Chapter 6

After laying down for a while, I see someone enter the room. I sat up, scooting to the head of the bed. It wasn't Overhaul that came in the room. "Who Are you?" I ask the stranger. He was wearing a hooded, long white robe and he was wearing one of those plague doctor masks that cover the whole face so I couldn't make out what he looked like. 

"Just a friend of Overhaul, I would say I'm his right hand man." He says while walking over to me. He stopped himself, realizing I was scared and I tried scooting away from him. "Oh you poor thing, I promise I won't hurt you. Plus, if I were to ever try anything, I'd probably be killed by Overhaul." He laughed softly.

I stayed quiet and I looked in his hands, he seemed to have a cup of water!

He looked at his hand, "Oh yes, here. This is for you." He hands me the cup of water as I reach my hand out to grab it. I didn't want to drink it so fast, I wanted to try and save some for later, just in case I wouldn't get another one soon.

But, just as I'm taking a sip, I couldn't stop myself. I was too thirsty to savor it. I ended up drinking the whole cup, the man next to me stood there, watching. I look at the cup and back at him, "Is there any way where I could get another cup?" I ask him.

He takes the cup, "Of course. But you see, I was requested that you start making your way to Overhaul's office, he said he wants to talk to you about something if you're going to stay here." He says.

"Oh... okay, that's fine." I say as I get up from the bed. He starts to walk out the room as I follow him.

When we get to his office, the man opens the door for me, and I walk in. I realize the man didn't walk in after me, I look behind me to see the door close. Why only me?

I look in front of me to see Overhaul sitting on the furniture. He wasn't wearing his plague doctor mask, but instead, he was wearing a normal, plain black mask. I stood by the door, I didn't know where to go. He stares at me and tilts his head slightly as I stand by the door, "Aren't you going to sit down?" He says, signaling to the furniture in front of him with his hand.

"Right..." I whisper as I make my way to the small couch in front of him. I sat down in the center part of it and sat straight up, I could not sit comfortably right now. I'm still pretty scared of this man and I'm still not sure if I can fully trust him. He can trust me, I feel like I've proven it to him by not leaving that room and bu me following his orders... he's the one that hasn't proven to me I can trust him.

"I called you here to give you an explanation to why I brought you here." Overhaul says, leaning back into his seat.

"Okay... then why? Why did you bring me here and expect me to trust you almost right away?" I say to him.

"Okay... first of all, I don't expect you to trust me right away... I haven't really had the chance to prove to you that you can trust me, am I wrong?" Overhaul says.

"I-I guess you're not wrong. Sorry to get off topic."

"No need for an apology, but thank you... Anyways, the reason I brought you here in such short notice is because of how you're using your quirk at the moment. Like I explained earlier."

I was confused, "How I use my quirk" ? What was that supposed to mean? I never use it, I'm not even a hero. I just have a license saying that I can use it if necessary. "What do you mean? I never use my quirk, and how do you even know about it?" I ask him.

Overhaul sits up and chuckles, "See, that's where the details come in... Like I said, I found you a few years back during that U.A. Sports Festival, I just could never find out where to look for you. I try to find people with great quirks and I want them to help them realize that they're much more than they think and that heroes are nothing but filthy and fake people. Every one of them and their quirks are nothing but a disease that spreads constantly. You see, I was raised in this place. I've lived with these people my whole life. Now, there is someone who runs this place but he's currently hospitalized right now and I decided to take charge while he's resting. The Boss was in control of all underground villains in Japan, he believed that we need to follow a boss with codes and morals. But then All Might started coming along and our gang slowly started going in the shadows. Thanks to heroes, we're now having to hide underground and we're being kept here. We're all good people here, we just have our own stories, beliefs, and reasons for why we do the things we do. All these heroes think they're healthy and they can live freely when really, they're all sick and stuck in their own world... All of them, sick." Overhaul finishes. He looks at the cup of water that has straw in it next to him. He slips the straw under his mask and takes a sip of water from it.

I watch as he takes a sip of water, I've been kind of curious to why all these people are wearing plague doctor masks. But now that I really think about it, it could be because of how Overhaul thinks about heroes and how they have a sickness. "So what's your reason?"

He looks up at me, putting the cup back on the coffee table, "Hm?"

I avoid eye contact, staring at the floor, "Why do you do the things you do?" 

He cuts himself off before he even starts speaking, "I'm not sure if I'm ready to share you stuff about my personal life just yet. I explained to you who we are and what I believe. Isn't that enough?"

It was worth a try. I guess I understand where he's coming from though. If I was him, I wouldn't tell a stranger about my personal life as well. "Okay fine... but could you at least tell me what you really plan on doing with me?" I look back up at him with a confused look.

He sighs, "I thought I explained this to you in the room... Like I said, I want to help teach you on how you can use your quirk to its full potential. You also didn't really seem to act as if you were a hero. Most people would use their license to its advantage and become a hero to everyone. I want to know, why haven't you used your quirk and become a pro-hero? I know it's not just because you're scared of it. Because every time I bring it up, I can tell from the look on your face that it's something more."

I mean, he wasn't wrong... But does he really expect me to explain something about my personal life when he won't talk to me about his? "That's something about my personal life that I'm not ready to share with a stranger like you." I say to him. I kept glancing at the cup of water, I was pretty thirsty after waking up on that bed and the cup of water I had earlier wasn't enough.

I guess Overhaul started realizing this because he said, "Are you wanting a drink or something?" He asks me.

I nod, "Mhm, I'm still thirsty."

"I thought I told Chrono to give you a glass of water, did he not?" Overhaul asks with small frustration in his voice.

"No no, he did. I guess it just wasn't enough water is all... If I may ask though, why do you care so much about my well being? Like you said, I'm just some stranger after all." I ask him.

He looks at me with confusion and concern written in his eyes. Just then, he gets up and sits next to me on the couch. Next thing I know, he holds my hands and pulls them to him. Once again, he bows and says, "Asahi Nakamura... you have a very attractive quirk, and I admire it. I can see the potential and power you have, you just don't see what I do... I want you to respect me and realize all I want for you is to stay safe from the heroes and not to get sick like they are. All I ask for you is to follow and join me"

(Sorry for having this chapter literally twice the amount as a normal one- Chisaki's was kinda ranting...)
