
A/N: Hiiiii guys :D did you miss Leah & Co? xD

"Piper has honestly been so happy since we told her that the baby is a girl," I told Harry with a chuckle as I pulled one of his T-shirts out of his drawer.

"I know," Harry chuckled as well, "it's so cute. She's so excited to have a little sister."

"Thank God. I was hoping she'd be cool about all this. Looks like I had nothing to worry about," I said with a smile before showing Harry the T-shirt I'd grabbed, "you should wear this one today," I told him with a little smirk.

"Erm..." Harry snickered, "I don't know about that, love."

"Why not?" I asked.

"If she sees me wearing that, I'm pretty sure it'll only be a matter of time before Piper starts asking what 'Hot N' Hard' means," he chuckled again, "pretty sure I should just stick with what I've got on now."

"Oh...true," I rolled my eyes and giggled, "damn it. I love this shirt on you."

"I don't think I'll ever be able to wear it again - not with two daughters hanging around, at least," he said thoughtfully, "maybe I should just give it away."

"What?! No!" I protested immediately, "Did you not hear what I just said? I love this shirt!"

"Well, what do you expect me to do with it?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Well...I dunno..." I flashed him a cheeky smile, "you could wear it to bed..."

"Oh..." he began to smirk, "that I can do indeed. It would give you a great indication of my mood too," he winked at me.

"Mm. It would be very helpful to know when you're 'Hot N' Hard'...so I can...help you out," I giggled.

"Alright, then. I'll keep it," his smirk grew as he took the shirt from me and tucked it back into his drawer, "especially for you, sexy."

I giggled again and felt a soft blush tickle my cheeks. "My goodness - you're quite the charmer, Mr Styles."

"Only for you," he took me by the waist and smiled as he touched his forehead to mine, "safe to say you fell for it, then?"

"I fell for it the minute I saw your baby face on the telly eight years ago," I smiled back at him.

"Oh, come on. I was planning to compete with you on that," Harry rolled his eyes, "how am I supposed to compete now when we hadn't even met back then?"

I giggled. "You're good with words. You could still probably beat me - if you're clever enough."

Harry smirked. "Alright," he then cleared his throat, "in that case, I'm gonna confess something."

"Oh?" My eyebrows rose, "And what's that?"

"That night we first met," he began, "I fantasized what it might've been like if we spent the night together."

I burst out laughing. "And, just like that, bang goes the charm."

"Hey - hang on, hang on. I'm not done yet," his smirk grew, "when I saw you that night, I thought you were so gorgeous, and I was really, really tempted to ask you out. But I knew you had a child to think about, and I didn't want to be that person again, so I held my tongue."

"Me? Gorgeous?" I scoffed, "Are you just kissing my ass?"

"No," he shook his head and drew a cross over his heart, "I swear to God, there were 600 people in the venue that night...but after I saw you, it suddenly felt like we were the only two people there. And do you wanna know something else?"

"What?" I asked.

"When I found out you had a daughter, I actually felt a bit disappointed," he said, "because it made me think that you were already taken."

"But...you still wanted to ask me out anyway?" I asked him with a cocked eyebrow.

Harry chuckled. "I thought it still might've been worth a try."

I smiled at him and blushed softly. "That was...strangely flattering. Despite the slight lack of charm," I giggled, "I still can't believe it, though. Even way back then, you liked me?"

"You bet your hot little ass I did," he smirked at me again.

"Oi!" I swatted his arm and laughed, "Behave!"

"Sorry," he chuckled.

"Mummy! Daddy!" Piper suddenly came running into our room, "When are we going? You promised we would get ice cream!"

"Yes, darling," I chuckled, "we're going now. Don't worry."

"Yayyy!" Piper jumped up and down excitedly, "I'm gonna show my ice cream to my little sister!"

Harry laughed. "Piper, your sister won't be able to see your ice cream while she's in mummy's tummy."

"But I can talk to her about my ice cream!" Piper insisted, "C'mon daddy, let's go! Let's gooo!"

