Chapter 7: When She Smiles(TaeliceMoment)

"Do I look good? Does my hair looks fine or messy ? Should I loosen my tie? Wh-----" my ramblings were cut off by my hyungs who did nothing but laugh. Why are they laughing?

"Easy  TaeTae. Just relax for a bit to calm your nerves. It's for the best, trust me." Namjoon hyung said while laughing.

"I'm calm." I immediately replied but I think it's wrong because they only laugh again even the sleeping Suga hyung. Owww, what a miracle!

"Your calm? You call that calm? You just found out that she is one of the MC and your acting like your house is on fire! What more if she asks you a question? Maybe you'll became bat shit crazy." Suga hyung sarcastically said which earns another roar of laughter from them. When I looked at my right, I saw the maknae, Jungkook, staring at nothing. Like he is in deep thought. 

What is he thinking?

I inhaled and checked my breath for the last time which Jin and Jimin hyung laugh at. FOR THE NTH TIME.If you are going to face the girl that you like you'll be conscious, right? We step inside and I saw her..........My Lisa.

She looks so pretty in that dress that she is wearing. Well she can wear garbage bag and still hold the title of the PRETTIEST GIRL for me. I admire her from afar. Well not really far. 

We are so close yet so far.

May I am gawking at her too much that she feels it and looked at my direction and our eyes met. They always say that I'm an alien, which makes me laugh. But this time, I am definitely an alien and I am living in a different planet, dimension rather, with her.When I was about to look away she did something...... unexpectedly.

She smiled at me....

  She smiled at me.... 

She smiled at me.... 

She smiled at me.... 

She smiled at me.... 


My heart pounds faster than a bullet train and my mind goes blank. I can't help but stare at her beautiful face. You can mistake her for a doll, a battery operated doll. That's how gorgeous she is. When she smiles.......Oh her smile already sent me into the seventh heaven.

"I know you're in cloud nine right now, but please refrain from having a dreamy look and pay attention to what's going on in front of you. Who know's what can possibly happen." Namjoon hyung whispered. I listen to her speaking, her voice; music to my ears.

"Today, BTS sunbenims comeback stage with Not Today. What is this song all about?" we looked at each other puzzled, because not only me but all of us are affected by her AEGYO. She is a natural charmer. She is simply speaking yet her voice and the way her body moves sends a very cute vibe. Finally, Namjoon hyung decided to takes the mic to answer. Minutes seems like an eternity but just by looking at her, I lost all track of my time, my body and my heart.... even my mind goes at different dimension.I don't care If I look like a fool looking at her coz I can't help it. I.JUST.CAN'T.

When I thought that my day is already good, she did something that makes me shocked.

"V sunbae, what could the ARMY's expect for your new song?" I can feel my bones shook at her angelic voice and the way she calls me...Damn, I'm literally in heaven. Lisa, What are you doing to me? I can feel my hyungs' eyes on me coz SHE ASKED ME! LISA ASKED ME!

I thank God for finally giving me the courage of creating at least a good sentence coz my mind is nonexistent at this time.

"W-We expect you to love this song and support us like always! Kamsahamnida!"I said while looking at her and smiling and she did SOMETHING that makes my heart goes summer sault.

"Cheonmaneyo V sunbae, BTS sunbaenims! I know the ARMY's will love it!" she smiles at me AGAIN.

Time of death:    4: 55 p.m (kst)

Cause of death: Lisa smiling at me a lot of times, our first conversation.

We talked! Our first conversation! I found myself being ushered back at the dressing room with my hyungs and when the door closed, they all gathered in front of me. 

"V, are you still alive?" Suga hyung said while placing his hand in my chest.

I'm not. I already died. Well a lot of times. I think I died a thousand deaths just for this day.

"Should we revive him or not?" Jin hyung asked while laughing.

Aniyo! I want to stay in this place forever. Is this what you call, cloud nine?

"Nah! I don't hink so. This time I think he's in heaven already." Namjoon hyung said that makes the others laugh. I was about to tell them something when I heard a voice say,"Calm the f*ck down hyung, It's not a conversation, just a mere part of the script." he said while slamming the door shut. 

Jungkook, what happened to you?

" As long as you talk and that person replied to you, it's called a conversation." The clever leader said.

I shrug it off because my mind is still in sky scraper.

"WE HAVE OUR FIRST CONVERSATION!" I yelled while doing a kkumul kkumul dance.


(a/n:hey how was it? Sorry for the late update coz Is till have to go to school you know! Enjoy reading and please vote or comment if you like!)
