
A/N: Hiiiii. Who's ready for more Harah?? :p

When I went back to the doctor's, he confirmed that I was about six and a half weeks pregnant when Harry found out – which was pretty much just as I thought. But the weeks that followed seemed to just whizz right by – and before I knew it, I was already close to the end of my first trimester – at 12 weeks.

Things just felt so chaotic: with the way that I was gaining weight so fast and had to do urgent shops for bigger clothes, craving anything that tasted like sugar, and then having to vomit loads of times every morning, I barely even noticed when a day began and ended. But now that the morning sickness has finally died down to a light nauseous feeling every now and then, I felt way less frenzied, and it felt like time had started to pass as normal once again. But when I did the calculations and found out I'd already hit 12 weeks, I was totally bowled over to realize that I'd be starting my second trimester in just two more weeks.

And even though it was exciting, it was a little upsetting, too – since I knew it meant that it was getting closer and closer to the day when Harry would have to jet off to his first tour destination. I mean, I was happy for him, of course – but I'm still gonna miss him so much...especially when I think about how amazing he's been ever since he found out that I was pregnant.

He's been taking care of me so well, and tending to my every need. When I mentioned how much I was craving vanilla cake, for example, he threw on a jacket, got in his car and visited any place serving cake that he could find until he found one that had vanilla cake. Honestly, it even made me feel a little bad – because I could tell that running around for me all the time was tiring him out – but whenever I try to tell him to rest, he doesn't even listen to me.

But as I mentioned before: as I got closer and closer to the second trimester, the nausea and the food cravings soon began to ease up – and Harry could finally relax a little more. But even with that said, he still isn't relaxing. It's like his determination to get me through all my early pregnancy symptoms has now changed to this really amusing and adorable obsessiveness about the baby. The very moment I wake up in the morning, he asks me the exact same questions: "Are you OK? Is the baby OK?"

It's been like that for quite a few weeks now, and it was honestly just so cute. He never stops showing concern for me and the baby. And I'm pretty sure the only time he's not obsessing about us is when he's spending time with Piper.

Right now, I was preparing to have a shower. I entered the en suite and switched the shower on before I started removing my clothes. However, when I'd thrown my shirts and pants on the ground, I decided to take a quick look in the mirror just to see how much weight I'd gained – so, I walked up to the mirror and turned to the right so that I could look at myself from a side view.

However, as soon as I did, my breath immediately hitched – and I felt my eyes widening to the size of saucepans at the sight in front of me.

I was showing.

I had been so distracted by things like my morning sickness, my cravings and everything else that had been going on during this trimester, that I'd actually completely forgotten about checking my stomach to see if it was starting to grow. And now...right in front of me was this little baby bump that was just poking out of my body, and I swear I felt tears in my eyes the very moment I saw it.

It just made all of this suddenly seem so much more real.

I knew that Harry had been just as distracted as I was during this trimester – so I doubt that he would've noticed this bump, either. And now...the only thing I wanted to do was show it to him.

Smiling, I switched the shower off and quickly threw my clothes back on before I rushed back downstairs to find Harry. Last time I saw him, he'd been tuning one of his guitars in his home studio – and so as soon as I descended the last flight of stairs, I headed straight there.

"Harry?" I called for him excitedly, "Harry, I need to show you something!"

I reached his studio door and pushed it open – and I saw that he had actually risen from the couch already. Clearly, he was about to come running as soon as he heard me call his name out.

"What is it, Leah?" He rushed over to me as soon as I entered the room, "Are you OK? Is it the baby? Is something wrong?" He was already starting to sound worried.

"No, nothing's wrong," I gave him a tearful smile, "nothing's wrong at all."

"What?" He frowned a little, "But...you said you needed to show me something..."

"Yeah," I nodded and giggled, "I needed to show you this."

I lifted my shirt and turned so that he could see me from the side-on. And when I heard him let out a soft gasp, I knew he'd seen it.

