Chapter 21: International Playboy

(A/N: HAPPY 1.4K VIEWS AND 98 VOTES! I hope you enjoy this story and sorry for the long intervals of updates! it's just that I'm a very busy stident!)

As days passed by, we became close with BTS Sunbaenims. I must say that as a big group they are quite humble and kindhearted not to mention stubborn as well! Because we are also known for being dorks it didn't give us a hard time when it comes to getting close to them especially the well known pranksters------the maknae line. 

Even though Jin oppa scolded them for god knows how many times, that didn't stop them from pulling a prank and to be honest, Jisoo unnie and I joined them a lot of times. But instead of getting a whole hour of lecture it seems that Jin, JHope, Namjoon and Suga oppa said that we are the cutest troublemaker in the world which makes the younger ones groan in jealousy. They said that their hyungs are being unfair because of the favoritism which makes me laughed out loud. 

Today is our day off for practicing so hard for the most-awaited-collaboration as what the fans said.

To be honest, until now I still get nervous by the fact that we are collaborating with the big group, BTS. I'm busy having the time of my life since Jisoo, Jennie  unnie and Rose where out for shopping. I'm watching local news when my phone suddenly vibrated. 

*Bzzt~ Bzzt*

from: KookieBunny

Hi! Dollface! What are you doing right now?Please reply!

Of course me being the evil maknae, well not exactly evil but the fact that I love to tease people and such, is what makes me evil or dork,  I DECIDED TO TEASE HIM A BIT . I ignored his message and went back on watching TV. I smirked when I heard my phone vibrating again,



and again.

The maknae is so impatient. Kekeke~

  from: KookieBunny  

Yah! Dollface! I know you are reading this! Stop annoying me coz as long as you have that pretty face of yours you'll never get in my nerves!

My face flustered upon reading his text . Damn, I forgot that this is the international playboy were talking about. Trying to work your charms on me playboy? Well, too bad for you , you need to work harder than that. 

  from: KookieBunny  

Dollface! Answer me!

  from: KookieBunny  

Lalisa...... DollFace! T.T

Awwwwwwww..... Okay Lisa you've already had our fun. I immediately typed a message and sent it to him because I'm afraid that he'll cry lol

  to: KookieBunny  


*Bzzt~ Bzzt~

  from: KookieBunny  

Took you long enough. What in world you are doing for you to respond  20 minutes later? To think that you only typed "what"

Now, he's the one whose getting on my nerves.

  to: KookieBunny  

WTF! I told you to call me noona! I'm older than you so show some respect! Please stop calling me DollFace! I didn't even look like a doll for god's sake! Don't act like a jealous boyfriend coz you're not. 

I smiled when I finally pressed the send button. Ha! Take that, you meanie! I expected him to throw a fit and to flood messaged to my phone again but minutes have passed and still no response from him. 

Why? Maybe he gets tired of mocking me. That's good.


Uh hwi param param param
(Can you hear that)
hwi parapara para bam
Uh hwi param param param
(Can you hear that)
hwi parapara para bam~

Someone's calling! I looked at the screen of my phone expecting it to be Jungkook sunbae but instead TaeTae oppa's name flasehes on the screen. 


TaeTae oppa <3  

If you are wondering why it has a heart sign, well he's the one who save his number to my phone. He wants me to call him TaeTae oppa which I find cute. 

"Hello! TaeTae oppa!" I heard him laughed at the other line.

"Well hello too gorgeous! How's your day?" I inwardly groan. Woah, those deep and husky voice though. 

"None. Just watching TV sine they are all out for shopping."  I heard him saying aww~ which makes me smile. Imagine a handsome guy with a deep and husky voice saying aww~ Would it be too cute? or hot? Stop right there Lisa. 

"That's sad. So, want to go out with me? I mean, there's a new cafe that sell the best desserts and many more. So wanna come?"  Seeing as I've got nothing to do, I agreed.


Lollipop Cafe

1:30 p.m (kst)

"Hi, gorgeous!"

"Hi! TaeTae oppa! You look so handsome!" I saw his face turned red and he bowed his head down. Did I say something wrong or he's sick?

"Oppa, are you okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, yeah just peachy. So shall we?" he said while guiding me towards the car. The car ride is not boring as expected. We shared a lot of jokes and funny stories. We arrived at the cafe and I instantly liked it. The place is cool and the ambiance is relaxing. I was looking around when I felt someone bumped into me. 

"Fancy seeing you here, Doll face." 

