Chapter 9

I made my way to the closet and boy oh boy, Chrono wasn't lying when he said this is a walk-in closet. The whole thing was about more than half as long as the wall that my bed is along. After admiring the size of the closet, I start picking out clothes to wear. They all seemed to be the same colors... black, white, or dark grey. I didn't mind, granite I wouldn't mind at least some color.

Luckily, he at least gave me a mixture of sweaters, dresses, skirts, t-shirts, and all kinda of stuff! There were mostly t-shirts or sweaters though. I chose to wear a dark grey sweater and a black skirt.

When I went to the bathroom, took a shower, got dressed, and I made sure to brush my teeth and do all that hygiene stuff.

Finally, I felt clean from the mess I ran into today. I went into my room and put some clean, white socks on that were lent to me. Overhaul or Chrono never said I didn't have to stay in my room, so, I wanted to explore the house. It seemed like there was a lot to it, considering how expensive and big everything is.

I was looking at everything while wandering through the house, all of the fancy stuff seemed to be in the bigger rooms. The hallways and smaller spaces were pretty plain. While roaming through all the hallways, I came across a bigger pair of doors. 

I slide one open, curious to see what they led to... It was a bigger office. It seemed to be The Boss's office considering how big and fancy everything was in it. It looked much fancier than Overhaul's, and it looked like an actual office.

I stood at the doorway, looking at everything from the outside. But my curiosity grew and I couldn't help myself but take at least one step in it.

Unfortunately, just as I took a few steps in the office, I heard a pair of footsteps coming my way. I didn't know what to do, if I run out the room, they'll see, and if I close the door, they'll hear it shut. I'm probably not even supposed to be in here!

All I could do was face the doorway, waiting for whoever was coming to scold or yell at me. It was my first day here and I'm probably going to get yelled at already.

Then, Overhaul came walking by the doorway. He stopped himself, and turned his head to me. "What are you doing here?" He asked sternly, he did not sound happy to find me in here.

"W-well, I got done with my shower and stuff and I thought that I could take a look around the house a bit since Chrono never told me I couldn't." I say, terrified. He sounded pretty scary when he was mad.

Overhaul looks away and takes a deep breath in, then exhaling. He walks in the room and stands in front of me, towering over me. "You said you cleaned yourself, correct?" He said more calmly now.

I nod, "You made sure you took care of your hygiene and wore the clothes that were in the closet?" I nod once again. "Good... but you forgot one thing."

I was confused, I wasn't told anything else, was I?

He sighs, "Haven't you noticed every single one of us is wearing a mask?"

Oh, crap! I remember seeing a whole bunch of them in the closet, I just didn't think about it!

I cover my mouth, "I'm so sorry Chisaki, I-"

He cuts me off, raising a finger to my mouth, "One, I told you to call me Overhaul. Be sure you remember that. Two, don't worry about it... just be sure to keep them clean and to change them every night." He pulls a mask from one of his pockets. "Here." he says, handing it to me.

"Thanks, I'm sorry by the way."

"It's fine. Also, make sure you never come in here again. I don't even feel comfortable in here. This isn't my space." He says, looking around the room, then back at me, "C'mon... I don't want to be in here any longer now." He says, leading me out the office.

"I'm guessing that was The Boss's office?" I ask, looking up to Overhaul as he slides the door closed.

He looks at me from the corner of his eye, then closes them, "Yes, it's his office," he opens them back up, "that's why I don't enjoy being in there when he isn't."

I stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. "So what now?" I ask him.

He turns his head to me and smiles under the mask, "Now, we begin your training..." He says, walking off. I followed him.

"Training? You mean we're already going to try and control my quirk? But what if I harm you or-"

"Nakamura... If anything, you should be worried if I'm going to harm you."

"Wh-what do you mean Overhaul?" I ask him timidly.

He chuckles under his breath, "You'll see... don't be too scared though."