"Oh my God..." his voice was a little shaky, "holy shit...when did that pop out..?"

"I don't know!" I felt a tear sliding down my cheek as I beamed at him, "I was just upstairs taking my clothes off to shower, and then I saw it!"

"That's a bump..." one of the brightest smiles I'd ever seen on him instantly spread across his face, "fuck, that's a bump!"

"It is a bump!" I laughed, "Harry, isn't it cute?"

Harry got down on his knees and actually started inspecting the bump from all angles – and I couldn't help but laugh again, since he just looked so dorky while he did it.

"No way!" Harry laughed as well, "Leah, this is amazing!"

He rose to his feet and took my hand before he pulled me out of the studio – leading me to the living room and helping me onto the sofa.

"I need to see this in a better light," he said as laid me down on the sofa and knelt down on the ground beside me.

He lifted my shirt once more – his whole face lit up with warmth and affection as he gazed at the small bump in total awe.

"Leah..." he began softly, "how could something so small...be so beautiful..?"

"I know, Harry. I feel it too," I reached out and ran my fingers through the front of curls, "it's a feeling so wonderful...that it can't even be described..."

"There's a life in there...a growing life..." his voice was quiet and dazed, "our growing life..." I saw his beaming smile returning once more.

"Mhmm. Our 12-week-old growing life," I said with a giggle.

Harry bent down and pressed a lingering, tender kiss against the bump. He then began to kiss it over before he pressed his cheek against my stomach – closing his eyes and letting out a long, deep sigh – and I could tell he felt like he was in heaven.

"I can't wait for the 12-week scan..." he murmured, "I want to see what our baby looks like so badly..."

"Me too, Harry," I smiled warmly and stroked his hair once again, "but in two more days, the wait will finally be over."


Naturally, me and Harry's 12-week scan was scheduled to take place at a private ultrasound clinic. And while it was unlikely that any photographers might be hanging around there, we still couldn't risk anyone seeing us entering the clinic. We had a driver take us there in an unfamiliar car – since we couldn't take the chance of someone recognizing any of Harry's cars. And also, as per Jeffrey's advice, we wore large hoods over our heads and made sure we didn't look around too much – showing our faces the least amount of times as possible and getting into the clinic as quickly as we could.

When we finally did manage to enter the clinic without any difficulties, we both sighed in relief and drew back our hoods before sitting in the waiting room in two seats that were far away from the windows.

"We made it, babe," Harry told me with a smile as he placed a hand on my knee, "I don't think anyone saw us."

"Hopefully not..." I bit my lip and let out a soft sigh, "well, let's forget all about that now. This...this is our big moment. Our 12-week scan. Can we just focus on that?"

"Yeah, good idea," Harry nodded, "good idea."

He reached for my hand and gave it a soft squeeze – causing me to smile at him before I gently squeezed back.

"I'm so excited to see our baby," he murmured to me with a bright smile of his own.

I chuckled. "Me too, Harry. I've done it before, but...it never stops being exciting."

"This is all so new to me..." he mused, "and...now that we're actually here...I can scarcely believe that it's all happening. It just feels like...some sort of dream."

"Harry, it's understandable of course," I squeezed his hand again, "this is a human life that we're about to see. Of course it feels like a dream."

Harry smiled once more. "I don't think it's a feeling I ever want to lose."

I giggled and gently pressed my lips to his cheek in a quick but loving kiss. I then hugged his arm and rested my head against his shoulder – smiling at the feeling of his thumb warmly stroking the back of my hand.

"Leah and Harry?" a dark-haired woman who looked like she was in her mid-30s called out our names and began to scan her eyes across the waiting room, looking for us.

Harry & I looked at each other and smiled before we both rose to our feet. The woman saw us stand and instantly smiled as well.

"Good afternoon. I'm Priscilla Choleva. I'll be your sonographer for today."

"It's very nice to meet you," I told her as we both shook her hand.

"Where's the name 'Choleva' from?" Harry sounded genuinely intrigued, "It sounds really cool."