"OK, OK!" Harry smiled at her, "Calm down, love. We're going."

"Oh, can we feed birds in the park too?" Piper asked.

"Oh...alright," Harry's smile grew, "go and get the old bread, then. Not the new one - the old one."

"OK," Piper nodded and ran out of the room - causing Harry & I to look at each other before we both chuckled and shook our heads in amusement.

"Come on," Harry took my hand and led me out of the room, "let's go - before she dislocates our arms trying to pull us out the door."


"Look, sissy! This is vanilla ice cream covered in chocolate!" Piper was pointing her mini Magnum ice cream at my bump, "This is my favourite ice cream!"

I looked at Harry and bit down nervously on my bottom lip. Even though it was insanely adorable to see Piper being so sweet to her sister, it still wasn't the best of ideas. I mean, what if someone spotted her talking to my tummy? That would make things way more obvious. But Harry saw the worry in my face, and he nodded before looking down at Piper and clearing his throat.

"Piper? Come on, love - eat that ice cream before it melts," he told her.

"But...I was showing it to my little sister..." she pouted a little.

"No, Piper," Harry shook her head, "not here, sweetheart. Come on," he took Piper's free and gently guided her away from my tummy, "you'd better eat that ice cream before I do," he told her cheekily.

"No!" Piper grinned and held her ice cream close to her, "My ice cream!"

Harry chuckled. "Well, hurry up and eat it, then."

At his words, Piper finally opened her mouth and took a big bite out of her Magnum. Once she'd started digging in, I looked at Harry and gave him a grateful smile.

"Thank you," I whispered to him.

"Of course," he smiled back at me before sweetly pecking my cheek - making me giggle.

"Daddy, I was just kidding," Piper suddenly spoke up before holding her Magnum up to Harry, "do you want some ice cream?"

"Oh thank you, Piper," Harry's smile grew as he looked down at her, "maybe just one bite."

Piper smiled and nodded before she stood on her tiptoes and held her ice cream up to him even more. Harry bent down and took a bite off the corner of the Magnum before licking his lips and chuckling.

"Thank you, darling," He told her once more, "you're very sweet," he tickled her cheek which instantly made her giggle.

"You're welcome!" She replied bouncily, "Mummy, do you want some ice cream?" She offered to me next.

"Oh, pumpkin..." I chuckled as well and shook my head, "thank you so much, but I'm fine. You finish it all up, sweetheart."

"OK!" Piper giggled and took another bite from her Magnum, "Yummy!"

I began to smile as I watched her, but that smile was instantly wiped off my face as I suddenly felt a strong jab against my stomach - making me gasp and exclaim in alarm as the feeling even made me stagger a little.

"Jesus Christ..!" I placed a hand over my bump and took a long, deep breath, "Shoot..."

"Leah?" My behaviour had alerted Harry immediately, "Leah, what's wrong? A-Are you alright?"

"Ah..!" I yelped again as I felt another jab in the exact same spot, "Damn it!"

"Leah, what's wrong?!" Harry was really starting to get worried now, "What's happening?!"

"God..." I took another deep breath, "the baby...just kicked me...really hard..." I groaned a little, "twice..."

Harry immediately sighed in relief. "Oh, thank God..."

"Mummy, are you OK?" Piper was starting to get concerned as well.

"Yeah, munchkin. I'm fine. I'm OK..." I closed my eyes and let out a soft sigh, "I think I...I just need to sit down for a minute..."

"Yeah, sure. Of course, love," Harry took my hands and slowly led me towards a park bench, "here. Just rest for a bit, yeah?"

I nodded and slowly sunk down on the bench. "Whew...those kicks were so hard that they even scared me a little..."

Harry chuckled quietly as he sat down beside me. "Sorry, babe. That might be my fault."

"How so?" I asked him.

"My mum always told me that I was a little soccer player in the womb," he chuckled again, "she said that I kicked her pretty intensely on multiple occasions."

