Chapter 10

We arrived at a room which basically looked like a workout room. "What a wretched smell... I told those fools to make sure this stayed clean." Overhaul said, complaining about the smell.

I don't blame him... it did sort of smell like really bad body odor.

I was still so confused about what he meant. "Don't be too scared"? What could he mean... I guess I still don't know what his quirk is, maybe it could deal with something like that?

"How are you going to help me train in such a dirty and open room like this?" I ask Overhaul as he walks to the back of the room towards a lever of something.

He looks behind him with his hand on the lever, "Like this..." He says, pulling the lever. Just then, some kind of iron or metal wall slides down from the ceiling all around the room. All the walls and doors were replaced with flat iron/metal ones.

"How was that supposed to help?" I ask him as he walks back in front of me.

He takes off his gloves, throwing them to the ground beside us and looks at me. "So the gas doesn't go anywhere in the house, it's also used for the other member's quirk when they come in here." He says.

"Oh... smart." I whisper.

He was close enough to hear me, "I know, that is why they were built there. Anyways, do you trust me Nakamura?" He asks me.

I looked down to his hands, it was the first time I've seen him not wearing his gloves. I look back up to meet his eyes looking at mine, "I-I don't know, you haven't really proven to me I can just yet." I say quietly.

He looks down while I do the same, he moves his hands to hold mine, But before he got a hold of them, I move them to my chest, "What exactly is your quirk if you don't mind me asking?" I say to him with suspicion written in my eyes.

He just stares at me, "Can't I take this moment to prove to you that you can trust me? I promise it won't hurt." He says, keeping his hands in the same position, waiting to hold onto my hands.

I just stare at him, putting my hands back down and into his. They were so cold and soft, why are they so cold? 

He was looking down as he held onto my hands, "You can't freak out, okay?" He says.

I nod, "Just do what you need to already." I said, anxious for what was about to happen.

I squeezed my eyes shut, turning my head away. But, I didn't feel anything.

"You can open your eyes, you know?" Overhaul says.

I turn my head bank and open my eyes. My arms!!! It seemed like they melted to the ground. All of the flesh from my hands to elbows were just melted onto the ground.

I look up to Overhaul, terrified, "What did you do to my arms!? How is this supposed to make me trust you!?" It didn't hurt somehow, but there was a bit of a sting from my shoulders down to where my elbows would be.

Overhaul chuckles, "Watch this." He says. And within less than 5 seconds, my arms were perfectly normal and connected back to my body.

I stare at my arms, confused what just happened. I looked up to Overhaul who was just standing there, "What is your quirk?" I said in amazement.