"Oh, thank you!" Her smile grew, "It's a Greek name. It comes from my paternal grandfather," she explained as she led us out of the waiting room towards her office.

"Oh, that's interesting! So your grandfather is Greek?" I asked her.

"Yes ma'am, he is," she chuckled, "born & raised in Athens until he left for the UK when he was about 18 – where, of course, he met my paternal grandmother, a Scottish woman. And, well...the rest is history."

"That's fascinating, honestly," I said – and Harry immediately nodded in agreement.

"Thank you so much! I don't think I've actually had any of my patients show an interest in my heritage before. So, thanks for asking!"

"No problem," said Harry, "I was just curious, 'cause I've honestly never heard a name like that before."

"Well, I guess you've learned something, then," Priscilla chuckled as she sat down at her desk, "please, have a seat."

We both sat down in front of her and waited for her to speak again.

"Now, Leah Marrone...you are 12 weeks pregnant from yesterday, correct?" She looked at me.

"Correct," I nodded and smiled.

"Congratulations! To both of you!" She beamed at both of us.

"Thank you very much," Harry smiled as well, "naturally, we're very excited."

"I can imagine!" said Priscilla, "So, it's just the standard 12-week scan for the two of you, right? Just to check and see if all is well?"

"Yes, that's right," Harry nodded.

"Right. OK, Leah, hop up on the bed for me please, love," she instructed me.

I nodded and rose from my chair so that I could climb onto the bed – with Harry quickly getting up to help me get comfortable on it. Once I was settled on the bed, I lifted my shirt and tried to relax while Harry took his chair and dragged it to the bedside so that he could sit down next to me.

"So, is this your first baby?" Priscilla asked us as she snapped on a pair of gloves.

"Er..." I hesitated for a moment, "well...I've actually got a five-year-old daughter, but this is Harry's first baby, yes."

"Oh, wonderful! It's always exciting to be a first-time dad," Priscilla smiled, "and of course, the magic of pregnancy doesn't fade in any way for a mother no matter how many kids she has. I've got four of my own, and I was always so hyped through every single pregnancy."

"Exactly," I smiled back at her, "I feel like a first-time mum all over again, to be honest."

"Tell me about it!" Priscilla laughed as she took out what I instantly recognized as the special ultrasound gel, "Although, I do think it's a bit easier the second time around, though. I mean, at least you already have an idea of what to expect."

"So true," I chuckled.

"How do you feel about the whole 'first-time dad' thing, Harry?" Priscilla asked him, "Feel a bit intimidated, or..?"

"Intimidated? Oh, no," Harry shook his head, "I mean, I guess a few things make me a bit nervous, yeah, but overall, I can't wait 'til the dad thing becomes official," the smile on his face was making his dimples pop up on both sides, "plus, I've already had over a year's worth of dad practice with Leah's daughter, anyway," he said with an affectionate chuckle.

"Ah! That's always a positive, i'nt it?" the sonographer chuckled as well, "Right, well, let's see how this baby's doing, shall we?"

She began to spread the clear gel over my little bump – making me shudder a little since the substance felt cold against my skin. The feeling of Harry's fingers slowly intertwining with mine made me glance at him, and I saw that he was smiling at me – causing me to instantly smile back.

Priscilla switched on her ultrasound machine and picked up the transducer connected to it. She then began to press the scanner against my belly and began to slide it across my bump – keeping both her eyes fixed on the screen above us.

"Right, little bubba, where are you at..?" She muttered to herself as she began to search for our baby.

I bit my lip and looked at Harry once more – and seeing that I was starting to get nervous, he took my hand in both of his and lovingly kissed my fingers.

"Ah! There you are!" Priscilla suddenly announced with a smile, "Leah, Harry; say hello to your baby."

Upon hearing that our baby had been found, Harry & I jerked our heads up towards the screen immediately. And as soon as we did, both of us ended up gasping simultaneously.

