Chapter 27 : Her Side

(A/n:I dedicated this chapter to Painfadesaway for voting on almost all of the chapters of this story! For those who kept voting I dedicate this chapter just for you! Enjoy!)

Staring blankly at the ceiling, ignoring the phone calls and my unnies who wants to talk to me, I decided to isolate myself. After that party... Well it's not even a party when I saw them fighting over me. I chuckled darkly. 

Why me, though?

I'm not even that pretty. Heck, I'm a rookie and a foreigner! I'm not that good at speaking korean to top it all! God! I pursue this career because I wanted to be an idol but I didn't expect things to turn out this way. I can't stop the tears that falls from my eyes. My eyes are already swollen and I haven't eaten anything since I walked out of that so called party. 

I'm not dumb.

I'm aware when someone is staring at me but I chose to pretend that I'm oblivious to it. 

I know how different they act around me. 

I can't acknowledge the fact that I'm special in their eyes coz I'm afraid. 

Afraid that something bad will happen. It turns out my intuition is correct. 

"Lisa." I looked at Suga oppa whose currently standing at the door frame. I bowed my head down so that he can get the message that I wanted to be alone but knowing him.... he ignored it. 

"Your stubborn, Suga ...Sunbae."I decided to to callong him oppa since he's probably here to scold me or something like that. 

"Aish! Call me oppa! I'm not mad at you, you know. If you are asking if the others are mad at you, the answer is no. Heck, they are worried ! I know you're thinking about them. Dollface, why so pretty? Blame your parents to your beautiful genes. You're too gorgeous that you manage to capture the hearts of the two hottest idols in the world." he said which makes me look at him.

"I know that this sounds stressful but you needed to choose Lisa.You need to make your decision as soon as possible before they go to each others' throats." I know that oppa. 

"But remember this, we're always here for you whoever and whatever you choose Dollface." he stated while giving me a hug. I hug him as well. "Thank you, Suga oppa."

"Anytime, Dollface." I sighed, this is what I needed. 

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(a/n:A very very short UDPATE! SORRY! I'll make it up to you next time! vote. comment and enjoy this story!)
