't mean I've failed you?" His eyes were raging with hurt.

"How did you find out? I tried-"

"You told me what- he- what that bastard did to you when you were drunk, Nalini found- found them, when she dressed you for bed when I brought you here-" He struggled with his words, as if they made him sick.

"I'm sorry... Zain I-"

"When were you going to tell me?" He lifted her chin, glaring at her, the disappointment in his eyes made her eyes water. "Were you ever going to tell me? Didn't you trust me?"

"Zain... it's not that... I just didn't want to hurt you..."

"So you decided to  suffer completely on your own? You thought that wouldn't hurt me like hell?" He growled, his brows furrowed and his grip on her hips tightened.

"No Zain... it was in the past... i didn't want to bring it up again..."  Tears spilt from her eyes and he wiped them even in his anger, he would never let her cry, but his own tears streaked down his face.

"But it still affects you... is - is my love not enough to make you forget? Have I not done enough to heal you Aditi?" His question was heartbreaking, his eyes brimmed with innocence and guilt and it made her feel worse. She was so caught up in her fears and insecurities that she didn't stop to think how seeing her this way, would make him feel.

"Zain it's not like that-" She begged him to believe her, wiping away the tears streaming under his wounded puppy dog eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck, as if clutching on to him for dear life. " I just... I just don't... i-"

He frowned as he saw her weakening, her eyes filling and her muscles tensing in fear, shivering, his hand went to support her head, and she snuggled in to his arm like a pillow. "You just what? tell me adi... You know you can tell me anything..."

"I just... I can't stop remembering the way he-" She broke in to bitter tears, and he held her tighter, she curled in to him trying as hard as she could to get closer, to the safety she felt in his arms. "He only- only loved me when I looked the way he wanted me to,  when I did the things he told me to... go to the gym, eat small portions or something else, if I didn't, he-"

She gasped with tears as Zain's hand went back to caress her wounds, she leaned her forehead against his, grabbing to his shoulder, "Everything was my fault- you know how his friends tried to- misbehave- that was my fault too, everything... I- that's the only kind of love I knew Zain..."

He couldn't bear hearing about the things she suffered through, he couldn't bear watching her fall apart, he pulled her even closer, and she landed on top on him. He wrapped his arm around her middle, and the other tangled in her hair. He  cradled her like a baby, her legs resting inbetween his as he rocked her tenderly. She lifted her face of his chest, to look at him.

"But then somehow, by some miracle, I found you Zain..."  She whispered, she ran her fingers across his stubble, staring at him in awe, making his eyes glass over with unshed tears. "And you're the best thing that's ever happened to me... you taught me what love should be like, you trusted me, listened to me, accepted me, loved me the way I was... You treat me so sweetly... with you- I- I feel like nobody- nobody can hurt me now... because you would protect me, you make me feel safe Zain, safe and happy..."

She kissed the tear running down his face, "I never thought I'd fall in love ever again... it broke me...  but Zain... you... who wouldn't fall in love with you? I love you so much... I just-"

She chewed on her lip, biting back fearful cries, his arm still resting on the exposed skin on her stomach consoled her, "I know you're not like him, I know that you could never ever hurt me... and that you wouldn't want me to do the things he used to want me to do, to starve or- I just- I saw those comments and I remembered, I just, I don't deserve you someone like you Zain... but, but I can't let you go, I'm so scared of losing you, I'm scared that one day you're going to stop loving me like my ex did, and I- I just wanted to do anything I can to be worthy of you...."

"Aditi..." He sighed at her misconceptions, her insecurities, her fears. She had no idea, no idea how much she was worth to him. She was everything.

He gently tugged at her lower lip with his teeth, pulling her in to a deep, soft and slow kiss, that held so much love that it sent shivers down her spine. Her hands found purchase in his hair, playing with the strands on the back of his neck as she melted in to his kiss. He frowned in to the kiss, desperate to show her everyhing he felt with his touch, he drew her ever nearer. His hand went to her bare thigh, tracing patterns across her skin, she moaned at the feel of his cold rough fingers against her warm soft skin, she wrapped her leg around his waist needing to eradicate any sort of distance between them.