I giggled. "Wow. This is undoubtedly your baby, then," I smiled up at him, "like father, like daughter."

Harry smiled back at me and leaned forward to softly kiss my lips.

"You scared the crap out of me, Leah," he murmured to me.

"Er, not me," I corrected him, "she scared both of us."

"Mummy," Piper suddenly spoke up, "I think there's someone hiding in the bush over there."

"What?" I frowned and craned my neck to look around, "Where?"

"There," she pointed to a bush a couple hundred metres away, "I thought I saw a man hiding inside."

"A man?" Harry's face hardened.

"Yes daddy," Piper nodded.

"Piper...was he holding anything?" Harry asked her suspiciously.

"I don't know. He hid when he saw me look at him," Piper replied, "but...I think he was holding a black thing?" She said uncertainly.

"A black thing?" Harry's eyes narrowed, "Like a camera?"

"I didn't see," Piper looked down at the ground sadly, "I'm sorry, daddy. Are you mad at me?"

"Oh...no, darling. Of course not. Not at you," he looked towards the bush and took a deep breath, "just give me a minute. I'll be right back."

"Harry..." I looked up at him worriedly, "...what are you gonna do?"

"Don't worry about it," he slowly rose to his feet, "just stay here."

He began to make his way over to the bush - and my teeth immediately came out to bite down anxiously on my bottom lip.

I was worried about what he was gonna do if there really was a paparazzi trying to spy on us behind that bush. I could see that it had upset him - even more than paparazzi run-ins usually do - but I really hope he can stay in control. I mean, for God's sake...Louis Tomlinson himself was arrested for attacking one of those guys.

Oh, God, Harry...please keep your cool.


When I finally reached the bush that Piper had pointed out, it was so easy to spot that stupid photographer trying way too hard to stay within the sparse cover of the tiny bush he'd so foolishly chosen to hide behind. Once I was close enough, I crossed my arms and forced myself to hold back a scowl.

"Get. Up." I demanded through slightly gritted teeth.

The man didn't respond, but he silently obeyed by picking up his camera and slowly rising to his feet.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked him curtly.

"Harry Styles, it's awesome to meet you, bro," he grinned at me, "I can't believe you actually came over. Think you can answer a few questions?"

"No," I spat back, "do you honestly think it's OK to hide behind a bush and take photos of us like this?"

"Mate, come on. We're all trying to figure out if Leah's pregnant or not. It's genuine curiosity! Why don't you just put an end to all the suspense and give us an answer? Like, why did Leah need to sit down just then? She looked pretty tired."

"I'm not telling you anything."

"Just saying, man. Your girl's definitely gained a few. Is she up the duff, or is she just enjoying the city food a little too much?"

"Go away, please," I snapped, "pack up your camera and stay away from my family."

"Family?! That sounds pretty serious, Harry!" He called after me as I began to walk away, "Do we take that as a yes? Leah is having your baby?"

I ignored his questions and made my way back to Leah and Piper - who were both looking back at me worriedly.

"That was great spotting, Piper," I told her as I stroked her hair, "good girl."

"Was that man following us, daddy?" Piper asked me.

"Yes, Piper. He was," I sighed, "but hopefully, not anymore," I then looked at Leah, "babe, are you feeling better now? No more crazy kicks?"

"Yeah. I think she's settled down now," Leah nodded and smiled.

"Good. OK, let's get the hell out of here," I took her hand and helped her off the bench, "we'll find somewhere else to continue our outing."

"Daddy," Piper spoke up again as I took her free hand, "why did the man follow us?"

I sighed. "It's a bit hard to explain, Piper."

"Can you try?" She asked.

"Well..." I bit my lip and looked at Leah - who didn't speak but still gave me a nod, and I nodded back before I returned my attention to Piper, "OK. I'll try."

Leah & I led her further away from the paparazzi's bush before we finally stopped - and I crouched down to her height and took both of her little hands.

"Piper," I began, "do you know what the word 'famous' means?"

Piper shook her head.