It was the most beautiful sight. One, perfect little baby curled up on the screen – with their tiny hands and tiny feet suspended above their small body. Although, he or she did have a really big head.

Just like Piper...

"Oh, my..." my voice broke and trailed away as I instantly felt tears pricking at my eyes the very minute I set sights on that precious little life on the screen, "oh m-my God..."

"Wonderful development," Priscilla commented with a smile, "well-formed arms, well-formed legs...yep, this little one is right on track for week 12."

I heard a shaky breath from beside me – prompting me to turn my head towards Harry once again. And when I did...my heart was instantly touched as soon as I saw the look on his face.

His mouth was slightly agape, and his eyes were wide and barely blinking as he gazed up at the screen. The only emotions I could read in his face were adoration, captivation, and complete awe. It was almost like he was finally seeing colour in a black and white world. He was just...amazed.

"Harry..." I could instantly feel a smile breaking out across my face, "are you OK?" I asked him slightly cheekily.

"I..." he was practically speechless, "I...don't think that...th-that I've ever seen something so perfect...in my entire life..."

His voice wobbled at the very end of his sentence, and I only saw his eyes glisten for a moment when a single tear began to slide down his cheek. And as soon as I saw that...that was it for me.

The very moment Harry started to cry, I started to cry. And soon enough, both of us were red in the face with swollen eyes and happy sobs constantly falling from our mouths. But we didn't even care.

"Here. Have a listen to this," Priscilla did something on her machine, and within moments, the sound of something reminiscent to galloping horses suddenly filled my ears – causing me to gasp.

I recognized the sound instantly, and as soon as I heard it, I only ended up sobbing even more.

"Oh my God..." Harry's voice broke, "is that...i-is that..?"

"The heartbeat..." I whispered, "i-it's the heartbeat..."

"Oh, fuck..." Harry blinked twice – causing even more tears to fall from his eyes, "that's...th-that's the most beautiful sound I've ever heard..."

"155 beats per minute. Perfect heart rate," Priscilla smiled again, "see this here?" she pointed to a small flutter that was flashing on the screen, "that's baby's little heart, beating away."

I had already seen all of this before when I had my 12-week scan with Piper, but Priscilla was right. It did nothing to make this scan seem any less magical to me than Piper's was.

"Look at that..." I saw Harry break out a tearful smile, "Leah...do you see it?"

"Of course I see it..." I chuckled softly and sniffled before I used my free hand to wipe my eyes, "it's just incredible...isn't it, Harry?"

Harry sniffled as well and nodded – and since he didn't want to let go of my hand, he lifted his arm and wiped his eyes with his shirt sleeve instead.

"Baby is doing absolutely fine. Perfectly, in fact," Priscilla announced happily, "I'm guessing that you two are gonna want print-outs of this?"

"Yes," Harry replied without hesitation, "please. As many as you can give us."

I immediately nodded in agreement, causing Priscilla to chuckle.

"No problem. I'll just play all this on loop for you while I print it out."

When she left to collect the prints, Harry & I barely even noticed. Neither of us could even bring ourselves to take our eyes off the screen above us.

"Leah..." Harry spoke up softly, "I'm so...happy. I can't even describe it properly...but I just feel like I can jump over the moon a thousand times over..."

I giggled. "I know, Harry."

"I used to...wonder...what it would be like, to go to the first scan of my first child..." his voice sounded dazed, and there was so much love in his face as he gazed up at our baby, "and now that I'm here...it's better than anything I could've possibly imagined..." he sniffled, "I...I really hope I can pull this off. I really wanna be a good dad..."

"Aww, Harry..." I reached out with my free hand and gently wiped one of his eyes, "with you for a father, this baby is gonna be the happiest, most loved little baby in the world," I smiled at him, "I've told you that before, and I stand right by what I said."

Upon hearing my words, Harry instantly smiled back at me.

"Thank you, Leah," he brought my hands to his lips and kissed him tenderly, "thank you so much."


"Piper, come here," Harry beckoned Piper over with a smile, "we have something to show you."