He pulled away to press a kiss on her forehead, his tears hitting her skin, his eyes were closed and she could feel his love envelope her, "For god's sake Aditi... you have no idea how much I love you, how much you mean to me... that's never going to change-"

"But what if-"

"There are no what ifs Aditi... I will love you no matter what..." He kissed her closed eyes, her nose, her cheeks, slowly and gingerly, his tears trailed down her cheeks, his unconditional love made her guilt curl in her stomach.

"Why? Why do you love me?" She exclaimed in guilt, breaking away from his gaze and pulling away slightly. "You're wonderful Zain... anybody would love you, you're kind and a gentleman, charming, caring... "

She fists his shirt in her hands, squeezing her eyes closed, "You've given me everything Zain... you've given me love and happiness and safety, treated me like no one ever has before... put my needs before yours again and again... What have I done for you? What can you love in a girl like me? I'm weak and insecure and shy, and-"

He pressed a finger to her lips, stopping her mid sentence, "Don't dare say that. How are you weak? Do you know the hell hole you escaped? You stayed in that hell hole and suffered that idiot, and smiled all the way through it... till today you kept that pain all to yourself, suffered it because you didn't want to hurt me? How could you not be the bravest woman I've ever met? I-"

"But Zain, whether I'm brave or not," He couldn't stand the hatred for herself she held in her eyes, the way she tensed in discomfort. "In the end everyone wants their partner to be beautiful right? To be attractive?"

"And what? You aren't?" He asked sternly, his eyes more agressive, he'd had enough of her demeaning herself. "You are the most beautiful woman I know..."

He places her hand on his chest, and she could almost feel his heart hammer against his ribcage, "Just having you close to me does all sorts of things to me, can't you see? There is not a single thing about you I would ever wish to change, except those stupid tears in your eyes. And I don't care what other people think, but it's not just me that can see how beautiful you are, everybody can. But you..."


"You spent years in torture, he forced you and belittled you, made you feel worthless...  why the hell would you do the same to yourself? Why are you torturing yourself Aditi?" He tucked her hair behind her ear carefully, scanning over her in worry, and she just stared at him in shock, she would never understand how she got so lucky. "I love you, and god your beautiful, won't you trust me? Won't you stop hurting yourself like this? It's hurting me a million times more"

"Zain... I- I don't want to feel like this..." She cried helplessly like a child and he held her, his cheek resting against her head and his arms cacooning her against him. "I want to be happy and I want to believe you... i just can't... and those comments, I don't want to ruin your career on the show just because I'm not fit to be a lead... I want to believe you but-

"Then believe me... believe me Aditi, i will show you how beautiful you are, I will love you so much you will forget the way he treated you, and I swear to god if I get my hands on him, he's dead. Torn from limb to limb"

His eyes stung from tears spilling down from them, as he kissed the scar on her hand, and then leant down, pressing a kiss on her thigh and peppering kisses across her stomach, he didn't leave any wound untouched. She gripped to his hair, pleasure and pain and emotion coarsing through her as his magic touch filled her body with contentment and bliss. A tear left her eye in admiration at his love, he was healing her.

"I'm never going to let anyone hurt you ever again, not even you yourself... and I'll show you how much you mean to me aditi, I'm not going to lose you... I'm not going to give up on you... I'm going to love you, and teach you to love yourself..."


"Just promise me you'll try Adi... promise me you'll never hurt yourself again... I can't lose you..." He pleaded her, and she lost her heart all over again to the love and care in his eyes.

"God Zain... what did I do to deserve you?" She pecked his lips, not knowing how to show him how much he's done for her, how much she loved him.

"Deserve me?" He pouted with a frown, his eyes downcast. " A boyfriend who can't even protect you?"

"No... " she shook her head frowning in anger, "A boyfriend who loves and cares for me this much, a boyfriend that is ready to do anything to protect me, a boyfriend that would go to hell and back to make me happy... Don't you dare say a word against my boyfriend..."

He grinned at her adorableness, sniffling back his tears, "okay... now I think you've cried enough... right?"

