"I'm a spirit." That boy named yoongi said.

"Is it first of April? Wait lemme check." Jimin said as he opened the calander app from his phone and found that today is 5th of October.

"It went away stop with your foolish news old man." Jimin said.

"What did you just called me?" Yoongi said.

"See I told ya. You're an old man that's why you can't hear things properly. And give proff if you're a spirit. Walk through that wall then I'll believe." Jimin said as he pointed at the said wall.

Yoongi looked at it and then sighed. He walked near the wall. Stoped. Looked at Jimin and walked through the wall causally.

Jimin hissed in fear. "Wait so he is a real spirit?" He said to himself.

Yoongi again walked through the wall and came near Jimin with a 'see I told ya' face but with a bored expression.

"I-.. will you hurt me or like kill me? Like the other books says that read last night about spirit." Jimin said as he was fearing for his life.

Yoongi sighed. "No. I'm not a bad spirit. It's just someone tried to murder me and they succeed. But one thing that my body isn't craved still. So there are chances that if my spirit goes on the body of mine then I will come back to this mortal world."

"But why are you telling this to me?" Jimin asked in confusion.

"Cause only you can see me." Yoongi said.

"Oh." Jimin said while his lips formed an 'o'.

"Wait do you have any house?" Jimin asked.


"Oh then you can stay in mine. I'm gonna help you through out all the time, till you find your body."

"Thank you."

"But one thing... Why only I can see you but no one?" Jimin asked and this is truth.

Why only he can see him?


