"ahahahaha." A boy laughed from the balcony after seeing his friend falling down.

His friend got up and looked at him very angrily.

"DON'T YOU HAVE SHAME JIMINIE? YOU MADE FUN OF ME." that boy who was said to be fall down said and made a pout.

"What could I do Taehyungie? Dance?" The boy named jimin laughed again.

"JIMINIE YOU'RE MEAN!" Taehyung said.

"I know that. Wait I'm coming." Jimin said and went to Taehyung.

He went there and cleared the dust from Taehyung's clothes.

"Sorry I laughed at you but when I saw you like that I was shocked. And then I started laughed. A biiiiiiiiiiig sorry." Jimin pleaded like a sulking baby.

"Ok ok don't do that again." Taehyung said.

"By the way when's college?" Taehyung asked.

"Tomorrow." Jimin said.

"Have you done the homework?" Taehyung asked.

"Why are you asking like we're doing a Narration. You could ask me in other way too." Jimin said.

"And yes I have done it. And sent it to you too." Jimin said.

"Oh thank you jiminie." Taehyung said.

Then they both held each others hand were heading towards their  apartment (they live seperately) that's when Jimin felt someone's presence behind him.

He was feeling it.

It was very,very strong.


So here is a new stroy "Parallel".

A little hint about the upcoming parts - someone who looks like a cat is gonna change the whole life of the boy named Park Jimin.

Here that boy who lookes like a cat is a ghost.