"I don't really like to use the word, but...it's the easiest way I can explain this to you," I sighed, "a 'famous' person...is someone who is known all around the world for doing something that people enjoy...usually," I said, "a famous person can be someone who acts in a lot of movies, someone who's really good at sports, or..." I hesitated, "or...someone who...who writes songs and flies around the world to sing them."

"Like you," said Piper.

"Yes, love," I nodded at her, "like me."

"So...you're a 'famous person', daddy?"

I nodded. "People do call me famous, yes. And that's why people like that man with the camera follow me around. Because they get paid money for taking photos of me when they see me. Extra money if they can find out what's happening in my life."

"Why?" Piper was confused.

"Because people like to know what happens in famous people's lives, Piper," I told her, "lots of people find the lives of famous people fascinating...for some reason. But we buy ice cream, and go to the park just like a lot of normal families do, right?"

Piper nodded.

"And that's what some people just don't understand. That at the end of the day, all of us are just trying to live normal lives. But to these camera people...none of that matters. They still try to follow us around, because they still want their money."

Piper didn't say a word and only looked down thoughtfully.

"Your mother and I haven't made any public statements that we're going to have a baby," I spoke up again, "and that's what the camera people are trying to find out. That's why they were following us today...because they're trying to find more signs that your mum is pregnant."

"But why?" she asked.

"Because like I said, Piper..." I said quietly, "everybody wants to know. When rumours spread that a famous person might be having a child, everybody goes nuts - and they rely on camera people to find out whether it's true or not."

"And it's not right," Leah chimed in with a sigh, "being followed around everywhere just because we're not answering any questions about the baby isn't fair...but none of it is gonna change," she lowered her eyes, "camera people are always going to be around, pumpkin."

"Piper, as you grow up, you're going to run into those types of people," I told her, "just because you're a little girl, it won't stop them from trying to take photos of you. The same thing goes for your mother, and the same thing will go for your sister once she's born," I gently pushed some her hair out of her eyes, "because all of you are my family, and in the eyes of those camera people...that makes you famous, too."

"Oh," Piper said softly.

"Piper, you have to promise us that you won't talk to those camera people if they come to you. Because they will."

"Are they mean people, daddy?" Piper asked me.

"No, Piper. They're not mean. They just want to earn their money, and...they sometimes get...too excited around famous people. That excitement makes them...a bit scary sometimes. Especially for you," I sighed, "but...like I said...don't talk to them if you see them, OK? D'you promise?"

"Yes, daddy," she nodded obediently, "I promise."

"If you see them, just do what you did today. Just tell me, or your mummy, and we'll all go somewhere else - like we did just now. Alright?"

Piper nodded again - and I gave her a warm smile.

"Good girl, Piper," I kissed her forehead before I rose to my feet and took her hand, "come on, then. Let's find a quieter place for you to finish that ice cream."


"Oh, for God's sake," I saw Leah roll her eyes at her phone screen as I brought over the hot chocolate she told me she'd been dying for.

"What's wrong, babe?" I asked her - setting her drink down at her bedside table before I climbed into bed beside her.

"That stupid photographer was secretly filming you the whole time when you went up to him," she shook her head and sighed, "the video's already been posted and shared everywhere online."

"Oh, you've got to be kidding me," I groaned.

"I wish I was," she sighed again, "but...on the bright side, it seems like we're not the only ones upset by that guy's behaviour. All the photos and videos he took of us are getting loads of backlash on Twitter."


Leah nodded. "Your fans are totally outraged. They've been ranting about it for hours, apparently."

"Let me see."

She handed her phone over to me so that I could take a look - seeing that the photos of our outing today had actually already become a trending topic on Twitter. The pictures of us had been posted by fan accounts - one of the top tweets being one by a fan that posted the video of me speaking to the paparazzi.

Harry confronting a photographer today. Apparently he was hiding in a bush and taking photos of him, Leah and Piper.

And underneath the post was a long list of angry replies.