He wiped away the tears left on her cheeks, smiling down at her affectionately, "let's forget about all this for a bit, you get some sleep now okay?"


"And as for those stupid comments, I'll give them a piece of my mind somehow..."

Aditi froze in worry, her face warping, "No don't... I don't want you to lose any fan following over this..."

"Don't be stupid," He furrowed his eyebrows, possesive anger blazed in his eyes that made her heart flutter. "its better to have no fans than ones who talk about my Aditi like that..."

She smirked at his cuteness, "Your Aditi?"

"Yeah!?" He whined like adamant child, "who elses? All those men who were eyeing you up, and you were trying to dance with at the party?"

"I- I what?" She pulled a confused face, making him chuckle, she had forgotten everything...

"Don't worry baby forget it..." He laughed at her, making her grin shyly as he leaned over and pecked her nose. "Lets get some sleep now..."

"Yeah please I need it..." She yawns and stretches like a mewling cat, nestling in to his chest. "Some star administrator rang me today, I'm off to Mohali tomorrow yaar,  to watch the ipl match... and then I have some other work over there so I'll have to stay a few for days..."

She said it like it was nothing, closing her eyes and trying to settle back in to sleep, but he paincked in a second, grabbing her shoulder, "You're what?!"

"I said right... I'm flying to Mohali, let me sleep now..."

"And you didn't feel like telling me?" He asked, fuming cutely.

"Everything was busy, so much was going on... I literally just forgot Zain..." She rolled her eyes, sighed at his antics.

"How can you forget to tell me you're going away?!"

"Its only for fivedays... and you went too... twice, without me..."

"FIVE DAYS!" He yelled, his eyes widened in fear, she laughed at his face and pinched his ear,

"Stop overreacting Imam sahab..."

"I'm not."  This time his frown was genuine, and the sadness in his eyes made her want to forget it all, forget the pride she felt at the honour of going because he mattered more than all of that. "Aditi I don't feel safe letting you go on your own... don't go na?"

"How can I just not go? Don't be silly Zain..."  She ran her hand reassuringly down his chest, trying to stop him frowning like a puppy, with that irresistible pout of his. "You know I'm going to be absolutely fine..."

"But how will I stay without you for so long..." He mumbled in to her cheek, where he rested his lips, making it harder and harder for Aditi to refuse him.

"It's only five days, and you're going to be shooting... it will pass quickly... I really want to go Zainu..." She batted her eyelashes with a sweet smile and he lost against her charm in a second.

He sighed deeply in defeat, having to let her go, kissing her cheek, "I'm going to miss you so much..."

She smiled at how he could never refuse her wish, kissing him back, tracing her lips across the corner of his mouth, "yeah baba, I'm gonna miss you too.."

"Now sleep, I don't want you to be too tired when you're traveling right?"

"Hmmm..." She hummed tiredly, as she snuggled in to his chest, and hugged him tighter. She was still on top of him, her legs were enveloped by his and one of his arms rested protectively over her waist. "But you're going to be fine these next few days right?"

He smiled at her care, and kissed her hair again and again, "Don't worry about anything... go and enjoy and get some rest..."

"Yeah?" He asked, smiling down at her as she nodded like a child, he admired her flushed cheeks, and pink nose, and the small content smile on her face.

"But one last thing-"

"But nothing, ab so jao... mein yaha hu na, everything will be okay..." He whispered, making a smile tug at her lips, she leaned down and kissed his chest, next to his heart. He patted her hair softly, and she slowly relaxed in his arms, and he watched her slowly fall asleep with an affectionate smile.


When he woke up, a frown creased his face as he realised he was cuddling a pillow instead of having her in his arms.

"Adi!" He straightened and shot out of bed, worry had already settled on his features as soon as he didn't see her. He rushed in to the bathroom, and scanned around, running his hand through his hair in stress. " Aditi kahan ho tum?"

He ran down the stairs and in to the living room, calling out for her again.

"I'm in here Zain!" She called from the kitchen, and he didn't miss a beat, a relieved smile on his face as he sprinted to the kitchen.

