
A/N: Seven more chapters to go! (Until 100 chapters, not the end of the book, don't worry!!)

"Alright, what do you see here?" I asked Harry - showing him my phone screen as I snuggled against his chest.

"A woman's bare ass," He replied matter-of-factly which instantly made me burst out laughing.

"No, it's not!" I said, "Look carefully."

"I am. And I see a bare ass."

"It's not a bare ass! It's that other girl's armpit!" I moved my screen closer to his face, "See?"

"The fuck?" He frowned, "OK, how the hell can an armpit look exactly like an ass?"

"Well, you failed yet again," I rolled my eyes and giggled before scrolling down, "OK, what's this?"

Harry's eyes widened at the next picture. "Holy shit...that is one hairy dick."

"Oh my God, Harry!" I giggled, "It's a fucking dog!"

"A dog?" Harry scoffed, "You call that a bloody dog? It's a dick."

"You are so bad at this! Your mind needs bleach!"

"No, these pictures were made to look dirty. It's the people who made this test that need bleach, not me," he retorted.

"Alright, I'll give you one more chance," I scrolled down to one more picture, "what's this?"

Harry squinted at the photo. "Looks like a lesbian porno to me."

"Oh, for God's sake, Harry!" I laughed again, "You're hopeless!"

"What? It is a damn porno. That girl is trying to finger her."

"No, she's not! That's not one of the girls' legs, that's both of their legs. They're just at a weird angle!" I then snickered, "Well, it's definitely official. Your mind is absolutely filthy, Mr Styles," I told him as I switched off my phone.

"Well, I have a feeling that my filthy mind is what made you like me in the first place," he smirked at me, "so, I'm not changing that anytime soon. I'm trying to keep you, you know."

I giggled. "Well, whether you change or not, I'm not going anywhere," I kissed his cheek before I switched on my phone to check the time, "er...I think you need to start getting ready for rehearsal, don't you H?"

"Ugh..." Harry groaned and collapsed back on the bed, "I don't want to."

I giggled. "Harry, you have to."

Harry looked up at me and smirked. "Well...not if I say I don't feel well."

"What?" I rose an eyebrow at him.

"C'mon, baby, think about it," he sat back up and pulled me close to him, "I can say I need to rest today, and then you & I can stay in bed all day," he pressed his lips under my jaw and kissed down my neck, "maybe I can even try to make you squirt again..."

I giggled. "OK, firstly, we can't stay in bed all day, because Anne & Gemma won't be looking after Piper all day," I said, "secondly, if you call Jeffrey and tell him you're sick when you're actually not, then he's gonna see right through you."

"But maybe he won't," Harry suggested.

"Oh no, he will. He knows you too well," I nudged him with my elbow.

"Ughhh...I guess you're right," he sighed and wrapped an arm around my belly before he rested his head on my chest, "fuck, I wish I could stay here. I just wanna be with you and the baby, and Piper."

"I know. We wanna be with you, too," I slid my fingers through his thick curls, "but the rehearsal won't last all day, H. And in three more days, you're doing the show. And after you've finished that, we can spend the rest of our days in Sydney just relaxing."

I saw Harry smile as he began to gently rub my baby bump. "That sounds good."

"Plus, if you go today, you can ask Jeff about his progress on getting an extra ticket for Jessica," I reminded him, "that'll be nice, right?"

"Yeah. That's true..." he said with a slow nod, "but still."

"Come on, lazy bones," I pushed at his shoulder, "get up and get in the shower. You need to get ready for rehearsal."

"Oh, come on. A few more minutes wouldn't hurt," he kissed my shoulder and rubbed his thumb against the side of my breast.

"Er, yes it will - when a few minutes turns into another few minutes, and then another one after that, and then suddenly you're late for rehearsal," I cheekily squeezed his chin, "I know you, Harry. Go on - up you get."

"Aw, come on. Don't be so cruel, baby," he groaned.

I rolled my eyes and shuffled sideways so that I could hop off the bed - causing Harry to fall forward a little once I broke free from his grasp.

"Sorry, babe - but in your own words, you have 'pussy fluids' to wash off your body," I told him with a smile, "so, off you go."

"Oh, why must you torture me?" Harry continued with another dramatic groan as he reluctantly crawled out of bed.

