~Four~ *

***Edited in October 2022***

A/N: Hiiiii, so the last part of this chapter was just like a last-minute filler thing, and idk what you guys'll think of it. Just warning you on that :p

"Aidan!" I immediately rushed to my brother as soon as I saw him entering the shop, "Where the hell have you been? I haven't heard from you in days!"

"Sorry, sis. But you're gonna love me for this," he grinned at me, "yesterday, I woke up at 5AM and drove up to London, and I was almost first in line to get you these," he held up two little slips of paper in his hand that I couldn't quite identify, "two tickets for you and Piper to see your future husband."

My jaw immediately dropped.

"Oh my God!" I felt my face light up all over, "Fuck...fuck, you actually got them!"

"I did," he grinned at me, "who's the best brother in the world?"

"You! It's forever gonna be you!" I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

"Oh, I already know that. I just wanted to hear you say it," he said with a chuckle as he hugged me back, "and you'd better be grateful, because one: I drove for a total of nearly three and a half hours going to London and back, and two: it was total chaos at the venue box office, that I was really tempted to just give up and leave," he then smiled at me as we pulled away, "oh yeah, and three: I may or may not have managed to get you front row tickets."

"Seriously?!" My voice went a tone higher, "Oh my God...oh my fucking God, Aidan, you're so amazing," I hugged him again, "thank you so much. Piper's gonna be so happy. I owe you everything for this."

"Ah, it was no problem, Number Two. Despite how much inward pain it caused me to keep such a close eye on Harry's Twitter page and all the tabloids, and pushing through all those crazy fucking fans at the venue office, I was still glad to help you out."

"I love you so much, Number One. I don't know what I'd ever do without you," my voice broke a little since I was already feeling so overwhelmed at the fact that I had tickets to a fucking Harry Styles gig, "how...how much were they? I'll...I'll pay you back right away."

"Don't worry about all that yet. You just drive yourself and Piper up to London, and enjoy that show. I'll tell you how much they were once you get back," he said with a smile before holding the tickets out to me, "the gig's in two days' time – on Friday night – and he's gonna be at a place called 'The Garage'. The address is on the tickets. Oh – and the tickets came with wristbands that you and Piper are gonna have to wear to the show. I kept them in the car since they're way more important than these things," he nodded down at the tickets and chuckled, "you don't have the wristband, you aren't getting in," he then looked at me, "woah...wait a minute, Lee...are you crying?"

"A little bit," I admitted with a sniffle and a soft chuckle, "it's just...Aidan, you're...you're so amazing..." I looked up at him with a tearful smile, "I can't possibly thank you enough for this..."

"Aw, hey...don't sweat it, sis," he opened his arms and pulled me into another hug, "you know how much I love you and Piper. Doing this for you was no trouble at all."

"That's not the vibe you gave me when I first asked you to buy the tickets," I told him cheekily once we pulled away.

"Oh, come on – I was joking. Kinda," he chuckled, "no, you're right – I really couldn't be fucked at first...but then I realized how much this was gonna mean to you...and how it's gonna send my niece over the moon. So...in the end, I was glad you asked me to help you out, because you know how much I like making that little girl smile, too."

"I promise...I'll give you all the credit when I tell Piper about this," I told him as I swept my finger underneath one of my eyes.

"You'd better," he chuckled before wrapping his arm around my shoulders, "now come on – I'll give you those wristbands. My car's just down the road."


My whole body was practically trembling with excitement as I pulled up in front of Piper's kindergarten. I couldn't wait to see the look on Piper's face when I told her that she was going to see Harry Styles.

I climbed out of my car and opened the gate of the kindergarten – walking through the gateway and making my way to the pre-school unit to start looking for Piper. Soon enough, I saw her sitting down at a table with Janice – one of the teachers – who was helping her read The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

"Very good, Piper!" Janice was telling her with a warm smile, "You're learning how to read so well!"

I felt myself smiling as well.

That's my clever baby girl.

"Oh, look who's here, Piper," Janice smiled at her once again, "It's mummy!"

Piper looked up from her book immediately – breaking out a bright smile as soon as she saw me.

