Chapter 29: A chingu from Thailand (BamLisa)

(A/N: This story is almost done so I've got a new story and the title is "Dear Funeral" please read and support it like how you enjoy this story please! Thank you!)

YG Entertainment

11:00 a.m (kst)

"Lisa-yah, let's eat!" Jisoo unnie shouted outside the door. I stayed still, while currently hugging the fluffy pillows that I had beside me. To seek comfort, probably. Tch, What a dumb way to find comfort Lalice.  You should know that the fluffy pillows and blankets couldn't ease the struggle with this thing called "feelings." 

"Lisa?" ignore her.

"Lalisa?" .......

"Nalalisa?" .......


"Yah! Lalisa Manoban! I know you're in there! Now answer your unnies or else we'll barge in your room whether you like it or not!" Jennie unnie yelled. Good job Lisa, you managed to get into her nerves today. I guess I'm going to open the door before they go ape shit on me. 

I lazily get off the comfy blankets and turned the knob while muttering a lifeless "Come in." Jisoo and Jennie unnie was about to scold me but when they heard my voice and saw the lifeless look on my face, I found myself engulfed in a warm embrace.

"DollFace, you're going out of this dungeon whether you like it or not. You need to eat! I even cooked gamjatang, you're favorite! Common Lisa-yah, please eat." Jennie unnie pleadingly said while looking at me. I heard a muffled cry and I saw that it came from pasta. Such a cry baby Rosie. 

"We're all worried about your welfare Lalice. Especially me. I've had sleepless nights eversince you walked out of that party and it gotten worst when you started to lock yourself in your room. You know If you don't want to talk about it then don't. But when the time comes that you needed someone to talk to, remember that I'm always here to listen." she said, with tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Thank you unnies." I said. It felt really great to have them by my side.

"So, let's end this drama coz I wanna eat chicken!"Jisoo unnie yelled which makes us laugh. 

Lunch with my friends, this is a big help, Lisa.  

"I'm currently sitting at the sofa together with Jisoo and Jennie unnie talking about random things while Rose is washing the dishes. It's fun to watch them bicker and it's good because my mind is temporarily away from the dillemma that I have yet to faced. 

"I want to go there! Wahhhhhhhhhh! Kyeopta! " Jisoo unnie squaled. I saw Jennie unnie rolled her eyes while saying, "So childish. You're the oldest yet you act like a maknae. I wonder why Lisa is more mature than you." I laughed at the glare the Jisoo unnie gave to Jennie unnie.

"Yah! Take that back!" 

"That's okay chichoo. Eventhough reality hurts, I still love you." Jennie unnie hugs Jisoo unnie while she is glaring at her. So cute. Just as I was about to split the two to avoid messing things up, my phone's ringtone buzzed.

Uh hwi param param param
(Can you hear that)
hwi parapara para bam
Uh hwi param param param
(Can you hear that)
hwi parapara para bam  

Incoming Call

BamBamBang :P

I immediately answered while walking back to my room and closing the door. 

"Yeoboseyo?" I asked, once I sat at the edge of my bed. 

"Annyeong Dollface~! I mean Pokpak! Hehehehe!" 

"Since you're my friend, I won't kill you for calling me Dollface Bam." 

"Why? Don't you like it? I've heard that it's your nickname! Lisa-yah is very gorgeous like a doll. Hence, the birth of the nickname Dollface!" I felt a blush rise on my cheeks when he said that. 

"So, Why the sudden phone call Bam?" 

"You know the industry is quite small for us so gossips spread like a wildfire. I heard Yugyeom talking to other members about what happened to you at the after party. Tch, now  you really prove that the nickname Dollface suits you. I may joke about a lot of things Lisa-yah but always remember that I am your friend no matter what. So answer my question, how are you ?" I can't stop the tears that falls in my eyes when I heard him asked that. He's right. I'm not okay. This is not okay.

"B-bam. I-i don't know. This feelings is so overwhelming and to be honest, I'm an emotional wreck and yes, I've isolate myself. I don't know what to do. I felt guilty you know I felt like I've ruined BTS." i said while sobbing.

"Ssshhhh. Don't ever say that. You didn't ruin BTS. Infact you inspired them. You're aware that they're a huge fan of your group right? So don't you ever say that you ruined them. Also don't feel guilty. You did nothing wrong. Because in the first place it's not your fault that they love you. Your just being yourself so don't ever say that." I'm still crying while listening to his comforting words. I've felt myself relaxed a little when I talked to him. He's my friend, my comrade, this is better than the comfy pillow. 

"You want me to come over?" He asked. As much as I love too, I know he's busy and I can't do that. I don't want him to sacrifice his time just because I am whining like a fifteen-year old. 

"No Bam, I'm fine, your busy so------"

"You know I always have time for you Lisa-yah. So since I know I can't change your mind I'm just going to give you an advice. Not as an idol but as a friend whom you've known since fetus era. Lisa-yah, evaluate your feelings. No one can help you but yourself. Follow your heart. What the others say aren't important coz in the end the decision is  yours." 

"Thank you Bam."

"No problem. That's what friends are for." after the comforting phone call with him, I heard a knock on the door.

"Lisa-yah! You have a visitor!" I got up. Visitor?

"Mwo? Who?" I asked.

"Just come out and see for yourself." I left my room and when I went to the living room I was surprised to see......

"J-jungkook oppa?" 