"It's for your own good, H," I giggled.

As Harry dragged himself into the bathroom to shower, I threw my nightgown back on and climbed back into bed - continuing to scroll through my phone and smiling to myself, since I couldn't deny the feeling of sexual satisfaction that had now calmed my whole body.

A few minutes after Harry switched the shower on, I suddenly heard a knock on the front door of our suite. When I got up to answer it, I realized it was Gemma and Anne who were now returning Piper.

"Hi, mummy!" Piper greeted me cheerfully.

"Hello, pumpkin!" I smiled down at her, "Did you have a good time with Gemma and Anne?"

"Yes I did!" She happily nodded.

"How was your sleep-in, Leah?" Anne asked me all of a sudden - causing me to frown a little in confusion.

"Sorry, what was that?" I asked her.

"Oh, Gemma said that she noticed you two seem to be looking tired lately - Harry with the ARIAs and his rehearsals, and you with the pregnancy, Leah," she explained, "she said she wanted us to take Piper so you two could sleep in a bit more?"

"Oh!" I chuckled nervously, "Right! Yeah, we had a good sleep-in, thanks. You just missed Harry, though. He's er...in the shower."

"Oh, no problem. We were just going to drop Piper off and have some breakfast," Gemma said, "we'll see you guys soon, yeah?"

"Yeah," I nodded and smiled, "er...thanks so much for looking after Piper."

"Anytime, dear," Anne smiled back.

She then said her goodbyes and began to make her way back to her and Gemma's suite. Once she was out of earshot, however, and Piper had wandered off to her bedroom, Gemma looked at me.

"Feel better?" She asked me with a smirk.

"Much better," I chuckled, "thanks, Gem."

"You got it, babe," she winked at me and chuckled as well, "anytime you go on a hormonal rampage while we're here, don't hesitate to request babysitting services."

"I'll keep that in mind," I told her with a smile.



"Good morning, everyone," I greeted the band with a smile as I walked onto the stage, "lovely day, isn't it?"

"Where the hell have you been?" Mitch raised an eyebrow at me, "You should've been here an hour ago, mate."

"Er...I overslept," I replied hesitantly, "rehearsals are running me a bit ragged, you know?"

"Oh, there you are," Jeffrey rolled his eyes as he approached me, "you're very late, Harry."

"Come on, an hour's not gonna make much difference," I folded my arms.

"What have you been doing this past hour and a half?" He rose an eyebrow at me.

"I, am enjoying my holiday, Jeff," I told him with a smile, "anyway, I'm here now. And we're just wasting more time by talking, aren't we?"

Jeffrey rolled his eyes again before letting out a sigh - causing me to chuckle.

"Oh, by the way - have you got any more news on that extra ticket for that girl Leah met?" I asked him.

"Oh, that girl Jessica?" Jeffrey nodded, "Yeah, I'm getting the ticket sorted today. Leah is able to contact her through Twitter, right?"


"So, she can let her know that she should be getting her ticket tomorrow. Would Leah be OK with delivering it to her?"

"Oh, yeah. She'd be happy to, I'm sure," I replied with a nod.

"Great. So we've sorted that out, then," Jeff said, "can we get on with your rehearsal now?"

"Yeah...just give me a sec," I reached into my pocket and pulled out my phone, "I just need to make a call first."

"Oh, for God's sake," Jeffrey groaned, "fine. But make it quick."

I smiled and pulled out my phone as I moved backstage. I unlocked my phone so that I could dial the phone number I'd looked up yesterday. Once I did that, I held the phone to my ear and waited for someone to pick up.

"Good morning, Absolute Photography. You're speaking to Sian, how can I help?"

"Hi, good morning," I replied, "I'd like to book a photo session for my family, please."

"Oh, alright. We have different types of shoots your family could do, would you like to hear the options?"

"No thanks, I've already looked at your website and researched them all. I'd like us to do every single type of shoot, please. Family photos, solos of my daughter, a glamour pregnancy shoot for my partner, and a session just for me and my partner as well. The whole lot."

"Oh, sure," Sian replied, "and would you like them to be done in our studio, or do you have a booked location you want us to meet you at?"

"No, just in the studio, please. I think that will be easiest," I said.

