
A/N: Surprise!! Double update!! :p

BTW I've decided I'm going to stop putting 'Flashback' and 'End of flashback' at the beginning of flashbacks now...I think it kind of spoils the flashback vibe lol. The italics should make things obvious enough when I'm doing a flashback :p



"Stop it, Harry! Stop!" Leah giggled and crossed her arms over her chest, "You're being such a perv!"

"Oh, I'm the perv?" I smirked at her and leaned over her body, "Who was the one that just tried to touch my dick under the bedsheets?"

"It was an accident," she giggled again and smirked back at me.

"Sure it was," I rolled my eyes, "just like this is an accident, right?" I dived my hand under her shirt and pinched her nipple which instantly made her squeal and laugh.

"Stop being naughty," she cheekily stuck her tongue out at me.

"You were naughty first," I playfully retorted, "you know babe, if you wanted it, you could've just said."

"Mmm...tempting, but no. Not tonight," Leah shook her head and cheekily smiled before trying to push me away, "you have an early flight tomorrow. You need to be well-rested."

"Bullshit," I smirked at her again, "you want it. You're just playing with me."

"No, I'm serious!" She laughed, "We can't!"

"Then why try to palm me under the sheets, huh?" My smirk grew, "That's very cruel, darling. That's called being a cock tease."

"OK, I'm sorry!" She giggled a third time, "I won't do it again – promise."

"I think you need to make up for what you've done," I trailed my fingers down her body and teased the waistband of her knickers, "if you know what I mean..."

"S-Stop it..." she stifled a moan and bit her lip, "I'm tired..."

"Too tired even for me?" I dipped my head and began to kiss her neck – and I heard a soft whimper escape from her mouth.

I reached the sweet spot behind her ear and began to make a love bite on her skin – making her flinch and let out a low moan of pleasure which instantly made me smirk. I knew her body...and the slightest touch of my lips against that spot always turned her on instantly.

"I wanna make love to you so bad, baby..." I murmured close to her ear.

"Mmh...Harry...that feels nice..." I felt her fingers sliding up my back and into my hair, "k-keep going..."

I chuckled quietly and slowly pushed her sleeping shirt up her body until her breasts were exposed. Her body was so luscious and curvy...absolutely beautiful. She was so self-conscious about her pregnant body, and I didn't even know why – because I was addicted to it. I was addicted to her.

"Fuck, you're so gorgeous..." I whispered to her with a low moan, "God, Leah...I love you so fucking much..."


"Oh, it feels great to finally be off that plane," Jeffrey's voice echoed distantly in my ears as we walked through the Charles de Gaulle airport, "am I right, Harry?"

"Yeah. Right," I lowered my eyes and sighed as I slung my bags further up my shoulder, "really great."

"Oh cheer up, Harry. We're in Paris!" He nudged me and smiled, "When was the last time you were in Paris, eh?"

"Don't know. Can't remember," I replied absent-mindedly.

"Harry, this past week you've been seen with nothing but a smile on your face. Where's that gone?" He asked me.

"I miss Leah," my voice was low, "and Piper, and the baby. I didn't get enough time."

"You'll get to see them again, mate," Jeffrey patted my back, "and you can call Leah once we get to the hotel, yeah?"

I didn't respond, but I still nodded silently.

"Hello, Harry!" I jumped a little when three girls suddenly came running up to me with big smiles on their faces, "Can we have some photos, please?"

I stiffened when I heard the question. I was tired, I wasn't happy, and I was not in the mood to take photos right now. But, God only knows how long they must've hung around here, waiting for me to arrive. And so, after letting out a soft sigh, I gave them a small smile before nodding.

"Sure," I replied quietly.

The girls beamed at me and pulled out their phones – and I posed for photos with all three of them. It was only a few photos...but for some reason, it felt like that each one of them was taking hours to complete.

"Thank you, Harry!" The girls told me brightly once we were done, "Welcome back to Paris!"

"Thanks," I replied quietly as they hurried off.

"Well...now that that's over and done with...let's work on safely getting out of this airport," said Jeffrey, "and once we do, what d'you wanna do first, Haz?"

"Find the nearest pub and drink," I said with another sigh.