"Mummy!" Piper climbed off her chair and ran towards me – and I chuckled and crouched down to her height with open arms – and I had to let out a soft gasp since she practically tackled me once she reached me.

"Hello, beautiful," I pressed a lingering kiss to the top of her head, "have you been doing some reading?"

"Uh-huh!" She grinned and nodded at me.

"She seems to learn more and more new words every single day," Janice said as she made her way over, "she's such a fast learner, aren't you Piper?"

"I am!" She nodded again.

"I'm so proud of you, pumpkin," I kissed her again, "so, are we ready to go home?"

"Yes, mummy," she replied with a smile.

"Alright, baby. Go on and get your backpack, yeah?"

"Okay!" She scrambled off my lap and happily made her way over to the bag bay.

"Thank you so much for everything you're doing," I told Janice as we both waited for her to return, "she seems to be getting smarter and smarter every time she comes here."

"Aw, little Piper has always been such a delight. Ever since she was 6 months old, her smile was enough to brighten anyone's day," Janice smiled at me, "and it's not just us helping her learn. Kids are always learning a lot more at home than parents think – especially if they have such doting and caring parents like you," her smile grew a little, "you're a great mother, Leah. Piper thinks the absolute world of you, and she talks about you all the time with us."

"Does she?" I felt my own smile quickly spreading across my face.

Janice nodded. "Absolutely. Talking about you is her favourite thing to do, and she's always eagerly waiting for you to pick her up at the end of the day."

I felt my smile grow. "So am I. I literally count down the hours when I'm at work."

"Don't we all?" Janice chuckled, "You and Piper enjoy the rest of your day now, yeah?"

"We always do," I chuckled as well and nodded, "you enjoy the rest of your day too, Janice."

"Around little angels like your daughter, I can't help but do so," she said with a smile before giving me a quick wave and rushing over to stop a little boy from chewing on a stick of glue gun refill.

"I'm back, mummy!" Piper was running back to me with her backpack in her hand, "Are we going home now?"

"Yes baby, we are," I smiled at her warmly and carried her backpack for her, "come on, let's go," I held out my free hand to her – and she immediately took it, "oh – and I have something to tell you when we get back home, Piper."

"What is it, mummy?" She asked me.

I rolled my eyes. "I said 'when we get home', pumpkin. Just be patient."

Piper sighed. "Okay."

"Don't worry, snug-bug," I told her with another smile, "it's gonna be a good thing."


"Mummy, what do you have to tell me?" Piper pushed on as I let her inside the flat.

I smiled at her and crouched down to her height. "Honey...you know how you like to watch Harry singing and talking to people on YouTube?"

"Yeah!" She grinned and nodded excitedly.

"And you really want to see that yourself, right?"

Piper nodded again – even more excitedly this time.

"Well, sweetheart...what if I told you that you can see that yourself?"

Piper looked slightly confused - cocking her head to the side at me questioningly. "What do you mean, mummy?"

I smiled again – reaching into my jacket pocket to pull out the two tickets to Harry's show.

"Do you know what these are, Piper?" I displayed the tickets to her.

Piper shook her head.

"These are tickets, sweetpea. Tickets to see Harry doing all that singing and talking for ourselves. And there's one for me, and one for you, darling."

Piper's eyes widened. "What? We're gonna go see Harry?"

I nodded and grinned at her. "That's right, baby. We're gonna go see Harry. You and me."

"Really?" Piper was already starting to grin herself.

"Mhmm," I nodded again - my smile rapidly growing.

"Is he gonna sing Carolina?"

"Yes, of course he is, Piper."

"YAAAAYYYY!" Piper jumped up & down on the spot and clapped her hands delightedly, "We're gonna see Harry!" She let out an excited giggle, "WE'RE GONNA SEE HARRYYYY!!"

I laughed. "So you're happy to see him, then?" I asked her cheekily.

"YES!" She shouted at the top of her voice – making me laugh again before pulling her into a tight hug, "I can't wait, mummy!"

"I'm so glad to hear you say that, pumpkin," I told her once we pulled away, "I can't wait, either."

"Are we gonna see him today?!" She asked me with a grin.

I laughed once more and shook my head. "No, Piper. Not today. But we're gonna see him very soon," I promised her, "we're gonna see him on Friday night, sweetheart. That's only two sleeps away."