"OK, and this is for how many people?"

"There are five of us. Me, my partner, our daughter, my mother and my sister."

"No problem. When are you planning to have the photos taken?"

"What's the earliest appointment you can do?"

"Well, since we book sessions at least one week in advance, the best we can do for you is exactly a week from now, next Friday."

I bit my lip. "Can't you do any earlier than that? We don't actually live in Sydney - we're here on holiday, so we only have limited time."

"Oh, I see," Sian said, "well, erm...I suppose we could do earlier, but you'd have to pay a late booking fee."

"How much?"

"It's a $200 fee."

"Done," I replied without hesitation, "so, how much earlier can $200 get me?"

"How much earlier would you like?"

"Tomorrow?" I asked hopefully, "Are you open on weekends? It's just, I'm kind of on a tight schedule here, so I'd like us to do this when I'm available for the whole day."

"Er...no, we're not open on Saturdays. But, if you really want it to happen tomorrow, and since you're paying the late fee...I should be able to sort something out with the photographer if you'd like."

"Oh, yes please," I immediately nodded, "that would be great."

"In fact, since we're supposed to be closed, we'd be expecting no-one else - so you and your family will have the studio to yourselves all day, and we won't have to rush you."

"That sounds perfect," I said with a smile, "thank you so much."

"Not at all," she sounded like she was smiling as well, "so, does 9:30 tomorrow morning work for you and your family?"

"Definitely," my smile grew, "I'll see you then. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"Well, there might need to be a few extras you'd have to bring to the shoot," she replied, "for instance, how old is your daughter?"

"She's five. Turning six in a few months."

"Oh, that's no problem then. See, if she was a baby, we'd suggest bringing towels and nappies for her and all that jazz, but since that doesn't apply to you, nevermind. But, if you want, you're also more than welcome to bring over any of your daughter's favourite things - like toys, or her favourite clothes, et cetera. Just something to personalize her photo session, and also to help her feel more at home."

"Alright," I nodded, "anything else?"

"Well, you mentioned that you wanted a glamour pregnancy session for your partner?"

"I did."

"Well, we do have a few of our own dress-ups for that here, but if she wants to bring in any of her own stuff - heels or lingerie or anything like that, she can do that too."

"OK," I nodded again, "and that's it?"

"That's it," she replied with a chuckle, "any more questions?"

"Er, no - I think that's about it, thank you."

"No problem. And I should book the session under which name?"

"Harry," I replied, "book it under 'Harry'."

"Alright. Got it. See you tomorrow."

"Absolutely," I replied, "bye."

After I ended I call, I couldn't help punching the air a little and quickly whispering "Yes!" to myself. And after tucking my phone back into my pocket, I went out to re-join everyone on stage.



"Honey, I'm home," I heard Harry call out jokingly as he entered the suite.

"Oh, hi babe," I looked back at him and smiled before leaning on the arm of the sofa to help myself up, "How was your day? Did you have a good rehearsal?"

"Yes I did, darling, and I have two different types of great news," he smiled back at me as he took me in his arms and kissed me sweetly.

"Oh really?" I asked him as we pulled away, "And they are..?"

"Well, firstly, Jeffrey is sorting out Jessica's extra ticket today, so we should be able to get it to her tomorrow," he announced - his smile growing.

"Oh, great!" I beamed at him, "I'll message her tonight and tell her the good news."

"Yes, you do that - because Jeffrey's hoping you might be able to deliver it to her as well - since you're the only one who can contact her."

"Oh, sure! I'd be happy to," I replied without hesitation, "When can I give it to her?"

"You should be able to give it to her tomorrow," Harry said, "preferably in the afternoon, though."

"What?" I frowned a little, "Why the afternoon?"

Harry smiled again. "That's my other piece of great news. Because you remember that photoshoot thing I suggested yesterday at the pool, right?"

I nodded.

"Well, before rehearsal started, I called Absolute Photography," he said, "and they've agreed to see all five of us tomorrow morning for a photo session."

"Really? Already?" My eyes widened, but I still smiled all the same, "Wow! How did you get something booked so soon?"

"Well, I'm going to have to pay a late booking fee, but once I agreed to that, I was able to talk them into booking us in for tomorrow."

"Did they know who they were talking to?" I asked.