Omfg I can't believe this even after Harry told him to go away (and surprisingly nicely too) he STILL kept asking questions about him and Leah?!! FUCK THIS GUY!!


Harry actually handled that so well. He was angry but he didn't lash out as much as other people might have. But if it was me I would've smacked that piece of shit in the mouth!!


WTAF like yes we all want to know if Leah's pregnant but I WOULDN'T FUCKING STALK THEM FROM A BUSH TO FIND OUT!!! JESUS FUCKING CHRIST
IKR like if Leah's pregnant then she and Harry will announce it IN THEIR OWN TIME.
Omg I heard that Piper was the one who spotted that guy...the poor thing, she must've been so confused :(

"Wow..." I said as I scrolled through a few more comments, "the good old fan base, huh?"

"Yep," Leah nodded as I handed her phone back to her, "although, I have to say...I watched how you confronted that guy, and I agree with the fans," she smiled at me, "you really did handle that so well. I would've lost it if that was me. I know I would've."

"Yeah...I was actually so close to punching him, to be honest," I rolled my eyes, "but I knew I had to keep my cool," I then sighed, "Leah...I'm really sorry."

"Huh?" Leah frowned, "For what?"

"I wanted to take you and Piper on a family outing. A proper family outing, with no interruptions. And this was the biggest interruption ever," I lowered my eyes, "it's just...no matter where I go, some fucking asshole with a camera always seems to find me..."

"Oh, Harry..." Leah put her phone away and slipped her hand into mine, "Harry, please...don't apologize. It's not your fault. You confronted him, you fended him off for us. For me, for Piper, for the baby..." her smile grew, "of course it's not your fault."

I didn't respond and only sighed again before shaking my head.

"Hey, hey," Leah rubbed my chest before slowly turning my face towards her, "don't go thinking our outing was spoiled because of him. It wasn't. I still had a wonderful time, and so did Piper. And our little girl's jolting kicks today suggested to me that she did too."

I chuckled. "Thanks, love."

She smiled again and kissed me before she laid her head against my chest - and I smiled back as I draped my arm around her shoulders and held her close to me.

"I can't believe the week's already over..." she said with a soft sigh.

"I know," I lowered my eyes and stroked her upper arm with my thumb, "all those weeks without you seemed to go by so slowly...but this one week we've had together has flown straight by..." I sighed as well, "and now, I'm already leaving again tomorrow. It's so unfair."

"Where are you headed to next?" She asked me sadly.

"Paris," I replied flatly.

"Oh...'The City of Love'..." she let out another sigh - although more wistfully this time.

"Yep. And some city of love it'll be once I have to leave you again," I rolled my eyes.

"I would've loved to go there..." I felt her tracing one of my swallow tattoos over my shirt.

"You want to?" I asked her hopefully.

Leah shook her head. "I can't, Harry. You know I can't."

"Ugh...yeah. I know," I looked down and began to gently massage her fingers, "I know."

"I hope we can go, though," she looked up at me and smiled softly, "one day."

"Yeah," I smiled back, "one day. When I've finished doing this tour, maybe we can go together. During Piper's school holidays, so we can take her with us. And our baby, too."

"That would be nice," her smile grew as she snuggled into my chest a little more, "there are so many places I've always wanted to visit."

"Like where?" I asked her, "I already know Paris now. What else?"

"Italy," she replied, "The States, Australia - especially Sydney - Brazil, New Zealand...all sorts of places. I never thought I'd actually be able to visit them, but...a girl can dream, right?"

"Don't say that," I smiled at her, "babe, we're having a baby - and that means we have a whole future ahead of us. We have plenty of time to go anywhere you want to go."

"Really?" She asked me.

"Oh yeah," I chuckled, "no more dreaming, baby. Time to start making it all real."

"Wow..." she giggled, "that sounds amazing, Harry..." she looked up at me and smiled brightly, "really, it does."

A/N: I'm not a fan of how this chapter turned out - I know it's so obvious that it's a filler chapter lol. Hopefully the future chapters will be more exciting :P
