
"hey, yoongi, YOONGI!" Yoongi batted his eyelashes as his eyes tried adjusting the lights in the room he was in.

"Where am I?" Yoongi asked as the light adjusted and he saw Hoseok there, standing with a boy beside him.

"You're in the hospital.." Hoseok said as yoongi gasped.

"What happened to me?" He asked, fear visible in his eyes.

"You got into this magor accident while you were driving back home, and the doctor told that you need rest , and I kid you not, you slept for 18 days straight.." Hoseok said as he looked over the boy beside him.

"Who's he?" Yoongi asked as he looked at the boy.

"He's Jimin, your Husband.. Yoongi don't tell me you lost your memory.." Hoseok said as he gave judgmental look towards Yoongi.

"Ok, I just need some explanations, Hoseok what are you to me and when me and Jimin got wedded?" He asked, confusedly.

"First of all, yoongs, I'm your bestfriend and he and you got married a year ago.. gosh this is so awkward.." Hoseok exclaimed as he wiped his fake sweats.

"Oh," yoongi just looked at both of them.

So, all this time, that 19 year old yoongi and everything he saw was just a dream? He wasn't 19 now, he's married, married to the dream boy.

"What are you thinking?" Jimin asked as he took one of his hands on his.

"Oh, it's just I happened to be seeing you in my dream, where I was a 19 year old kid, and then I saw you, after that more controversy and Jessi—"

"You remember Jessi?" Jimin asked exietedly.


"Yoongi, she's my sister.." Jimin pouted at this point.

"That explains why I got a nightmare about her— ow!" Yoongi exclaimed when Jimin smacked his head.

"Don't talk bad about my sister.. she's sweet.."

"Ok whatever.."


"Wait, Jimin don't tell me I've kids too.." Yoongi said, pretending not to hear the kids screaming.

"You do.."

"Oh, hell."

"DADA.." One of the kids came towards Yoongi as yoongi picked her up.

"Soyoon, come here to Dad.." Jimin exclaimed.

I smiled at him, he just subtly told me the name.

"Haien.." I just happened to remember her name.

"Yes dad?"

"I love you.."

"I love you too dad, you're my world." She exclaimed as she kissed Yoongi's cheeks.

That's the family he wanted.

Jimin, Him, his kids. Perfect.

Call yoongi anything but he enjoyed everytime he spent in his dream, even if it lasted for only a few days.


That's the end of parallel.