"Friday?" Piper pouted, "Why Friday?"

"Because that's just the day he's decided to perform, snug-bug."

"Oh...okay," she sighed, "where is he gonna sing? Is he gonna sing here, at our house?"

I broke out an amused smile and shook my head again. "No darling. He's not gonna come here. He's gonna be in London."

"London?" Piper frowned slightly.

"Yes, Piper. I'm gonna drive you to the big city on Friday morning, and we're gonna spend the day there, and then we're gonna go and see Harry later on – more towards night-time. Does that sound good to you?"

"Is London pretty?"

"Yes, darling. London is very pretty," I told her, "you're gonna love it, baby. I promise."

"So, we get to go to a pretty city, and then we get to see Harry?" She began to smile.

"That's right, Piper."

She giggled and started bouncing excitedly on the spot once more. "So I don't have to go to kindy on Friday?"

"That's right honey – you don't. And I'm gonna ask for the day off work – so it's just gonna be you & me all day, sweetheart."

"Yaaayy!" She giggled again, "I get to be with mummy all day, and then we get to be with Harry at night!" She happily clapped her hands, "I can't wait to talk to Harry!"

My breath hitched as I realized that she was probably thinking that we'd actually be the only ones seeing Harry.


Better clear that up.

"Hang on, Piper," I took her by the shoulders and looked her in the eyes, "darling...you do realize that it's not gonna be just us and Harry, right?"

"What?" Piper's face fell slightly, "It's not?"

I shook my head. "No, pumpkin. It's not. There's gonna be lots of other people there, as well – people who all love Harry, too."

"No!" Piper protested, "I don't want other people there!"

"Sweetheart, Harry's job doesn't involve singing for only one or two people at a time. He's meant to sing for and entertain lots of people at once."

"Why?" Piper demanded with a pout.

"Because that's just the way it is, Piper. Lots and lots of people love Harry like we do, and want to see him as much as we do."

"Other people can't love him as much as we do!" Piper argued, "It should be just us seeing him, mummy!"

"Darling, don't be like that, please. Even if there's other people there, we can still get really close to Harry – because we'll be in the front row – and he'll be there singing so close to us."

Piper's face softened a little. "How close?"

"So close that he could probably touch our hands if we hold them up," I smiled at her, "so, even if there's lots of other people there, not all of them would have a chance to touch his hand. Not like us."

"Will he be close enough to talk to us too, mummy?"

I bit my lip. "Well...yes, Piper, he should be – but don't go to the concert hoping that he will, okay? Because he'll be very busy singing and playing his guitar that he might not be able to talk to us, sweetheart."

"If we shout at him, will he talk to us?"

I chuckled. "I think everyone else would be shouting too, baby."

"Oh," Piper sighed.

"Don't be sad, Piper. We're still gonna see him – singing there right in front of us. He'll be singing Carolina right in front of you, pumpkin. In person – not on a computer screen," I smiled at her once more.

She began to smile back at me. "I know. I'm still really happy we're going, mummy," she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug, "thank you for letting us see Harry!"

"Oh, it wasn't me, Piper. It was your Uncle Aidan who bought the tickets for us," I told her once we pulled away, "so, next time you see him, make sure you thank him very much for getting them, okay?"

Piper's smile grew. "I will, mummy!"

"Good girl, honey," I ruffled her hair and kissed the top of her head warmly, "so, are you hungry? Do you want a snack?"

"Yes!" Her smile grew even more, "I want biscuits!"

"Of course you do," I rolled my eyes and chuckled fondly, "come on, then. Let's get you some biscuits."


"Oh my God, Leah, I'm so happy for you!" Ashley told me with a broad grin, "After all those One Direction concerts you sacrificed going to for always making Piper your first priority...now you're both going to see Harry!"

"I know, it's...I think I'm still trying to register the whole thing in my brain..." I let out a quiet chuckle, "it still feels so unreal, Ash."

"Oh, its real. You're seeing him, and you're gonna be in the front row!" She gave my hands an excited squeeze.

"Shh, Ashley," I put my finger to my lips and chuckled again, "I just spent ages trying to get Piper to sleep. Don't wake her up again, please."