"Hey, don't be like that. You can drink anywhere. But there's all sorts of things to do that can be found in this city, and this city alone."

"Sorry, Jeff, but I'm not really in the mood," I looked down at the floor, "I'm really tired. I just want to get to the hotel."

"Alright. That's fair enough, I guess," Jeffrey said with a nod, "come on, mate. Let's go."

Yes. Let's go.

And the first thing I'm gonna do when we get there is order a large bottle of strong red wine.



He hasn't called.

Harry always calls me whenever he lands at his next destination just to tell me that he's arrived safely.

He should've landed in Paris hours ago. He left this morning, it takes 1 hour and 15 minutes to fly from London to Paris...but now it's already nearly 8PM here. It would already be close to 9 in Paris...and he still hasn't called. He hasn't even texted. And I'm really, really worried.

I was already worried about him when he left this morning. He was clearly upset – despondent, unhappy. He was almost driven to tears after having to say goodbye to us again. And I was upset, as well – but I made sure I held strong – because I knew that if I started crying, Harry would start crying, too. I instead had a quiet cry on my own after he left – waiting for him to call me again and tell me that he was OK.

I got so worried about him that I even took to social media out of my own desperation to know if he was safe or not. And it turns out that he did land in Paris safely – since I've already seen selfies that fans took with him plastered all over Instagram and Twitter – but instead, that just made me even more nervous. Because if he's already landed, why didn't he call me?

Was it possible that something else might've happened to him while he was on his way to his hotel?

Oh, God. I don't know. I really don't know. All I know is that I can't stop thinking about him, and hoping and praying that he's OK.

But, soon enough, after about half an hour of refreshing Twitter and Instagram for any more updates about him, I was interrupted by my ringtone suddenly blasting from my speakers, and my phone vibrating in my hand. Seeing that Harry was finally calling me, I wasted no time and answered the call immediately.

"Oh my God, I've been worried sick!" I told him before he even had a chance to speak, "This is the first time you haven't called me straight after landing, Harry! It must be nearly 9PM over there!!"

"Aw, baby...I know," his voice sounded a little slurred, "and I'm so...so sorry...but I just got a little distracted..."

My eyes immediately widened when I heard his voice.

"Haz..." I began slowly, "...are you drunk?"

"Oh..." I heard him chuckle, "er...maybe a liiittle..?"

"Oh my God!" I immediately began to laugh, "Jesus Christ, Harry...here I was pacing back and forth, wondering what the hell had happened, when it turns out you've just been having a few drinks!" I smiled, "Celebrating a good landing, are you?"

"Yeah...drinking. With the crew. Celebrating landing..." he repeated my words slowly but unclearly, "...that's one way to put it."

"Trying out some of that fancy Parisian liqueur, are you?" My smile grew.

"Oh yeah," he chuckled again, "they've got some real good shit over here."

"I bet," I giggled.

"Baby..." he slurred, "baby...I miss you. I miss you...so fucking much already..."

"Aww...I miss you too, H," I giggled again, "you're so cute when you're drunk."

"Last night...last night was...fucking heaven..." he went on, "you're...you're so sexy, Leah...you have the sexiest damn body I've ever seen..."

"Oh...wow..." I began to laugh, "maybe I should get you drunk more often."

"I reeeaaally wish you were here..." he groaned, "I feel so fucking alone without you..."

"You're not alone, Haz," I reminded him, "you've got Jeff. You've got the band, and all the rest of the tour crew. You have plenty of people around you over there to keep you company until you come back home."

"Yeah, but...they're not you..." he mumbled, "I only want you...I only want my Leah..."

I chuckled. "It sounds like you really need to stop drinking and start thinking about going to bed, babe. Or else you'll be dealing with a killer hangover tomorrow."

"Fuck...I don't care..." he replied incoherently, "a bloody hangover can't be any more painful than being in the City of Love all by myself..."

"Don't be like that, H," I told him softly, "I don't like it either...but there's nothing we can do about it now. You should at least try to enjoy yourself while you're there."

"Hmph..." Harry grumbled, "...don't want to."

"Harry..." I began with a sigh, "Harry, please...I don't want you to be upset. You made me really worried about you during that last leg of the tour. Don't...don't do that to me again, please..."