"I don't know. But even if they didn't, they're gonna find out anyway," Harry shrugged.

"Oh my God, Harry! This is so exciting!" I squealed a bit, "Do Gemma and Anne know about this?"

"Yeah. Before I came here, I went to their suite and told them about it. They're really excited too. Like mother like daughter, both of them love photos."

"Er, you love photos too, sir. Don't pretend that you don't," I poked his chest which made him chuckle.

"Where's Piper? We need to tell her what's happening," said Harry.

"She's in her room, drying herself off. I was just about to go in and check on her. I'm trying to get her to dress herself more, so I've left her alone in there," I said.

"Daddy!" Speaking of the devil, Piper suddenly came bursting out of her bedroom with her shorts on but no T-shirt, "Daddy, you're home!" Her whole face lit up as soon as she saw him.

"Well hello there, gorgeous," Harry smiled at her and chuckled as she hugged his legs, "what are you doing running around without a shirt?"

"I don't know how to put on shirts," Piper replied with a giggle.

"Well, my princess, you need to learn," Harry told her as he kissed the top of her head, "go on. Try putting on a shirt, and then I'm going to tell you something cool."

"What is it?" Piper asked.

"I said after you put on a shirt, monkey. You can't trick me," Harry chuckled, "go on. Off you go."

Piper giggled again before running back to her room - causing me and Harry to exchange looks and smile.

"I'd better go and check on her," I said, "but this photo shoot is gonna be really fun, Harry. Thank you."


The next morning, the five of us woke up bright and early, had showers and put on our best clothes and packed a few extras in case we wanted to change outfits in-between shoots. Harry had told me to pack my best heels and lingerie, but I didn't even know why. And it wasn't until we had gotten in the car when he finally told me.

"You what?" My eyes widened, "You told them I was gonna do a glamour shoot?"

"Indeed I did," he replied with a smirk, "come on, don't give me that look, babe. It's gonna be fun."

"Harry!" I blushed furiously, "I can't do glamour shoots while I'm pregnant! They'll look awful!"

"See, that's exactly why I told them you'd do it," Harry told me, "Leah, every time that bump grows bigger, you get more insecure - and for absolutely no reason. The pregnant women in the gallery on this studio's website look amazing in their glamour shoots. I know that this place would be able to capture how gorgeous you really are. So, if you won't listen to me when I tell you that you look beautiful, then at least let a photographer take photos of you to prove it."

I bit my lip. "I don't know, Harry..."

"Come on, Leah. Please," he begged me, "when you look back at the photos that these people take of you, I know you're gonna see exactly what I see when I look at you."

I hesitated for a long time before finally letting out a sigh. "Alright, Harry. I'll do it. But I swear - I better not regret it."

"You won't," Harry replied without hesitation - a huge smile already starting to spread across his face, "I promise you won't."

Our driver parked our car on the side of the road, and the five of us all climbed out. Harry helped Piper step out of the car before he took her hand since she was close to the road.

"Where are we taking photos, daddy?" Piper looked up at him.

"In that building there," he used his free hand to point to the blue building above us, "there's a studio up there where we'll take all our photos."

"Wow!" Piper seemed fascinated as she tilted her head right back to look up at the building.

Harry smiled at her - pleased by her reaction. "Come on, sweetheart. This is gonna be fun."

"Yeah!" Piper agreed with a giggle and a nod as Harry led her into the building.

"I honestly can't believe Harry managed to arrange this so fast," Anne spoke up as we followed them.

"I know, right? First we're chilling out at a rooftop pool, and now we're having our photos taken in a professional photo studio," Gemma chuckled, "he certainly knows how to plan a family day."

We all entered the building and made our way upstairs until we finally made it to the studio's office - where a blonde woman who looked like she was in her late 30s or early 40s was sitting at the desk.

"Woah, wait a minute!" She immediately stood up from her desk, "I knew I was speaking to a Harry on the phone. I had no idea I was speaking to Harry Styles."

Harry laughed. "You must be Sian. It's nice to meet you."

"Oh, you too! Honestly, my daughter ticks off all our neighbours by playing your CD on full blast at 10 o'clock at night," she chuckled, "but wow, the whole lot is here! Congratulations on the baby, by the way."