"Oh...sorry," she giggled, "I'm just so happy for you and Piper, Lee."

"Thanks, Ash," I smiled at her, "but there's no way in hell I would've gotten them without Aidan."

"Yeah, well...knowing Aidan, he probably wouldn't have got them so quick if you hadn't pushed him so much. So your persistence is owed some credit too, Leah," she nudged me with her elbow and smiled back at me.

I chuckled a little. "I guess you're right."

"So you go to that show and enjoy every moment, Lee, because you've definitely earned it," she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug, "both you and Piper deserve to see him so much."

I began to smile once more. "I'm so excited, Ash. I'm so fucking excited, but at the same time I still feel all these butterflies...and I low-key want to throw up for some reason."

"That's how you're supposed to be feeling about this, Leah," Ashley chuckled, "and that feeling's only gonna get even worse once you get there. Just letting you know that."

"Oh gee, thanks," I rolled my eyes, "that gives me so much reassurance."

"Hey! I'm speaking the truth! After all – I've been to three One Direction concerts. I actually know what the feeling is," she stuck her tongue out at me.

"Alright, alright. No need to brag," I rolled my eyes again, "but like...I hope I don't faint. Because that's highly likely – especially since I'm gonna be in the front row."

"You should actually try to faint, because if you're in the front row he'll see you and rush down to save you," Ashley winked at me and giggled.

"Or the security guards would carry me out and let Harry get on with his show," I pointed out delicately.

Ashley shrugged. "I like my version better," she giggled again before looking at me, "you know, I really wish you came to my concerts with me, Lee. It would've been so interesting to see how you'd react to all of Harry's speeches."

"I know. I'm sorry, Ash. But it's like you said – Piper was always my first priority," I then chuckled a little, "I'm just finding it funny how it's now my turn to go to a concert without you," I looked at her, "how come you never tried to get tickets, anyway?"

She shrugged again. "Like you, I didn't have the time to keep tabs on when the tickets would drop. But, unlike you, I also didn't have a dedicated twin brother to get the tickets for me."

"True," I shrugged and chuckled again, "I promise, Ash – I'll show you all the videos and pictures I took of him as soon as Piper & me come home."

"Good. You'd better," she said with a smile, "but if I end up hearing nothing except you screaming in the videos, then I'll just wait until they get on YouTube."

I laughed. "Alright. I can take a hint. I'll try my best to keep quiet."

We were then interrupted all of a sudden by the sound of my ringtone blasting out inside my pocket – making us both jump since my ringtone was Kiwi by Harry Styles, and whenever someone called me, it was loud as fuck.

I pulled out my phone and checked the Caller ID – my eyes widening slightly as I realized that it was Heath who was calling me. After a long pause, I hesitantly pressed 'Answer Call'.

"Heath?" My frown grew a little deeper, "What do you want?"

I saw Ashley frowning too as soon as she heard me say Heath's name. Clearly, she was just as confused as I was.

"You're right, Leah," he replied to me in a low voice.

"What?" I frowned even deeper, "What are you talking about? I'm right about what?"

"I'm not spending enough time with Piper."


I looked back at Ashley and pointed to the balcony door – indicating that I thought it'd be better if I continued to take the call outside. After she nodded and started waving me towards the door, I quickly made my way over and stepped out onto the balcony.

"What the hell are you playing at, Heath?" I shut the balcony door behind me and crossed my arms.

"Nothing, Leah. I'm just saying – I know that I shouldn't be spending as much time with Piper as I should."

"Well, I'm glad that finally got through to your thick fucking skull," I replied through gritted teeth.

"It's just...fuck – I'm not good with kids. I never have been. And being around Piper...kinda makes me nervous...which is why I tend to be reluctant about watching her, you know? And besides – it doesn't help that you start breathing down my neck every time I agree to look after her. It's almost like you don't trust me with her."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," I rolled my eyes, "Heath, I'm her mother. What the hell do you expect? You hardly know anything about her!"

"Alright, alright. Fair enough. But that's why I should spend more time with her...so I can get to know her."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you this whole fucking time, Heath!"