"I know. I'm sorry..." he murmured, "I just...I can't help it if I miss you, baby. I just...love you...so much..."

"I know, Harry. I love you, too," I replied, "and I miss you, too – I miss you so much when you're not here...but I always try not to let it get to me too much. Because, if I do, then I know that it's gonna consume me...and I suddenly won't even try to be happy. I don't want that to happen to me, and I don't want it to happen to you, either..." I bit my lip anxiously, "please, Harry. Try to be happy. I know it's hard, but...please? For me?"

Several moments passed, but Harry didn't respond – and that only made me bite my lip even more as I got more worried by the minute.

"...Harry?" I spoke up nervously.

"...Yeah. I'm still here," he finally replied, "and...you're right...I know you're right..." I heard him sigh, "...OK. I'll...I'll start getting ready for bed. I'll sleep off all this fucking wine."

"Thank you," I immediately broke out a smile, "you need to always look after yourself, Harry. Please promise me you're looking after yourself when you're not home."

"Gorgeous, you...have nothing to worry about," he said, "absolutely nnnnothing..."

I chuckled. "OK, babe. Just making sure."

"I will go to the bathroom...and brush my teeth as soon as we end this call," Harry said, "then...I will go to bed..."

"Good," my smile grew, "night, Harry. Sleep well, handsome."

"Thank you babyyy," he slurred, "night-night, sexy thing. I'll be dreaming of you."

"I'll be dreaming of you too," I blushed softly and giggled, "bye, Harry."

Once the call ended, I couldn't help chuckling fondly to myself as I put my phone back on my bedside table.

Honestly...that man really is adorable when he's drunk.


I switched off my phone and chucked it across the mattress – not seeing any other reason to use it now that I wasn't even talking to Leah even more. I then began to hum to myself as I picked up the bottle of red wine sitting on my bedside table and began to refill my glass.

"Raven, sweet Raven...please don't fly away from me," I sang to myself, "you've had your sorrows, I've had mine...but things will change, just wait and see..."

I forgot the next line, so I instead hummed it before taking another sip from my glass.

"'Cause I want to love you, Raven..." I finished the next line under my breath.

"Harry?" A loud knocking on my room door made me grimace, "Harry, what the hell are you doing? You've been in here for ages!"

"I'm wanking off to lesbian porn!" I yelled back sarcastically, "Leave me alone, Jeff!"

I heard Jeffrey let out an exasperated groan on the other side of the door before he opened it and barged into my room – making me jump.

"Go away!" I spat at him.

"What the fuck is this, Harry?!" He narrowed his eyes at me, "This is only our first night in Paris, and you've already gotten yourself drunk?!"

"Shut up," I grumbled, "well, since you've already made yourself feel welcome, why don't you come and share a glass with me?" I picked up the wine bottle and began to shake it before letting out a chuckle, "Oh, whoops...it's all gone. Too bad for you," I shrugged, "I only asked for one glass, anyway."

"Why are you doing this?" He asked me angrily, "Harry, this isn't the first time you've done this! This isn't good for you!"

"Oh, fuck off," I rolled my eyes and took another sip from my glass, "if you just came here to nag me, Jeff...then you can get the fuck out of my room."

"How do you think Leah would feel if she saw you like this?" He demanded, "Do you think she would see a suitable father figure for her daughter? For that baby?"

"Oh, don't you fucking talk to me about them!" I yelled, "Because do you see Leah, Jeff? Do you see Piper? Do you see my baby? Of course not. Why? Because they're not fucking here! So you can fuck right off with that bullshit! I should be with my family, but I'm not! So, just let me enjoy a fucking drink!"

Jeffrey shook his head at me. "Right. That's it."

He grabbed my empty wine bottle off my bedside table before he went on to snatch up my wine glass too without even warning me.

"Hey!" I made a grab for the glass – but he held it out of my way, "I'm not finished with that!"

"Yes, you are. You've had enough," he told me curtly, "you need to pull yourself together, Harry – and you need to get some sleep."

"Give it back, Jeff!" I demanded.

"Go to bed, Harry," he ordered me, "the sooner you can sleep all this off, the better."

