"HEY JIMIN." jimin was just sleeping peacefully but this happened in a fraction of a minute.

"Urgh go away taelien." Jimin said as he dived into the sheets.

"You. Get up lazy head today is college remember?" Jimin got up and looked at the clock it was Indicating 8 am which means he was late..again!

"SHIT." saying that he did everything which is done in the morning and ran to his college.

"I told you. You are a lazy head and always will." Taehyung said as he sat down beside him.

"You could wake me up in the 6 too." Jimin asked.

"I did. But you!" Taehyung said as he looked away.

The teacher came.

It was the geography which Jimin hated the most. He was feeling sleepy by every second. He hated the fact that why can't he like geography like others do.. but he just can't.

Then the bell ringed and the teacher left.

"So hey my alien can you explain what she just taught🤗?" Jimin said.

"Umm no." Taehyung denied.

"Why?" Jimin asked his co-95z liner.

"You are a lazy head and you won't remember what I just taught you so no." Taehyung said.

"Urghh okay." Jimin said and left to the bathroom.


He was washing his hands when he felt someone's presence behind him again. He looked behind to see no one.
He thought he was imagining things. He ignored and completed washing his hands. He was heading outside of the bathroom that's when he saw Taehyung with a guy. Jimin thought that's why his bestfriend wasn't talking to him. Taehyung got a boyfriend and didn't even told it to his dearest friend. He felt happy for his bestfriend but he knows he will never find someone like Taehyung did.


He walking in the hallway. He felt that strong feeling again. He was feeling someone's presence behind him again. He looked behind this time to see a boy same as his height was looking at him. He was wearing a hoodie which probably was covering his face. His eyes were cat like, they can attract any of the gender by a simple gaze.

"Who are you?" Jimin asked.

"I'm Min yoongi,19." That boy named yoongi said.

For some unknown reason Jimin find the boys voice deeper than the ocean.
He felt that anyone can dive deeper into that voice.

"Are you thinking horney things about me?" Yoongi asked.

"No why would I?" Jimin said.

"Nah the way you're looking into my eyes I felt that." Yoongi said.

"Sorry if I made you uncomfortable." Jimin apologized.

"No it's okay. Your name?" Yoongi asked.

"Jimin park." Jimin said.

"Why are you following me everywhere?" Jimin added.

"I didn't followed you. I was just..." Yoongi stopped in his words.

"Sorry what? I didn't heard you?" Jimin asked as he didn't heard anything after 'just' .

"Nothing." Yoongi said.

"Will you believe me if I tell you a thing about myself which has no sense in it?" Yoongi asked.

"Ok." Jimin said.

"Don't freak out but,

I'm a spirit."


So hey a new chapter arrived.

Vote and comment for next part 🐱.
