I was sitting while yoongi was in the hospital bed, sleeping.

He suddenly appeared in my life and made my life a beautiful one with his presence.

I can't get enough of him. He's so cute but intimidating at the same time.

Why does it have to be us? Why does it have to be you?

I was in my trance that I didn't even felt Yoongi's hands on mine.

"J-jimin.." yoongi said as Jimin looked at Yoongi.

"Why are you opening your mask, don't, yoongi don't.." Jimin said when Yoongi just smiled weakly.

"I don't have enough time, J-jimin.. I just want to confess w-what I feel, w-what if I die and can't even—"

I put my hands on his mouth to prevent him from saying further.

"Don't even say that, you don't know what you've done to my poor heart, why don't you understand that I started loving you, it's not just an attraction but love, but you don't understand it.." I confessed as tears rolled down from my cheeks.

"Jimin, I wish I could say that I will live with you forever but I can't, my body is weak, too weak to even say but I'm doing this for you, I love you Jimin, I love you so much, I wish I could stay with you till eternity but it's too late now, I c-cant anymore.." Yoongi said as his pulse started to go down and down.

"Yoongi, NO!!!!!"

Yoongi's pulse died down as it showed zero. He died, he died while he confessed.

He left me with scars in my heart, was it that much to ask to be with me forever that he didn't even let my utter my word.

"YOONGI!" I screamed when the nurses and the doctor came a d saw the dead body of Yoongi.

"I'm sorry for your loss Mr. Park.." The doctor said as he left the room.

I can't blame him, he had done his best to make yoongi strong but God had another plans.


For her, my first love is not with me.

When the people said that, 'first love never lasts' I didn't knew it would be true and hurt me this much.

"Yoongi, I love you.." I said as a tear left from my eyes.


"WHAT?" Taehyung exclaimed as he paced here from there. "You were with a ghost from the past few days while I was away, and you didn't even told me that over texts or calls, how much bitchy can you get Park Jimin?"

"I wanted to tell you but I thought you were busy with your boyfriend so I didn't.."

"Also you told me, he wanted you to be his boyfriend and you did make him your boyfriend, so—"

"No, he was a human, you remember Jessi from our class?" I asked as Tae nodded. "She was the one who tried killing Yoongi, she even killed Suzy. I hate her so much, and you won't even believe what she did with Suzy!"


"She ate her."


"I know right, she's a maniac.. but she's in jail now, but I miss yoongi."

"Yes you do, he confessed his love while he is gone.."

"I miss you.."


3 months later

"I know I shouldn't do this, but," Jimin said as hr looked at the rope. "I want to see you again, Yoongi, I'm coming, please don't be mad while you see me up there.."

He said as he put the rope around his neck and kicked the chair aside.

Tears started to flow from his eyes as only one word came out of his mouth while he left his body.


Soon his movements died down, as he himself died.


Taehyung swear to himself, be heard Jimin's muffled voices from his room.

Taehyung had to live with Jimin, because he has lost the will to live while Yoongi left.

"Jimin, you did not do anything, I'm thinking about.." Tae said to himself as he he opened the door only to find Jimin hanging as a smile was plastered on his face.

"JIMIN!" Taehyung exclaimed with sorrow as his eyes gave up and started to flow.

"Why Jimin, why!"

His eyes then fell over a particular piece of paper.

'Tae, I know I'm very selfish to not tell you this, but I killed myself :D

I told you through this piece of paper.

Also, it's because you didn't let me kill myself by overdosing the sleeping pills, so this was the last option.

Please don't hate me, you hating me is the last thing I wanna experience.

Tae, last thing I wanna say is, I never thought I would have a friend like you, you're the most adorable friend anyone can have.

I love you Tae.'

Taehyung broke down.

In the up, Jimin and Yoongi will always live together..



The alternative ending is coming tomorrow.

I don't wanna talk about this part, not now.

༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽ Let me cry first.