He left my room without another word – causing me to let out a heated grunt before I collapsed back on the bed and angrily rubbed my eyes.

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath, "fucking Jeffrey..."

The room was silent. And despite all the fancy furniture and top-quality heating, the room still felt as empty and as cold as a dark, stone prison cell. And I fucking hated it.

Without my drink, I had nothing to distract me. And without a distraction, I began to do what I always end up doing when I'm holed up in my hotel room like this.

I began to think about Leah.



"So beautiful..." I trailed my fingers across Leah's chest, up her neck before finally brushing them against her jawline, "how can one person be so stunning?"

I saw Leah blush softly under the dim light of the bedside lamp.

"Stop..." she said quietly, "stunning is the last thing I feel right now," she then smiled at me, "completely sexually satisfied, but definitely not stunning."

I rolled my eyes at her. "No matter how many times I tell you, you're never going to believe it, are you?"

Leah chuckled and shook her head. "When I look at myself in the mirror, I see something very different to what you see. In fact...I don't even know what you see that makes you think I'm so attractive."

"Alright. Then I'll tell you what I see," I smiled back at her, "I see a gorgeous, sexy woman with a precious, miraculous baby girl growing inside a perfectly round belly," my smile began to shift into a smirk, "and with striking curves, a really luscious ass and fucking amazing breasts."

"Oi! Cheeky!" Leah swatted my chest and giggled.

"No, I'm being serious. I swear to God, Leah...I'm wildly attracted to your body to a point of obsession, and I don't even know why," I chuckled, "but what I do know is that I just can't get enough."

"Wow..." she began to break out a dreamy smile before chuckling herself, "you know...before we even met...after I had Piper, I always thought you wouldn't look twice at me...because I knew I was curvier than the other girls you've been linked to..." her smile grew, "and here I am, even fatter now...and you've just said all of that..." she blushed again.

"Stop calling yourself fat," I cupped her face in my hands and stroked her cheeks with my thumbs, "did you not hear anything I just said? You're pregnant, babe – and it makes you look so damn beautiful, and makes me so damn horny," I smirked again, "and yes – you may be curvy, but I love it. There are many, many parts of you that I love to grab."

Leah giggled again. "I love you, Harry. I really do."

"I love you," I brought her face closer to me and pressed her lips to mine, "shit...I don't want to leave you ever again..."

"I know. I don't want you to, either," she sighed softly as we pulled away, "but...we'll be OK. We'll cope. Just like last time, right?"

"I barely did," I sighed as well.

"But you still did," she smiled at me softly, "and you can do it again, babe. I know you can."

"I can't..." I let out a long, shaky breath, "I can't be separated from you, Leah...I-I can't take it..."

"We're never separated," her smile grew, "no matter how far apart we are, we're always together. I can always see you with me, Harry. I can always feel you with me."

"I know. I can feel it, too," I said, "but...it just...hurts even more..."

"It used to hurt me, too," she told me, "but...then I came to realize...it's actually a beautiful feeling," she lovingly brushed some of my hair away from my eyes, "to know you're not physically there...but to still being able to feel like I'm wrapped in your arms...it's so blissful. I love it," she chuckled fondly, "it's the best thing I can feel when you're not here."

I didn't respond and instead lowered my eyes and sighed once more.

"Hey...we'll be OK, Harry," she cupped my face in her small hands and smiled at me again, "when you leave again tomorrow...I promise we'll be OK."

"I hope so, Leah," I replied softly, "I hope I will."

Leah leaned forward and pressed her lips to mine in a gentle, loving kiss – her smile growing as she pulled away afterwards and snuggled up against me. A soft smile of my own finally began to creep across my face as I wrapped my arms around her – wanting nothing more than to hold her like this forever.


I could already feel tears sliding down my face as I thought back to me and Leah's last night together before I left for Paris. Just realizing how tonight, I won't get to hold her close to me like I did then made me let out a soft sob as I began to pine for her, for Piper, and for our baby girl.

This isn't right.

I shouldn't be in Paris. I should be with them.

They're my family, and I should be with them.

It just wasn't fair.

