Chapter 12

"There, now you can't move or use your quirk." He whispers with his mouth on my neck. I could feel his warm breath through his mask. My body is stiff, not able to move and I have a chill run down my spine.

Before he did anything else, he released me from his arms. My body slouches as I try and avoid eye contact with him, once again flustered because of him. "I-I guess you won, right?" I stutter.

"Yep, that's how it went down from what I can tell. At least I know what we need to work on for you to get better at your quirk." He says while looking down to me. "You need a lot of work and training to get better. But that's okay, I'm willing to take the time and help you." He smirks while he looks down to me, putting his hand under my chin and making me look up to him.

"That's if you're up to it, Nakamura."

My eyes are fixed on him, while he gazes back into mine. I couldn't help myself but to pull my head away to cover my face with my hands, "Yes yes I-I'm okay with that, j-just don't get that close to me ever again pleasee." I stammer from the embarrassment.

Just then, the second layer of walls go back up, revealing the doors. "Well then, let me show you around and let you get familiar with the place since you seem pretty serious about this training thing. There'll be places where you can and can't go, make sure you remember that. Also, it'll be quite the amount of months or so until we get you to be able to use your quirk to its full potential."

I put my mask back on, listening to him and trying to ignore the fact that this was now the third time he's made me feel embarrassed right in front of him. "That's good to hear. Thank you so much for helping me Overhaul, I really do appreciate it."

He looks over at me, "The pleasure is mine." Overhaul goes towards the door and opens it as I start to make my way over. He opens the door for me as I walk out and closes it behind him and starts to make his way down the hall. I follow him, staying a bit behind. "You ready to take a tour through this place?" He asks.

I tell him happily, "Well, of course. I like to know what kind of place I'm going to be staying in."

"There will also be people you'll meet during the tour. There's more than just me and Chrono here you know."

"Oh, really? well, I guess the more people I know around here, the better, right?"

Overhaul doesn't say anything and stays quiet. I didn't really know anything about him and he didn't know anything about me, so there was an awkward silence between him and I for most of it. Except the parts where he would tell me the places where I can go, where I can't go, and he would answer all my questions if I had anything to ask about something.