"What is it, daddy?" Piper asked as she came over.

"Look at this," he brought out one of the print-outs of our scan and showed it to her, "do you know who this is?"

Piper looked at the picture for a few moments, and shook her head.

"That's your little brother or sister, Piper," Harry's smile grew, "that's what he or she looks like in mummy's tummy right now."

"Oh, wow!" Piper immediately broke out a bright grin, "That's my little sister?"

"Or brother, Piper," I reminded her with an amused roll of my eyes.

"She looks so small!" Piper seemed to totally ignore my comment.

"The baby is small," Harry chuckled, "look at mummy's tummy. Do you see the little bump?"

Piper looked confused when she glanced at my stomach – so I smiled and lifted my shirt to show her my small bump, and she immediately gasped.

"Mummy, your tummy is poking out!" She cried.

I laughed. "That's right Piper. Because the baby is growing, and the baby's gonna keep on growing. So, my tummy's only gonna get bigger."

"Yay! The baby is growing!" Piper said excitedly, "When are we gonna meet the baby?"

"It's still a little while away, Piper," Harry chuckled, "we just need to be patient."

Piper sighed. "OK."

Harry smiled at her. "It's so nice to see how excited you are, love."

"Yeah! I'm excited because I'm getting a little sister!" Piper grinned.

Harry immediately rolled his eyes and chuckled again. "Alright, alright. Go on and play with your toys or something."

"OK!" Piper nodded and quickly ran off – causing both me and Harry to look at each other and laugh.

"Aww...I hope she won't be disappointed if the baby turns out to be a boy," I bit my lip a little.

"Yeah, I hope so too..." Harry sighed, "but, even if she is disappointed, I'm sure she'll end up loving her baby sibling no matter what gender they are."

"Yeah..." I frowned a little as something I had been thinking about for a while suddenly crossed my mind once again, "hey...Harry, can I ask you something?"

"Of course, love. What is it?" He looked at me attentively.

"Well...you've always told me that you see Piper as your own child, but..." I gulped a bit, "now that you actually do have your own child...has that...altered your plans for adopting her...or anything?"

"What?" Harry's eyebrows rose, "No. No, of course not. Why would you think that?"

"Well...adoption is...a long, and often difficult process..." I lowered my eyes, "so...I guess I was just worried that...you might've changed your mind, now that you already have a baby of your own..."

"Hey, hey," Harry gently tilted my chin upwards to face him, "Leah, none of that matters. Not even in the slightest. In my eyes, Piper is my child just as much as that baby in your belly is," he smiled at me, "this pregnancy changes nothing. When the time comes, I'm still adopting Piper."

"Really..?" I asked him hopefully.

"Definitely," Harry replied without hesitation, "her genetics don't mean shit to me. Just because this baby is biologically mine, and Piper isn't, it doesn't mean I'm suddenly gonna love Piper any less. They're my kids, and they're both gonna get all the love I can give."

"Oh, Harry..." I immediately threw my arms around him and hugged him tight, "thank you...I-I was so worried-"

"Hey, shh," Harry shushed me quietly and sweetly kissed the top of my head, "you have nothing to worry about, Leah. I promise. This baby is mine, and Piper will be, too," he smiled at me cheekily, "I'm just greedy that way."

I giggled and slid my arms around his neck before I gently touched my forehead to his.

"I love you, Harry..." I whispered to him as I kissed his cheeks and then his lips, "I love you so much."

A/N: I made myself quite emotional while writing this chapter :') I hope you guys liked it <3

But lol guys d'you wanna hear something funny? This book has become so long that the word document I was writing in was lagging so much because of how many words I was writing, so I had to make a new word document which I will now write the rest of the story in xD These documents are saved in my computer as 'Piper Pt. 1' and 'Piper Pt. 2', and 'Piper Pt. 1' is over 320,000 words atm. So, congratulations – you have all read 320,000+ words since you started reading this book!! xD xD 