I hid my face in my hands and began to quietly weep as I sat hunched over on the side of my bed. Whenever I leave them, I get so unhappy. I just can't help it. Whenever I'm away from them, I miss them so much that it physically, emotionally, mentally hurts.

I've never felt this way on tour before.

But I guess I've never had a family of my own before, either. And now that I do...there's nothing else in this life that I could possibly want more.

I barely find joy in touring any more. And the answer to that is simple – it's because all my joy comes from them now. From Leah, and from our two beautiful girls.

I don't want to do this anymore.

I can't do this anymore.

I just want to go back home.


I woke up with pain in every part of my body, and when I tried to open my eyes that morning, I immediately shut them again since the sunlight seeping through the curtains was already too much for my eyes.

"Oh, God..." I groaned, "Damn it..."

I sluggishly sat up in bed and inhaled sharply in pain when a pounding headache instantly struck me as soon as I got up which made me curse under my breath. As I slowly swung my legs over the side of the bed, I groaned again and clutched my stomach as it felt like all my insides were being violently stirred around in a pot. Gagging, I held my hand over my mouth and ran to the bathroom before I threw open the toilet lid and bent over it. Almost immediately, I retched and threw up into the toilet – letting out an exclaim of disgust at myself once I was done.

"Fucking hell," I grumbled as I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, "fucking idiot..."

I wasn't kidding. I really was kicking myself for how stupid I was last night. I knew exactly what was going to happen after drinking as much as I was – but I still went on and kept doing it. I was making such stupid decisions...but at least while I was drinking last night, I was distracted from the pain of being separated from Leah and my little girls. But now...I'm paying the price for it.

"Harry?" I heard Mitch's voice calling for me in the next room, "Harry? Are you in here, mate?"

Well, at least it's not Jeff.

I flushed the toilet and rinsed out my mouth with water from the tap before I emerged from the bathroom to meet Mitch – who'd just walked into my bedroom.

"There you are," he then rose an eyebrow at me, "wow. You look like shit."

"I know," I sighed, "I feel like shit."

"Had a few too many last night, huh?" Mitch chuckled, "I've been there, man."

"How did you know that?" I asked with a frown.

"Jeff told us," he replied, "he warned us that you might not be up for rehearsing today 'cause you're probably gonna be hungover like hell."

"Well...he was right," I sighed again, "I was...I was an idiot last night, Mitch. I don't know what I was thinking."

"Jeff said it's because you're missing your family," Mitch's face softened in sympathy for me, "is that true?"

I nodded. "I miss them so much. I don't even think I want to do this anymore, man. I just...I wanna be at home. With them."

"I know, H. I miss my family, too. We all do," Mitch patted my back, "but we'll push through it. All of us. Together."

I chuckled softly. "You sound just like Leah."

"Well, she's right," he smiled at me, "always listen to the missus. The missus is always right."

I smiled back at him, and he patted my back once more before he pulled me into a hug which I graciously accepted.

"Come on, mate," he told me once we pulled away, "we're all gonna have a continental breakfast downstairs. You wanna come with?"

"Ugh...I don't think so, Mitch. Sorry," I folded my arms, "it's my fault. I just wanna stay here and work on kicking this hangover."

"Alright. Fair enough," Mitch nodded, "I'll let Jeff know. He's kind of asked me to keep an eye on you after last night."

"Of course he did," I rolled my eyes, "but yeah, tell him that. And, er...tell them...I should still be fine for rehearsing today. Just...maybe a bit later than we originally planned.

"Right," he nodded again, "hang tight, H. Get some coffee into you and all that."

I smiled and nodded back. "Thanks, man."

Once he left the room, I lowered my eyes and sighed before I sunk down on the end of my bed.

Damn it...I don't know what's wrong with me.

I've never done any of this shit before.

A/N: I know this is pretty late and I've always said Leah should look how you want her to look, but if you guys are really interested in how I imagine her to look, I kind of see Liv Tyler but from her Lord of the Rings days.

So, like this:

But just with black hair, green eyes, and a rounder face (And of course, no elf ears or Middle-Earth costumes lol). There you go :P

But of course, you can still totally ignore all this and keep imagining Leah how you've been imagining her all this time :P 