A wonderful aroma made it's way in to the kitchen as she worked on something, but he was hungry for something else.

She looked ethereal, stunning, and he wondered if it was possible for to fall more in love with someone every time you looked at them, because he did. She was already ready to leave, her hair in a ponytail and out of her face, yet a few of those stubborn strands still tickling her collarbone and framing her face. She glowed, her lips soft and kissable and her cheeks flushed. He didn't know how he would live without this sight for two days.

He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, sighing in content as she relaxes in to his arms and rests her hands on his arms, stroking them gently.

He presses a kiss to the sweet spot on her neck, and her head falls back on to his shoulder with a soft moan, his voice was rough and husky and it sent chills down her spine, "Good morning... Why didn't you wake me?"

She turned her head slightly to kiss his cheek, mumbling against it, "Good morning, I kept you up too late last night... I wanted you to take rest..."

He frowned in irritation, she always neglected herself for him, "You need to go to the airport right? Why didn't you wake me?"

"Yeah I do," She moves out of his arms, squeezing his arm in a silent apology, "I've called a taxi, I'm almost packed and everything, and there is some food for you too... They should arrive in a few minutes..."

"What are you on about?"  He asked in bewilderment, grabbing her arm to pull her back in to his chest. "Taxi? Why the hell did you think I was going to let you leave by taxi?!"
"It's early Zain, you eat and rest, I promise I'll manage..." She smiled that irresistible smile at him, and it annoyed him even more, she never let that smile leave her face. She never showed her sadness or tiredness, so it didn't bother anyone else. But he wanted to know, he wanted to protect her from everything.

"Yeah? You'll manage? I bet you haven't even eaten any breakfast..." His voice was stern, one of his eyebrows raised, concern flooding his eyes.

"I was running late after cooking this, I was just going to buy something from the airport-" She meekly tried to defend herself, knowing that there was no way her overprotective boyfriend would let her get away with it.

"Cancel the taxi. Now." His voice was definite, there was no saying no to it. "Come, sit down to eat."

"No zain," She pulled away from his grip on her waist, looking away from his harsh gaze. "I haven't even finished packing yet, I promise i'll get something from the airport..."

"Adi don't argue with me now... Eat..." He warned, his face tensing, his jawline sharpened and she wished she could lean over and pepper kisses against it.

"No." She crossed her arms over her chest, narrowing her eyes.

"No?" He smirked at her stubbornness, with a knowing look.

"Yeah, no." She stuck her tongue out like a small child.

"Fine then. You leave me no choice madam..." He grinned, she gasped loudly as he easily swept her up in to his arms, lifting her bridal style, carrying her across the room.

"Zain put me down!" She yelled pouting like a baby while hammering his chest with her fists, he just chuckled at the futility of her attack, "Zain!"

"What? You thought I would let you get away without eating?"

"Zain...." She whined, as he placed her down on the chair, patting her head as he stood up.

"Stay here, call the taxi and cancel it now..." He walked over to the kitchen counter, serving a plate with an omlette and toast and filling a glass of milk. And he sets it on the table with a knife and fork as she talks to the taxi company on the phone.

He sits beside her and watches over her, leaning over to tuck her hair behind her ear, "khao na..."

She pouted at it like a small child, pushing the plate away, "I hate omelette..."

"Aditi... don't make a fuss now... you need to eat something..." His worry was evident on his face and so she avoided looking at him, knowing that her stubbornness would dissolve seeing those big sad puppy dog eyes of his.

"I'm not hungry..."

"Okay look, I will cut it up..." He took the knife and fork and cut the toast and omelette up in to sections with care, frowning in concentration. She smiles slightly as she admires him, as he cared for her like you would a child. "Ab thodi si khao na? Mere liye?"

"But the milk?" She asked in confusion.

"Haan, you have gone all pale and weak now, I'll have to make you drink milk like a little kid..." She opened her mouth to complain but he fed her a piece of omelette, successfully shutting her up for a few seconds.

"But what about my packing? I-"

"I'll do it," He declared in a rush, running to her bag and starting to fold her clothes.