"Thank you very much," Harry smiled at her.

"My daughter was watching you at the ARIAs on TV the other day, and she scared the life out of me by screaming 'LEAH IS PREGNANT!!!' at the top of her lungs," she rolled her eyes and smiled fondly, "anyway, I'll let Vanessa know you're here. She's going to be your photographer for today."

"Thank you so much," Anne chimed in quickly - to which Sian replied with a smile before she disappeared behind the door to the next room.

After a few minutes, she emerged again - this time with another woman, also blonde and looking around the same age - who was also holding a camera.

"Everybody, may I introduce Vanessa Forbes," Sian announced with a smile, "one of the photographers in Sydney."

"What an honour to have Harry Styles and his family in my studio!" She warmly shook Harry's hand and smiled at him, "Thank you so much for choosing us!"

"No, thank you for agreeing to see us - on a day you're not even supposed to be working, nonetheless," Harry told her with a smile back, "we really appreciate it. Sorry if we arrived a bit earlier than agreed, though."

"Oh, not a problem at all! It just means you get extra time in hair and makeup!" Vanessa chuckled, "Follow me, and I'll introduce you to our makeup artist. Then, while you're getting settled in your makeup chairs, I'll just go over the day's plan with you. Sound good?"

"Definitely," I said with a nod and a smile.

"Great!" Vanessa ushered us into the next room while Sian returned to her seat.

The next room turned out to be the studio itself - with a white screen and those weird umbrella-shaped flash things and camera tripods set up in front of it. To either side of the room, there were two doors. I guessed that one must lead to a makeup room, the other must lead to Vanessa's office or something like that.

She led us into the door on the right - which indeed led to a makeup room with a vanity table and a swivel chair set up in front of it.

"Good morning! I'm Jean," a middle-aged woman with electric blue hair greeted us with a smile, "I'm the makeup artist. As you can see, we only have one vanity here - so I'm afraid I can only do your makeup one at a time."

"No problem. We have plenty of time," Harry told her with a smile back, "it's nice to meet you, Jean. I'm Harry, this is my partner Leah, our daughter Piper, my mum Anne and my sister Gemma."

We all waved at her as Harry said our names - except for Piper who was becoming shy again and hadn't said a word since we met Sian.

"Lovely. All of you," her smile grew, "I can already tell your photos will look great," she then took a look at all of us, "right. I usually go by ladies first, but we have so many ladies here, and only one gentleman. Plus, I hear I'm in the presence of a celebrity, so let's give you the special treatment and do your makeup first, love," she told Harry.

"Sure," he replied with a chuckle as he sat down in front of the vanity, while the rest of us sat down on the waiting chairs on the other side of the small room.

"Alright, so correct me if I'm wrong," Vanessa was now scrolling through an iPad, "so, Sian has written down here that you're booked for family photos, couple photos, solo child photos, and glamour pregnancy photos?"

"Yes, that's right," Harry said as Jean turned the swivel chair so that he was facing the vanity.

"Great. So here's how I've decided to plan out the day," she began, "so, first we'll get all the family pictures you want out of the way, then we'll do the solos of the little one, then the couple shoot, and last but not least, the pregnancy shoot. Does that sound alright?"

"That sounds great," Harry said with a smile as Jean began to apply some pigmented cream onto Harry's face.

"Wait a minute," I had to interrupt, "was it Harry's idea to save the glamour pregnancy for last?"

Vanessa laughed. "Nope. He's innocent this time, hun."

"Although now I feel so irritated that I can't take the credit," Harry chimed in with a chuckle.

Oh, great.

I have to wait until the very last part of this to get that pregnancy shoot out of the way.

Damn it...I hope it'll look OK.

Easy, Leah. Don't think about it too much. For now, just focus on enjoying the day.

It's still family time, after all.

A/N: OK I know it was already a few days ago but I have to say, once again, thank you all SO MUCH for your efforts on Project 99. I'm still shook about the whole thing and I can't believe you all saw my gross bedhead live on Instagram xD

I had such a great time reading all your entries and I still can't believe you guys did all that for me <3 I love you all so much I think I'm going to explode.

Also, I needed a lot of researching for this chapter, so thank you to my faithful secretary Sofia for all your help!! Love you girl xx