"I get it now, okay Leah?! I've just been so stressed out about my studies that Piper's been the last thing on my mind. But...I know that's wrong. I've been thinking of her as a burden ever since she was born, Leah, and I...I don't want to think like that anymore."

"Oh, halle-fucking-lujah," I rolled my eyes, "so...why this sudden change of heart then, Heath?"

"I don't know, it's just...ever since Piper came to my place last week, I...I've been thinking about her a lot. I thought about what you said, too – how I'm always complaining that she doesn't like me, but it's actually my fault since I don't try hard enough to bond with her. And...you're right, Leah. You're 100% right. I haven't been trying to bond with her, because I've been putting my studies above everything."

"Of course I'm right, you dick," I muttered heatedly into the phone, "so, what then? Is this you trying to say you're gonna really try to reconnect with her this time?"

"Yeah. I will, Leah. And this time...I'm 100% serious about that promise."

"Oh, so you weren't 100% serious the first time you promised to be a part of her life?" I demanded.

"Yes, I wasn't, because I just wanted you to get the fuck off my back, Leah!" He snapped, "But, God...I'm starting to hate the way Piper looks at me, and the way she talks to me. Like she never wants to be around me at all...and I want that to stop."

"Well, good luck with that, then," I huffed, "I'll let you know if I need you to look after her."

"Yeah – that's the other reason I called," he said, "I...I'm open to looking after her on Friday – if you want to work more overtime or whatever. On Fridays I'm always more relaxed because it's closest to the weekend. I figured it'd be best for now if I'm always at my most relaxed around Piper."

"Friday?" I cocked an eyebrow at him and scoffed, "Sorry, Heath – this Friday's not gonna work. I'm actually not working at all on Friday, and Piper's not even going to kindergarten."

"What? Why not?"

"Because I'm taking Piper on a road trip to London on Friday," I replied.

"London?" I could tell he was frowning, "Why the fuck for?"

"Because I'm taking her to a secret show that Harry Styles is doing."

"Harry Styles?" Heath's voiced raised a little, "Seriously, Leah? Again with Harry fucking Styles? You're still not over that guy?"

"I'll have you know, Heath, that Piper loves Harry Styles. The only music she ever listens to is his!" I narrowed my eyes, "But of course you don't know that!"

"Doesn't he only have like, one song?"

"Heath, he's got an album out, for fuck's sake!" I snapped at him, "And he's performing that album this Friday, and I am taking Piper to watch it."

"How can you even think that taking our four-year-old to a place full of screaming girls and loud speakers is a good idea?!" He demanded, "Do you even know what you're doing here, Leah?!"

"Heath, he's not performing in an arena! He's performing in a venue that fits six-hundred people! Six-hundred people, Heath! That's fuck all compared to the arenas One Direction have performed at! And even at those places, parents took their young children – sometimes even younger than Piper – to One Direction concerts all the fucking time! So don't you dare tell me that I don't know what I'm doing with this!" I yelled.

"So, you're actually trying to tell me that you're not going to this show just because you wanna see Harry Styles, and you're not just dragging Piper along with you since you know he's got a soft spot for kids?!"

My jaw dropped. "Excuse me?! How the fuck could you say that?! Piper's interests and happiness have always meant fucking everything to me! If she didn't like him as much as she does, I wouldn't even have bothered to get the tickets to his show, because I could just watch the videos on YouTube anyway!" I felt myself glaring even though we weren'teven speaking in person, "Don't you ever tell me that I'd just use Piper as an attempt to catch Harry's attention! That's a fucking horrible thing to say! My entire world revolves around Piper, you son of a bitch!"

"Jesus, Leah, I can't help being concerned about that! You were obsessed with Harry Styles in high school!" Heath yelled.

"I have other priorities now, Heath!" I hissed, "The only things I care about are my daughter, my daughter's health, and my daughter's happiness! That is why I'm taking her to this concert! Because it's what will make her happy!"

"Alright, fine, Leah! I just had to ask!" Heath let out an exasperated sigh, "Look, just...let me know when I can look after her next, okay?"

"We'll see, Heath," I replied through gritted teeth, "we'll see."

A/N: Who's excited for teh next chapter?? :))