"You? How would you know what to-"

"Arrey stop worrying yaar... you eat, I told you na, I'm here..." He ran back just to rest a soft kiss against her forehead, caressing the side of her head, making a huge smile spread across her face as he went to continue with his work.

"Oh and what's with all this pampering today Mr Imam?" She eyes quirking her brow with a smile, her heart warming.

"Don't I pamper you everyday?" He pouted adorably, making her want to pinch his cute cheeks.

"Hmm..." She pondered thoughtfully, while she obediently finished her food, "Something is special today..."

"That's because you are leaving me na? So I won't be able to pamper you for a whole 5 days..."

"Zain... don't be upset, I'll be back before you know it,  promise..." She put away her empty plate and cutlery before going to kneel beside Zain, who had fallen silent. She squeezed his shoulder and he closed his eyes, memorising the feel of her touch. "Come on... don't you need to eat?"

"Let's go, we need to get you to the airport..." He mumbled, zipping up her suitcase and standing up to get his car keys.

"But your breakfast?" She asked trying to tail behind him as he quickly carried her suitcase to the car, his face still slightly crestfallen in sadness.

"I will eat when I get back, get in, you shouldn't get late now..." He opened the car door for her, like the gentleman he always was, she sat inside, her face sullen seeing him upset.

Her eyes shot open as she felt his hand brush against her soft stomach, she gasped and looked up to see him clicking her seatbelt in to place for her. He knew that she always forgot.

He sat inside, turning the key in the ignition, frowning slightly as he drives out on to the road.

She sighs, reaching out to place her hand on top of his hand that was on the gearstick, she stroked it gently in comfort and she could see him visibly untense his muscles at her touch, "itni pareshaan kyu ho Zain? I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry? I'm fine... You've definitely remembered everything right? Boarding tickets aur sab kuch?" He looked out and focused om the road, not ready to face her sulking that hurt his heart.

"Haan..." She muttered, sighing more deeply this time, seeing his reluctance. But her smile returned as he squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"You don't worry... I'm fine okay?" He whispered, smiling at her consolingly, he hated worrying her.

"You aren't mad at me?" She asked innocently, her eyes wide in surprise, her innocence was beautiful, and so rare. "You don't think that when I go without you I'm going to cheat on you?"

"Why the hell would I think that?" He asked in shock, turning round to look at her in disbelief. "What are you talking about?"

"Its just... I thought that... he never used to let me go anywhere by myself, he thought I would-"

"I don't want to hear about that bastard anymore, okay?" Fury laced his voice, his fists clenched at the thought of the man, his blood boiled. "I'm not him. Okay?"

"Mm hmm..." She hummed, fiddling with her hands nervously. He reached out and entwined his hand with hers, stopping her fidgeting.

"I trust you." He said, his thumb rubbing her hand assuringly, smiling tenderly.

"I trust you more than anything..." She whispered, her eyes welling up as she leaned over to kiss his cheek.


"We're here..." He tried to keep the disappointment out of his voice as he parked the car, he looked up at her, his heart wrenching. "Can I walk you out?"

"Somebody might see us Zain..." She whispered in guilt, seeing the sadness dwelling in his eyes. She struggled and clambered and climbed across the mechanics of the car, to move in to Zain's lap.

She roped her hands around her neck, pulling his face down to look at him, "Don't be sad baba... I'll be back soon..."

She pouted, stroking the stubble running across his jaw, his eyes closed at the touch, treasuring it. She leaned up and kissed the pulse point of his adam's apple and his jaw clenched, knowing that he would miss this touch almost made it sting.

Their foreheads rested against each other, their breathing heavy, he wrapped his arms around her waist to pull her chest against him, "Don't go na... I don't like the idea of you being there on your own..."

She sighed knowing that she didn't have to say anything, he would understand, her hands tangle in his hair and fondle with it gently and he relaxes, snuggling in to her chest.

She kisses his hair and starts moving out of his arms but he tugs her back reluctantly, crashing his lips against hers and kissing her desperately. She reciprocates, grappling to his collar as she straddles his lap, he licked her lips, relishing in her sweet taste, he tried to enter his tongue in to her mouth but she didn't let him. He groaned in irritation, trying again, his hands sneaking up under the hem of her shirt. She pryed his hands away, keeping the kiss soft and not allowing it to heat up.

