Chapter 16

Everyone seemed to like the Yokisoba that Overhaul and I made together. When we were all finished and everyone left the table, I volunteered to wash all the dishes tonight.

While I was washing them, I felt a presence next to me, "Y'know, you didn't need to do their dishes..."

I look to my right, only to see Overhaul. I look back at the dishes, "I know, it's not like I have anything better to do though."

He stays quiet and watches me wash everyone's dishes.

"Do you plan on just standing there and staring at me or are you going to do something?" I ask him.

He doesn't say anything. But instead, he grabs me by my waist to move me away from the sink, and starts to wash the dishes himself.

"What are you doing? You're the one in charge here, you shouldn't be washing anyone's dishes." I try shoving him away from the sink but he was too strong and didn't let me move him two feet from the sink.

"I couldn't stand watching you clean after everyone. Plus, it's boring just sitting around doing nothing as the leader, I have nothing better to do as well so..."

After he was done with the dishes and I was sitting on a stool nearby, he comes to sit on the stool next to mine.

"You know Overhaul, I'm glad I chose to stay. Granted it sucks I have to wear this stupid mask all the time, my life has been at least a bit more exciting since I've came here, and I was able to meet some pretty cool and nice people." I say, trying to hint that I was mainly talking about him.

I stare down at the counter, avoiding eye contact with him. I could see him from the corner of my eye, looking down at me.

"I'm glad you chose to stay. After all... It took me quite some time to actually get in touch with you, I've always been fascinated with that quirk of yours." He says, talking about my quirk once again. I know my quirk is the only reason he wanted me here but I wonder if that's still the case. 

I always wonder who he really is as a person. I guess you could say that I wouldn't mind being friends. But... I'm not sure if he's wanting to get to know me, he makes it seem like all he cares about is my quirk...

"Overhaul... Is my quirk all you care for?"

"What exactly do you mean Nakamura?"

I turn my head, looking up to him, "Is my quirk the only reason you hang out with me? Have you ever maybe wanted to be friends and get to know me as a person... or is my quirk the only reason you ever talk to me?"

"Uhmm..." his eyes wandered around the room, up and down then, he had a somewhat of a speechless expression on him.

I turn my head back down, staring down at the counter in front of me, "I was just thinking... Because, whenever we talk, my quirk always gets brought up and how you are so in love with my quirk. But haven't you ever wanted to get to know me as a person? Because... I've wanted to get to know you for the longest time."

He was quiet, and didn't say anything. All I heard was a long sigh from him.

Just as I was thinking about getting up and leaving, I could feel the warmth of fingers on my cheek. He brushed my hair from my face and I turned my head to him; I was looking up at him.

"Of course I want to get to know you, why else would I come back to the kitchen and help you with the dishes? If I was only interested in your quirk, do you think I would come over and sit in this stool next to you?"

I could see a small smile come across his face from under his mask... He really smiles with his eyes.

"... Overhaul." I whisper.

I almost felt like crying, I haven't felt so happy in such a long time. I really am happy that I came to this organization. Granted it's filled with criminals and all, I'd much rather be here than back at my toxic household with my parents.

"Nakamura... I'm happy that you agreed to be here. Yes, it was because of your quirk at first. But, now, there's a much bigger reason why I'm happy you're here."

He takes his hand and scratches the back of his head, looking away to the side. I could see his face start to turn to a bright red.

"I'm happy you're here because you're the first person that I've really gotten close with besides the boss. You don't know much about me but, I feel like I can be myself and joke around with you."

I keep looking up at him, watching his face turn a brighter red while I can feel my own face warm up. "So you actually like me being around?" 

He nods, "Yeah... you'd be gone if I didn't."

I smile under my mask, turning away from Overhaul because I could feel myself start to get really red. "I wasn't expecting you to say that Overh--"

I was cut off, when my stool was turned straight to Overhaul. He was so close and he had his hands gripped on the stool's arms.

I just stared at him in his eyes while he stared back, he looked so embarrassed and determined right now. "Th-there may be a third reason why you're still here..."

I couldn't say anything... He was so close that if we didn't have masks, we'd be so close to kissing right now.

"You may or may not be the first person that I uh... that I have had feelings for." He closes his eyes and sighs while he drops his head, looking down. Still holding onto the arms of my chair.

I didn't know what to think.

Overhaul... of all girls in this world, he chose me?


Heyo!! Sorry for taking so long to make an update on this story, school has been really getting to me lately because of testing and I get sick with covid for the second time...

But to the people that actually enjoy this story, I just wamted to say that I promise I will try my best to end this story as quick as possible and to not take a month or two to make another chapter.
