New People And New Friends

(Serena POV)

I finally got to Lumiose city and now am looking around for professor Sycamore's lab to get my first Pokémon. I walk down main street then I take a right, after that I look a left, another left, than right again and I found myself back on main street again.

"What? I thought the lab should be here guess I took a wrong turn".

I then went back the way I came. I took a left, two rights, and then a left again and still ended up on Main Street again.

"No!!! Not again"

I then took a seat at a park bench and took out my pokenav. I typed in the location of professor Sycamore's lab but it showed me a map that was too complex for me to read.

"Aw man how am I supposed to find the lab now" I said with a disappointed look.

"Maybe I can help" A voice said.

"Uh" I looked up and saw a blonde hair boy wearing a blue jumpsuit and glasses. He was looking at me with a smile and said.

"You're looking for professor Sycamore's lab right"?

"Uh yes I am" I said to the boy.

"I'm heading over there myself as well why don't you just follow me and my sister there", Said the boy.

"Really thanks I.... wait your sister"? I said with a confused look.

The boy than looked around with a worried look on his face.

"Uh Bonnie where did you go"? He said looking around.

He then spotted a little girl at an ice cream stand with blonde hair like his, a dark gray top like mine, a white skirt, and a yellow pin in her hair.

"Bonnie there you are I told you not to wonder off like that", the boy said to the girl who I presume is his sister.

"Sorry big brother when we were walking I saw the ice cream stand I went over and then I... Oh hello who's this", the little girl said looking at me at that last part.

"Who me, oh I'm uhhhhh...... Serena" I said not sure what to make of this situation.

"Oh hi my names Bonnie" the little girl said.

"Oh right, I haven't introduced myself yet my name is Clemont", the boy said.

"Nice to meet you" I said to them. Then I saw Bonnie looking at me for a while and then she looked like she got an idea. She than got on to one knee and said.

"Will you take care of my brother"?

"What!!!!!" I said in alarm.

"BONNIE I told you to stop doing that a hundred times" Clemont said as a robotic arm came out of his backpack and picked her up and carried her away from me.

"Uh.... Does she...."

"Do that a lot, yes she does", Clemont said to finish my sentence. "Sorry about that just ignore what she said". He said to me while I just stood there sweat dropping.

"Uh ok then then, so...will you show me to professor Sycamore's lab now" I said trying to change the subject.

"Oh right sure follow me", he said to me while walking down main street.


(Ash POV)

"Here we are Pikachu, the Lumiose city gym are you ready" I asked Pikachu looking at prism tower.

"Pika!" said Pikachu with a determined look.

"Alright lets go" I said walking into prism tower. After walking up some stairs and going down a hall way I come up to a medal door with a T.V. screen over it.

"Welcome to the Lumiose Gym" the T.V. screen said to me. "How may I help you"?

"I'm here to challenge the Lumiose city gym leader" I said to the T.V. screen.

"Very good now tell me how many gym badges do you have earned so far", it asked me.

"Oh you see this is my first gym so I don't have any gym badges yet"

"WHAT not a single badge? In order to challenge the Lumiose city gym you must have earned at least 4 gym badges", the screen said to me.

"What but I..." I started to say when I saw 2 electric medal poles coming out of the ceiling.

"Please leave immediately" It said.

"Wait what are doing with those..." than all of a sudden the poles shocked me with electricity and I then I fell through a trap down that opened right under me.

"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA", I screamed while falling through with Pikachu on my shoulder. We were falling for about 30 seconds when I saw a light at the end of the tunnel we were in and found myself back outside the tower but 4 stores from the ground. We were about to hit the ground when I heard.

"Smeargle use physic"

All of a sudden Pikachu and I were floating inches from the ground when I see a trainer with a Smeagle standing about 4 feet away from me.

"Are you ok", He asked me.

"Uh ya I'll be ok" I said getting up looking at the trainer. He had on a dark red shirt and some grass green pants. He had some nice black shoes and was wearing glasses and a light green fedora.

"I take it you're not from around here if you tried to challenge the gym", he said to me.

"Well no I'm not you see I just got here today I flew in here from Viridian City", I said to him.

"Viridian City that's all the way in Kanto you're a long way from home", he said to me with a shocked look "May I ask what brings you to Kalos?"

"I here to challenge the Kalos league" I said to him. "By the way I'm Ash".

"I'm Lucas", he said to me as he shook my hand.

"Are you a trainer too", I asked him.

"You could say that, but I also have a job outside of being a Pokémon trainer", Lucas said to me.

"Really what kind of job"?

"I uh... rather not say", he said getting the hint that it was probably a secret.

"Oh, so anyway Lucas I know we just met and everything but would you mind having a battle with me"?'

"Me, Battle, Uh why"?, He ask.

"If I can't battle the gym leader I would like to battle a local trainer and you seem to be pretty strong and I'm just dying to have a battle so would you mind battling me", I said with an eager voice.

"I see, well I have to admit I like your spirit and determination, all right I'll battle you", Lucas said with a confident smile as though he is going to win " I must warn you I'm really strong".

"Good that's what I'm hoping for", I said with a thumbs up. We then went to a battle field that was in the Lumiose city park.

"Ok for this battle I'll use Smeargle" Lucas said as his Smeagle walked onto the battle field. Like my Pikachu his Pokémon does not like being in its pokeball.

"Well in that case I choose Pikachu"!

"Pika pika", Pikachu said as he jumped off my shoulder and got into a battle position.

"You ready Ash", Lucas asked.

"You bet", I said to him.

"Alright battle commence"!!!