"I hate you..." Zain mumbled, flustered and longing to scrap this stupid trip and have his way with her, just making her chuckle at his adorable antics.

"Well aren't you being needy today?" She questioned with a grin as his grip around her middle refused to loosen.

"Well you're leaving me..." He frowned, and her heart melted away at his cuteness.

She ran her fingers along his sides, trying to tickle him but he didn't even flinch, she tries under his arms  and in the middle of his stomach but he still didn't move an inch, she huffed while hitting his chest, "Is there anything that make you smiles? khadoos..."

"No." He crossed his arms over his chest in playful anger.

She reached up and bit his pink nose, surprising him, his eyes widen as he jump backs slightly, he admired her giggle at his reaction, "not even me? I don't make make you smile?"

He leaned over to her nose, but kissed it instead, smiling softly, "Of course you do pagli..."

She leaned on his chest, and he cuddled her protectively. She pressed her ear against his heart listening to it thud against his ribcage, just hearing his heart beat was reassurance enough, that he was there with her, "I know it's only five days but I'm going to miss you..."

"Oh you don't even know...." He rested a loving kiss against her temple,inhaling her sweet feminine scent.

"Will you play with my hair?" He looked at her inquisitively, in confusion at her unusual request, she stumbles nervously. "It-uh- it calms me down..."

He smiles at her cuteness, as his heart literally aches, it feel likes his heart would actually burst out of his chest with love. He runs his long fingers through her silky hair, massaging her scalp slowly, she groans with bliss at his magical touch that made her stomach clench.

"I think I have to go now..."  She sighed, looking at the watch strapped to her wrist.

He hugged her tighter from behind, his chin resting on her shoulder, he pressed a wet kiss on the back of her neck and her hand went to grab his hair to control her reaction to the touch, "I don't want to let go of you just yet...

"Sorry Zain..."

He heaved a sigh, pulling away painfully slowly, his heart reluctant. He left the car, and went to the other side to open her door, she climbed out and watched in awe as he lifted out her suitcase and double checked inside to see whether she had everything she needed.

He got out his wallet as he approached her, "Aditi do you have money on you?"

She frowned, puzzled by his question, "I have my card but nothing else? Kyu?"

He took out the notes in his wallet and handed it to her, "Arrey yeh sab kyu? How will I take this much?"

"My money is not your money? I want you to keep some cash on you, you never know if you reach a place where they wont accept a card or something..." He squeezed her hand that held the money and she smiles at his care.

There was a second of silence where they stared at each other, their eyes speaking volumes, he could see exactly what she needed in her eyes and it was what he needed too.

He scooped her in to his arms, holding her against him, one hand caressed her waist and the other cradled the back of her head, he kissed her hair frantically in concern, "promise me, promise me you'll be careful, and stay safe..."

She leaned up and cupped his cheek, and he closed his watering eyes but she kissed his eyelids gingerly, "I promise..."

"Call me when you get in to the plane, when you reach the airport over there and then when you reach your hotel room... okay?"


"Don't you dare forget to have your food on time... and stay around people that you know, don't linger around of your own, we don't know how the people are like over there-"

"Yes baba... I wont..." She giggled at his possesive care, she brushed her nose down his skin slowly, playing with his sensitivity, sending adrenaline hurtling down his veins. "You promise that you won't sulk around, you'll take care of yourself and have fun and do something..."

"Have fun? But-" She glared at him and her gaze stopped his sentence short. "Fine. Okay... I promise..."

"Good boy..." She grins as she kisses him, gripping to his neck to deepen it, he kisses back, savouring the softness of her lips against his.

She pulls away, her smile faltering, and his falling completely of his face, she picks up her suitcase, turning around and waving at him, "Bye Zain..."

He ran over to catch up with her, kissing her forehead a last time, "take care, okay?"

She nodded with a small smile before she walked in to the airport, he sat inside the car but waited till he could see her get inside safely, already feeling her absence, already missing her.
